
Chapter 2

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What is it Hardin asks in a cold voice?

I don't even know what to say or do. I was mentally shaking and scared.

"I-I-i am pregnant". I took a huge gulp of air. I have been missing my period lately and After today's mall. I went to the female gynaecologist at NYU. He just glare at my stomach for longer periods than necessary.

"I will fix a date with the doctor and we will see what we can do about it"... He said in a cool manner

But at least l was not scolded about any of this.

I should rest finally something to look up to..... Thank you God.

Don't you think he stops your college because of the pregnancy...No l don't think so...My mind is just acting like a devil and you won't get me ...

Next Morning

As usual, I  woke up at exactly 6:5 a With time l don't even need to use to wake up...I quickly did my morning prayer and go to the bathroom to have some shower and treat my face routine...

When l was done with that ...l went to the work-in closet and choose a cool outfit for the day everything was screaming perfection ... By the time l was done. Hardin was awake with his usual don't disturb me face.I just stare at him from afar...

He took his reading glasses and check some things on his bedside laptop and routine notes. Even after all these years, l wish he could accept me into his life rather than only his wife

Yes, we did everything a married couple does but it just lacks love Everything is always pale and blank.

"Good morning Hardin" ..l said with my usual morning smile

"Morning"  he mumbled tiredly.

"I have given Dr Sam a Call and he would be around by 9:00 am so ensure you at there early".

Oh so he fixes the time with the doctor already..l am So happy. l think l will take the picture of the scan and make an album of it to the last stage ...

"And wear something more decent this is showing too much".. he said in his usual irritated voice and walk out of the room...

I don't think this is exposing ..l love the way my waist and hip look defined in it ...hmm but as usual l always have to dress to his satisfaction. I have to walk and even think to his satisfaction.  or I have to keep quiet and maintenance courtesy.

"Good morning Dr Sam" ..l am Mrs Greyson l said with a polite smile.

"Good morning Mrs Greyson".. he said with this comforting smile

"You must be Hardin Wife so Mr Greyson already tell me what to do all you have to do is sign the papers and we will get it removed".Sign!! what contacts are you talking about? ...I think you are mistaking l am here to check on my baby not to remove it ...

"I think there is a mix-up here l start to panic about the possibility of something bad happening to the child.

"It's no problem Ma'am do you recognize your husband signature".

Dr Sam ask in a calm voice

Yes,l do ... l confirm in a bold voice. Thank God l have seen him sign on a few occasions

Alright ma'am, Please Confirm the signature if it is your husband

The doctor brought the file and to my surprise, it was his signature on an abortion page

Seeing the Abortion Clearly on the page caused a sharp pain in my heart

"To clear all doubt would you be kind enough to give your husband a call" ..... The doctor said in a cool tone.

After a few rings, he picked the call

H: Hello

B:Hmm Hi,l am actually at the doctor office and l want to confirm some things from you

(A whole part of me was scared but l have to have faith in God about this)

H:Go Ahead ....l don't have all day long ... he snaps in at me

B: The doctor said you fix the appointment for Abortion instead of a Checkup

H:Yes,l fix the appointment and he is an expert in Abortion babies ...(him saying this broke my heart ... Children are a gift from God he can't just take that from me)

B:I don't think this is the right decision .. please can we talk about this at home ..l said packing my bag to leave the doctor office

H: Hell no ..Yo you are not that mistake need to be out and on your way back go to the gynaecologist section and get birth control pills ...l said like he didn't just want to kill a child just now

B: please listen to me ..l think this

I just heard a beep meaning the line was cut...He hangs up on me.

Staring at the doctor ..l gave him a sad smile... There is no mistake he fixes the appointment for Abortion...

But I don't want to abort the child .. please is there any help you can offer about this

The doctor took a few minutes to think and within this minute l saw a flash of pity in his eyes but was gone so quickly that l was wondering if it was ever there

"Mrs Greyson the only thing l can do is to advise you to talk to his parents about it or convince him otherwise"... That is the only thing l help l can offer

Honestly, The doctor move a bit out of his professional Ethics just to help me

I gave him a thank full smile .... "please can you send his money back to him and l will pay for the Abortion instead"...l said hoping the doctor will agree to it...

Ok, ma'am, "Mr Greyson pay 5790 dollars for the Abortion"..l honestly was shocked it's freaking too expensive... But Hardin has always had a problem with child, marriage, and stuff relating to them

I can't believe he paid so much just to get rid of it.. ..l. don't think l have up to that right now.

"Thank you so much, Doctor. l appreciate it. Have a nice day".

You too Mrs Greyson...it was a pleasure meeting you...

Same here Doc.

I honestly don't know what happened but l believe God help me through

At night

I was thinking about how to tell his stepmother about this and how she will react to it ...

"Ma'am", The Head of Maid service call my attention.

Yes,l said urging her to speak further

"Sire is around and he would like to see you at the dinner table".

Yes sure .... Thanks

And please quickly set up the table it's getting late now...

Good evening Hardin"..l mumble and took a seat beside him

"Evening how was your day" was what he said in return...one thing about Hardin is he barely hid his intentions good or evil...

Just then The maid starts serving the food that was saved by the Bell..l mentally thank God.

And we start eating...

**At the bedroom**

He was now on his side of the bed typing something on the side system and l took the time to quickly take a shower and follow my routine ..l know if l don't do the routine he would know something is wrong and would most likely ask about the morning visit to the doctor...

Just when l was done with the facial routine...he look up and start talking about the doctor's visit

"So you called earlier today just to confirm the Abortion contract".

Hmm was all l could say

"it is one thing be stuck to this marriage, it's another thing to be required to act as your husband all the time and now you want to add being a father  to list".." what else do you want"..he said with a very frustrating look

"I just think Abortion is too high..l can take good care of the kids you do have to worry about it" ...l said in a low voice thinking it will calm him down.

"DON'T You Get it I DON'T WANT A CHILD WITH YOU ...l never want a child and even if l plan on having one it is so definitely not going to be you"...He said in a cold tone

"What is wrong with me .. Don't l deserve love and kindness ...All he ever does is to shout, Snap, and Control every step of my life" ...l said completely heartbroken..l don't even know when the waterwork starts...

"This mistake has to go and that is Final"....he said leaving no room for discussion

"Convert your Classes to Online was all" he said before shutting down his system and switching off his side lamp

Leaving me in a damp light

Just like this awful marriage

If I ever know the effect of one side love is real..l would have never done it

I went to my side of the bed praying and after a while start thinking about what to do about this stubborn Hardin. And the l heard a light deep sleep snore...