
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime und Comics
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199 Chs

142 Usage of new abilities

This is the new ability that Mu Xiaoxiao just acquired.

And it's a special ability.

[Dickantification]: Freely change the size and hardness.

Well, it seems like a useless skill, and the price is only 10 hearts. To be honest, buying this kind of skill is just a waste?

But then again, this ability is not really useless. If you change it to another person who have a smaller one like the readers, at least using this ability can restore a man's self-confidence.

But it is really useless to Mu Xiaoxiao. After all, his original weapon is big enough. Purchasing this skill only makes him who was still in the human category reach an inhuman state.

Yukiha almost shed tears when she saw it.

It's really not necessary to make it bigger.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't plan to buy this ability at first, but now it's so good... On the one hand, he doesn't lack hearts for the time being, and on the other hand, it's also because he discovered a new use for this ability.

"Xiaoxiao, no, I really can't. You can't get in if you are so big." Serizawa Yukiha was so frightened that she turned pale. Her cheeks were all pale. She reached out and grabbed the snake behind her who was only a centimeter to devour her unexperience pussy. 'Man, my heart was trembling for a moment.'

She really felt terrified.

"It will break, I will die——"

The girl raised her eyelids tremblingly. There was fear, tension, and resentment in her eyes. What was even more terrifying was that the thing she was holding in her hand was still getting bigger? !

'This, what kind of strange ability is this!

Why are Xiaoxiao's superpowers always so weird... I'm sorry mom and dad I'm not filiar daughter enough.'

"Don't be afraid, Yukiha, a woman's body structure is very strange. Even though it's a bit scary because it's so big and seems like it can't fit in, your body can actually accommodate it. As long as you get used to it, you'll be very comfortable~"

Mu Xiaoxiao did not let go of her, and continued to push her with that exaggerated hardness, rubbing against Serizawa Yukiye's soft buttocks.

"No, I really can't, Xiaoxiao...I'm afraid~"

Seeing the girl looking at him with pitiful and aggrieved eyes, and her fearful and nervous look, Mu Xiaoxiao almost laughed out loud. Well, he did laugh out loud.

"I'm just showing you my abilities, I won't really hit you like this, don't worry," Mu Xiaoxiao comforted her with a smile, "Besides, today is your first time, Yukiha, how could I be so reckless? ?Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

If he really inserted it with this type of penis, it would indeed break and kill Yukiha. Of course Mu Xiaoxiao would not do that.

"Mouu~ Xiaoxiao, you are really scaring me," the girl's expression suddenly turned resentful, her heart gradually dropped, she let go of her hand, and let the exaggerated big guy squeeze into the crack of her buttocks.

He rubbed against the tender garden area.

She believed that Xiaoxiao would not hurt herself, so she was not as scared as before...

"Because Yukiha, your expression look so interesting," Mu Xiaoxiao leaned forward, playing with the girl's thigh, biting her earlobe gently, and spoke in a low voice, "And... My ability has a special and wonderful use, and I will definitely impress you Yukiha today."

The impression was very deep now. She might never forget that exaggerated and ferocious guy.

But just like Mu Xiaoxiao said, this ability to freely change size does have a special purpose, and soon Yukiha will be more impressed and addicted to it.

And this usage is...

"Yukiha, I'm coming in~"

'Xiaoxiao's voice echoed in my ears, and I could feel his breathing hitting my ears. It was itchy, numb, and very comfortable. The mischievous hand on my chest had been torturing my white boobs for a while.'

The plump breasts that had been protected for more than ten years were just played with by Xiaoxiao, and the pure body was ravaged by Xiaoxiao and marked with his mark. However, Yukiha was filled with joy and looked forward to becoming one with Xiao Xiao.

"Well, Xiaoxiao, you...insert into my body..."

The apron she wore was askew, with various wrinkles appearing on it. The girl's bangs on her forehead were slightly messy, and her black hair stood beside her face. She turned her head and kissed Mu Xiaoxiao with her seductive red lips.

The heat in her cheeks keeps rising.

The skin on the body was soon filled with a layer of charming pink.

Serizawa Yukiha didn't notice that the thing lingering at the entrance of the cave was no longer as huge and scary as before. It gradually became smaller until it was a size that a virgin could bear, and then slowly pushed forward.

Squeezing open the two tender pieces of soft flesh, the juice overflowed and squeezed into her body bit by bit. The moment Serizawa Yukiha felt the tearing pain coming, Mu Xiaoxiao finally sank into her body.


'She stepped in the ladder of adult... and finally truly became one with Xiaoxiao.

That thing was stirring inside my body, big and hot...

And a little pain.'

But soon, the pain was overwhelmed by another huge wave of pleasure. Unknown to Serizawa Yukiha, the thing in her body was constantly fine-tuning its size to form a model that perfectly matched hers.

Obviously, bigger is not better, the most suitable is the best. However, there is no perfect match in this world, and everyone's situation is different, and it is impossible to satisfy multiple girls at the same time using the most perfect tool for them.

Mu Xiaoxiao was the only exception.

The new ability gives him changing functions, allowing him to continuously fine-tune his model to perfectly match any woman, and the result is the Yukiha in front of him.

Her expression was blurred now, her red lips were slightly open, and she was completely immersed in this pleasure and couldn't extricate herself. Although it was Yukiha's first time, she didn't feel any discomfort, and she even tasted the ultimate happiness that even Makoto, Yui and the others had never experienced...

The excitement of reaching the peak made Yukiha's whole body in a state of excitement. She was constantly facing the impact of the young man behind her, and she felt that his body was constantly sublimating and evolving.

She's in cstasy——

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't use any skills and simply thrust inside a few times. Yukiha could hardly bear it anymore and was so dizzy that she almost reached climax.

"How's it going? Yukiha? Are you comfortable?"

Mu Xiaoxiao saw all her expressions and was very satisfied with her change in condition.

"Well, Xiaoxiao, I, I have become so strange. My body feels I'm going to die. I am going to die to pleasure." The black-haired girl leaned on his arms infatuatedly. She felt that she was the happiest moment in her life. Her body and The double psychological happiness made her feel like she was in heaven.

'How could it be, so comfortable...

Doing lewd things, surprisingly can be so happy? No wonder Chi-chan and the others have such obsessed expressions.'

Seeing Yukiha's obsessed face, the corner of Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth raised, and then fell down again, "Okay, that's all the new ability can do."

But to make her feel so comfortable, this should be considered a kind of Noble Phantasm for women.


What's more, it wasn't just Yukiha who was comfortable. With the perfect fit between the two parties, Mu Xiaoxiao also experienced that special pleasure. With Yukiha's tight valley, clamping him tightly, it was simply...Bliss on earth.

"Yukiha, I'm fast too..." Mu Xiaoxiao was about to give up his arms. This kind of pleasure was really unbearable.

"Cum, cum in, cum in all inside, Xiaoxiao~"

The girl's eyes turned into pink hearts and she squeezed him tightly, as if she had turned into a succubus sucking the essence, trying to squeeze out all the Xiaoxiao's life force.

Words for today's chapter.

askew: not in a straight or level position.(crooked)(tilted) and (uneven)

Lovable_Caincreators' thoughts