
Harem Insanity

In a world where the protagonist's journey is threatened by a more capable adversary, the World's Will takes drastic measures. They orchestrate the demise of this formidable rival, masking it as an unfortunate accident, while the true hero, brimming with untapped potential, lies wounded before onlookers and society. But what if this man received a warning in advance? How would he react to this impending danger, and more importantly,How could he withstand the relentless assault of the world's will, determined to hinder his ascent? Armed only with a system that assigns missions, devoid of any powerful skills or items, he faces an uphill battle for survival. Follow along as our protagonist grapples with adversity, displaying resilience and determination on a treacherous journey. Can he defy the odds stacked against him, or will he succumb to the World's Will conspiring for his downfall? Discover the answers in this captivating tale of courage, wonder and lust~ ------------------------------------------- Do you know the trick to making the author of a fanfic upload daily...Give him money even if as little as 2$. For those unable to then give your power stones and review so that it can reach to those who CAN! So if you wish to give me money for my hard work then join my patreon. Patreon Link patreon.com/The_Ghost165

The_ghost · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5:- Orientation End

{So host do you wish to open the Beginner's Gift~}

I took a deep breath as I said.

"Open it"




I observed the stage stunned and happy at the gifts I had received from the system as a beginner.

I was smiling ear to ear as my eyes curled to adjust my face to my smile. I was feeling exhilarating and free.

Though I didn't accept to receive the rewards now since it could change my body and a lot could go wrong so I had decided that tonight will be the night.

The night which will change everything. The world, me and mostly the fate of these poor protagonist.

Kim Jun-Seo's eyes glinted with a determined shine with a smile on his face, which had resided quite a bit but was still present, which seemed to illuminate his entire being.

If any girls looked at him now then they will develop a life long crush on him with their hearts beating rapidly against their chest.

And fortunately, the girl next to Jun-Seo was present to witness the handsome smile of the young man. Her face blushed unknowingly as she felt cupid smile and fire his love arrows and pierce her heart engraving the handsome face with a smile on his face.

Her eyes shined brightly clearly like a girl in love as she tangled her fingers in attempt to gather her courage to talk to him.

'What are you doing Soojung!! This is the chance, talk to him! This is not the first time talking to a guy so why is my heart beating so fast?'

While she was trying to gather her courage and talk without embarrassing herself like a idiot. The big boobies woman on the stage had completed her speech.

As Kang Mijung wrapped up her speech and joined the other teachers, waves of applause and joyful shouts filled the air, bringing a warm smile to her face.

As the middle-aged man stepped onto the stage, a ripple of polite applause greeted him. Dressed in a sleek black suit, his white glasses added a touch of sophistication to his appearance. His hair, gray at the temples, framed a face marked by the passage of time, with gentle wrinkles etched around his forehead and eyes.

"Now... Will the students please gather in your designated classes?" His voice, though commanding, carried a hint of warmth.

Eagerly, the students rose from their seats, a buzz of excitement filling the air as they made their way towards the door, eager for what awaited them outside.

Jun-seo, too, joined the throng, his anticipation evident in the quickness of his steps as he hurried towards the exit, ready for the night ahead.

Soojung sat there in embarrassment at not even being able to talk to the boy next to her.

'Fu-fudge, I didn't even ask his name!! Oh god!! I'm soo stupid~'

Beyond the threshold, families waited, their faces a mix of pride and nostalgia, as they prepared to bid farewell to their sons and daughters, their eyes glistening with tears of both joy and sadness.

Amidst the chill of January, the scene was both heartwarming and bittersweet.Students, their breath forming misty clouds in the frosty air, stood bundled in their coats and scarves, and shouldering heavy bags, shared tender embraces with their mothers.



Tears glistened in the eyes of these devoted women, their expressions a mix of pride and apprehension, as they watched their children embark on the next chapter of their lives. Some waved goodbye through blurry vision, offering words of encouragement that lingered in the air long after they had departed.



"I swear I'll work real hard mom! Love You!!" Some were a crying mess while some just viewed this enviously and some indifferently.

'Dude's Crying!! It's not like you are being drafted in the military.'

Jun-seo, feelinng indifferent didn't care as he moved to the stairs to get to the male dormitory.




The dormitories, strategically positioned adjacent to the classrooms, provided convenient accommodation for students, with separate buildings designated for males and females.

The cram school had a rule that you can't go to the dormitory other than yours. You also can't go outside your rooms at night.

'Looks like I have to be careful so that no one sees me when I'm breaking the rules, hehehe.'

Jun-seo ascended the stairs with deliberate steps, his movements measured and controlled. With each footfall, he exuded a quiet confidence, his breath steady and composed. His posture remained upright, shoulders squared, as he navigated the corridor towards his room.

Each step was purposeful, a reflection of his inner calm and determination. Despite the weight of the day's events, Jun-seo maintained a serene composure, his focus unwavering as he approached his destination with quiet resolve.

Third Floor~

As he strolled down the bustling hallway, he noticed several individuals exchanging introductions, forging new connections as they became roommates.

Two of them he knew, or more like saw in the orientation. One was a cheerful guy with a bright red hair. The other was a black haired guy with long hair and cute face. He had a prude aura around him as he walked with his head slightly down.


He bumped into me while speaking with that red-haired boy.

"O-oh, I'm soo sorry!"

"Hmm, it's okay though mind where you go, okay." My eyes had widened due the new alert from the system.

{Host, protagonist detected!!}

{Kim jungsuk, Heavens Fortune - 1600}

Wh-what, oh yeah the reason I'm going to die is because I'm in the range of a protagonist.

So he is the one... The one who is the protagonist and the one that the world revolves around. He is the reason I would have been dead if not for getting this system.

'Just you wait, I will take everything from you~'

And system what is this Heavens Fortune?

{Host that the fortune of the protagonist which is made up of the opportunities or women he is going to get. The main female lead is 1000 fortune points, a secondary female lead is 500 fortune points and a minor female lead is 100 fortune points.}

Oh~ I get it now. So in total he has three women who are destined to intertwine there fate with him.

"Hey! You are the gru- the guy next to me. Hi, I'm choi Dai-il. Nice to meet you bro!" The red haired boy introduced himself to Kim jungsuk and me with a smirk and a handshake.

"Sure... And I'm Kim jungsuk."

"I'm Kim Jun-Seo. Nice to meet you!" I took his hand for handshake and clenched it tightly, something I don't know why but have done it since my first handshake.

He seemed to back off a little at that with his smirk vanishing. I nod at both of them as I made my way to my room.

Hmm, let me insult the protagonist a little... The prude looking kid is the 'great' protagonist and that stupid looking idiot is his friend.

{Indeed Host. Good Guess~}

'please, if someone in real life was told there exists a protagonist around me then he would be the obvious choice.

Just look at him... Not very tall nor short, not handsome but neither ugly, walks with a hunched back and head down and gives a aura that screams weak.

I passed by them slowly as they entered their rooms while I looked at mine. It was adjacent to their room.

A young man wearing glasses, holding his backpack and somewhat fat stood at the door, opening it. He was short being just 5'7. He could be perceived as shy and weak due to his hunching back and his eyes glued to the floor even while opening the door.


The room was mine too... Yeah he would be staying mostly out in nights for sure~

I have no fetishes or kinks related to this so when I will have sex, he will be out studing and scoring marks for his test in the library or some where else.


I nodded as a I smiled sweetly to myself.

"Yo~ I'm your roommate and the name is Kim Jun-seo. What's yours?"

I greeted the fatty with a smile and handshake though he seemed startled that I was behind him.

'poor senses'

"He-hello, I am Kim min-ho and... I hope we both have a pleasant stay!!"

As he hurriedly took my hand and loosely shook it. His voice at the end equal to screaming.

'Bro... Is bad at so many things!!'


"I hope so too~" I smile tiredly at him at his antics though he seemed oblivious as his face lit up like sun at my mutual greetings.

'Looks like he was bullied a lot in his highschool. He is Hopeless since his from his actions he probably didn't fight them.'

We enter inside the room closing the plain white door shut. The inside could be said alright with two beds, almirah and study tables.

I went to the bed, toosed the bag on the bed and flopped on the bed tired of all the shenanigans that happened today.

First an unknown blue parasite comes and shows your death count then it breaks my perspective, my reality and all the quotes that said that the world doesn't revolve around a single person.

Because it does... According to it. I found that I'm just a nuisance in the story of the great protagonist and it wants to stomp me.

Yes, stomp because a lighting on my head is enough to kill me, no need to say thanks for my awareness. Then a shitload of things happen and I'm not even clear of few but in the end I won a lottery of the system.

'That is the sole thing that could save me from this damned world and it's will!!'

Oh~ Last but not least my fateful encounter with him in which he appeared like a prude dimwit who shys at the mention of sex.

Though that is my personal observation and nothing more~

I close my eyes a little to rest my mind a little as I feel the bedsheet with my hands.


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