
Harem Insanity

In a world where the protagonist's journey is threatened by a more capable adversary, the World's Will takes drastic measures. They orchestrate the demise of this formidable rival, masking it as an unfortunate accident, while the true hero, brimming with untapped potential, lies wounded before onlookers and society. But what if this man received a warning in advance? How would he react to this impending danger, and more importantly,How could he withstand the relentless assault of the world's will, determined to hinder his ascent? Armed only with a system that assigns missions, devoid of any powerful skills or items, he faces an uphill battle for survival. Follow along as our protagonist grapples with adversity, displaying resilience and determination on a treacherous journey. Can he defy the odds stacked against him, or will he succumb to the World's Will conspiring for his downfall? Discover the answers in this captivating tale of courage, wonder and lust~ ------------------------------------------- Do you know the trick to making the author of a fanfic upload daily...Give him money even if as little as 2$. For those unable to then give your power stones and review so that it can reach to those who CAN! So if you wish to give me money for my hard work then join my patreon. Patreon Link patreon.com/The_Ghost165

The_ghost · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

All about System (updated till Chapter 4)

There are Five panels which are opened separately in the system. They are:-

Status - Shows the personal information about the host such as his name, age, skills, traits, luck and charm.

Attributes - It describes the physical and mental aspects of a being in numbers most accurately.

Inventory - The items provided by the System can be stored inside it.

Store - Multiple things can be bought from store.

Missions - Given by the System, it provides the host extra Villain Points.


[Status] [Attributes] [Inventory] [Store]


  || Name - Kim Jun-Seo ||

  || Age - 19 ||

 || Charm - 75 (Full score is 100)||

  || Luck - 20 (-100) ||

  || Skill - (Expand)||

  || Traits - (Expand)||

 || Villain Points - 0 ||

 || Power - BTA(1) but still trash ||

Note:- System Store not yet open. To open it, you need to have 1000 Villain points.

Note:- Only System items can be stored inside inventory. Unopened Beginner's Gift in inventory.


[Expanded Skills and Traits]

[Skills - Reading(6), Breathing(6), Walking(7), Running(6)]

[Traits - Adaptability(7)]

(The ranking goes goes from lower to higher that is from Rank 7 to Rank 1.)


[Status] [Attributes] [Inventory] [Store]


|| Constitution - 10 ||

|| Intelligence - 10 ||

|| Perception - 8 ||

|| Strength - 11 ||

|| Stamina - 11 ||

|| Vitality - 7 ||

|| Agility - 11 ||

|| Reflex - 7 ||


Attributes which can not be increased through stats points.


It refers to physical appearance of a being. The higher the charm out of maximum the more the being will appear pleasing and sexually attractive to the eye, to any race.


It refers to fortune encounters one comes across life. The higher the luck, the more favourable situation will be for you. Though remember that luck can only clear the path, its you who have to walk it.


Attributes which can be increased through stats points.


It refers to physical power, the ability to exert force against resistance. It's not just about muscle size, but also about how effectively your muscles can generate force. It's crucial for activities like lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying heavy objects.


It is about how quickly and efficiently you can move and change direction. It involves balance, coordination, and speed. High agility means you can move swiftly and with precision, which is valuable in activities like sports, martial arts, and navigating obstacles.


It is the structure of the body. Without it, your body will just collapse due to excessive strength or agility if constitution is not at the same level.


It encompasses overall health and resilience. It reflects your energy levels, endurance, and ability to recover from physical or mental exertion. Someone with high vitality might have robust immune function, good cardiovascular health, and a strong constitution. The higher the vitality, the higher the lifespan.


It is the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort. It's about endurance and staying power. People with high stamina can maintain activity over extended periods without becoming excessively fatigued. It's crucial for activities like long-distance running, endurance sports, and sustained mental focus.


It involves awareness and sensitivity to one's surroundings. It includes senses like sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, as well as intuition and spatial awareness. High perception means being observant, alert, and able to interpret sensory information accurately, which is valuable in many contexts, including combat, surveillance, and problem-solving.


It refers to the speed and automaticity of your body's response to stimuli. It involves both physical reflexes (like pulling your hand away from a hot stove) and mental reflexes (like instinctively ducking when something is thrown at you). High reflexes mean reacting quickly and instinctively to stimuli, which is crucial in situations requiring rapid response, such as sports, combat, and emergency situations.


It encompasses cognitive abilities such as reasoning, problem-solving, memory, and learning. It's not just about IQ but also about creativity, emotional intelligence, and practical knowledge. High intelligence enables effective decision-making, adaptability, and innovation in various domains, including academics, business, and everyday life.


Average stats of normal humans:-

Charm lies in between 0-20

Luck lies in between 0-20

Other Attributes have average of 10.

Note:- All attributes which can be increased through stats have limit for 50 points for a human being.


Heavens Fortune - Every protagonist's has Heavens Fortune, different depending on the opportunities/ women they have. Some have less Fortune while some have greater fortune.The fortune of the protagonist which is made up of the opportunities or women he is going to get.

•The main female lead is 1000 fortune points.

•The Secondary female lead is 500 fortune points.

•The Minor female lead is 100 fortune points.

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