
Harbingers of Chaos

This Novel is based on the PlanetSide Universe. The Story is about the Last Terran Republic MAX UNIT of the Outfit, Harbingers of Chaos, simply known as the «HOCZ». A MAX UNIT is a Juggernaut in an incredibly strong and durable power armour. The main chatacter joins random squads of the Republic in the fight against its Eternal Enemies: the New Conglomarate, simply known as the «NC» and the Vanu Sovereignty, simply known as «VS». He is Hated, Feared and Praised by all three Empires. An Outfit can be seen as a Clan or Distinctive, Autonomous Squads that are deployed in the Battlefields and together Fight and Achieve certain Objectives that are given from their Superiors. Among them, the Harbingers of Chaos, was the Best. The «HOCZ» was his only family and the reason he fought. Now, it's previous members defected and joined the enemy, leaving him alone. What is PlanetSide? PlanetSide is a massively-multiplayer online first-person-shooter video game published by Sony Online Entertainment and released on May 20, 2003. PlanetSide chronicles the efforts of Three Factions (Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, Vanu Sovereignty) as they fight for territorial control over four continents on the planet Auraxis. Players take on the role of individual soldiers fighting for one of the Three Factions within the game, and can specialize in various fields such as Combat Vehicle Crewman, Infantry and Pilot or a variety of Combat Support  Roles such as Combat Medic, Engineer, Infiltrator, Light Assault, Heavy Assault and MAX Unit. The game is played primarily in a first person perspective, with the option of third-person (only when in vehicles). Unlike most shooting games, in which small-scale matches take place in essentially an instanced map, PlanetSide Battles can involve hundreds of players in a single fight. PlanetSide battles concern control over territory and strategic points, and can cause repercussions to all Three Factions. To date, PlanetSide remains one of the few MMOFPS games ever created, and it's widely accepted to be one of the Best, if not the Best of its kind. In November, 2012 a sequel, PlanetSide 2 was released bringing in new mechanics, graphics, equipment and more fierce battles. #PlanetSide #MakeWarStories #LoyaltyUntilDeath

Some_Random_Guy1 · Videospiele
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22 Chs

Chapter 4

(Skip the first patagraph if you already know the tanks.

For those who dont know the game Planetside 2, I wil explain some of the things. A Lightning tank is a fast, agile tank than has a single barrle. The Lightning can be used by all factions. The Prowler tank is a heavy tank that has two barrles with the highest damage out of all the faction spesific tanks, it can also go into lockdown mode that would make it a mobile artillery piece, it is for the Terran Republic only. The Vangaurd is a tank with the highest armor rating out of the faction spesific tanks and has medium damage, it can also activate a temporary shield that acts like armour, it is for the New Conglomarate only. The Magrider is the most agile tank out of all the faction spesific tanks and can float in the air, this makes it able to climb onto impossible places such as a mountain. The magrider deals the lowest damage, it is for the Vanu Soveirngty only. The Colossus, this tank is the largest, deadliest and most badass tank in the game. The Colossus can go into lockdown mode and use the extremely massive cannon to shoot bastions out of the sky, while being protected by a dome-like shield, it can be used by all factions.)

"Holy shit! Did ya see this place?!" Buck shouted while running to the other Engineers rooms.

"I cant believe how much he has and he was the only one in this outfit for over ten years!" said a younger engineer while removing his helmet.

"Its becuase he couldnt use it since he was a MAX unit." Said another younger engineer that looks similar to the previous one.

"I--Er, are you twins?" Buck asked while squinting his eyes.

"Yeah. I'm Ryan and he's Alan. You can tell us apart with the mole on Alan's chin." Ryan said while pointing at Alan's mole.

"I see. Well whatever. We should all get some sleep and see what kind of training the Boss has for us."Buck said while walking out and towards his room.


The next day, Ivar and the others went to the Zombie crew's personal VR training. This training ground can simulate any weapon in the Republic for any soldier to test. This particular VR training ground can simulate even vehicles for testing.

"Alright you lazy fucks!!! Today you all will be learning our outfit's spesific strategy and fighting style! But first a little warm up!" Ivar yelled while everyone stood with their hands behind their backs.

"Sir! Yes, Sir!!!"

"Your warm up is to run one lap around the simulated island we are on!" Ivar said while grinning

The recruits were all shocked and instantly regretted joining. 'It would take three hours to run around the island and that was his warm up?' is what everyone was thinking.

"Start running!" Ivar yelled.

There was a short pause before the soldiers started to lightly jog. They logically thought that they should jog and preserve energy.

"Lets all sing one of those army songs!" Amanda said.

"Good idea! I'll start! Ahem... I dont know but I've been told!" Buck started to sing and soon the rest of them sang along

Ivar waited ten minutes until they were a good distance away and over the hill before turning back and heading towards the vehicle terminal.

"Spawn Colossus..." Ivar said to the terminal.

A huge tank got simulated next to Ivar. He climbed into the tank and started it.


"Lets go." Ivar said and sounded the Colossus warhorn that sounds like a robot T-rex growling.


"Lets sing it again comrades!" Buck yelled and they all happily sang while slowly jogging on the simulated beach.


Ivar came and ramped over the hill and landed while shaking the ground. He then drove fyll speed down the beach towards the group jogging.

"What da fuck is he doing?!! Hes going to run us over!!" One of the Heavy Assualts screamed


They all started running and some even tumbled over. They all wished they didnt join this outfit the moment Ivar started shooting at them.


Ivar shot at the running group and they all started running faster. In VR training, you cant die if your shot but you feel the pain as realisticly as possible, so in other words they will feel the pain of being blown to pieces if they do not run.

"HAHAHAHA!!! YOU ALL WERE SO COCKY TO JOG WHEN I SAID RUN, RIGHT!!! LOYALTY UNTIL DEATH!!!!" Ivar started shouting over the microphone like a madman and shot closer to the running group.

"MOMMY!!!" A infiltrator cried while running like a rabbit.

Ivar opened the screen on his left arm and put in coordinates. After he entered the coordinates, a robotic voice could be heard.


A orbital strike is like a nuke to destroy a small area and Ivar ordered it on their location. Since Ivar is in the Colossus, he will be fine, but the soldiers running for their life, will feel a shit ton of simulated pain.



One and a half hour later.

The recruits came running back to where they first started running with Ivar following behind. They where all exhausted and soaking wet with sweat.

"Good! Now we will start your training!" Ivar said while climbing out of the tank. The soldiers fell on the ground and cept lying there.

"Sir! Please...can we...have a...break?!" One of the other medics asked while heavily breathing.

"NO! We are Zombie crew! We fight even after we die and while we live, we will FIGHT EVEN HARDER! GET UP AND MOVE TOWARDS THAT BASE!!!" Ivar shouted and all the soldiers stood up and jogged to the base while their breathing could be heard from a mile away.

"This...is...hell..." Amanda said while they jogged.

"I...must...endure...to work...in the...Bastion..." Buck said while jogging faster than the rest of them.

Once the soldiers entered the building, they could finally catch a breath because Ivar was in a MAX suit and was walking slowly to the base. When Ivar got there, he went to the nearest terminal in the building and spawned all kinds of weapons.

"First I want Buck and three other Engineers to come here." Ivar ordered.

The four Engineers came to Ivar and stood straight and saluted while obviously looking very tired and weak. Ivar handed each of them a sniper rifle.

"This is the NS-Archer rifle. This rifle can peel armour off a vangaurd like peeling a banana. Heare a spesific implants and tools as well."

The Engineers took the rifles and the other equipment. Implants are a technolagy implanted in the soldiers armour to give certain advantages and abillities to the soldier. The implants Ivar gave these four were, Sweeper HUD and Ammo printer. With these implants, they can detect mines at a far away distance and be able to print ammo for vihicles.

"Next is the other four Engineers."

Ivar handed each of them a T5-AMC carbine. Ivar handed them the Regenaration and Robotics Technician, so that they can regenarate without the help of a medic and so that the turrets they deploy can have extra armour.

"Now the Light Assualts."

Ivar gave them each the Kindred carbine and handed them the Regenaration and Symbiote Implants. The Symbiote implant can absorb twenty percent of damage from guns but will damage your internal organs if your out of combat for a minute. That is why Ivar gave them Regenaration to.

"Infiltrators come here"

Ivar handed them each a NSX Daimyo sniper rifle and Infravision and Avoidance implants, so they can see enemies in infrared and so they can be ignored by enemy Spitfire turrets.

"Medics next"

Ivar handed each of them the TORQ-9 assault rifle with Regenaration and Carapace implants. Carapace replaces shields with more health and Regenaration compliments that nicely.

"Next is the Heavies."

Ivar gave each of them a Mini-Chaingun and Regenaration and Symbiote implants.

Finally each of them was armed even if it was only in a simulation, they were all relieved. After all a soldier without a gun is as good as dead.

"You all will get those equipment after we finish your training so get used to it now!" Ivar said while closing the terminal.

They were shocked that they would be given the equipment that Ivar just gave them. Normally outfits dont buy anything for their soldiers and leave them to buy their own stuff with their salary. So the fact that Ivar just said that he will give them equipment was quite surprising.

"Now lets begin. I will give you five minutes to fortify the point terminal on the second floor. I will spawn two squads of simulated NC soldiers with four MAX units that will try and take the base." Ivar said while walking out the building.

The soldiers were yet again shocked because they thought he was going to teach them the "Zombie crew way of fighting" but instead they are left to survive two squads of enemies.

"Okay listen up! Me and my four engineers will put down tank mines for the MAX guys. The other Engineers will put down Spitfire turrets and hardlight barriers for cover. Heavies, guard the entrances. Medics stay in the centre of the room to heal the injured. Infiltrators on the roof and snipe at incoming enemies. Light assaults on the roof to cover them. Lets go!" Buck instantly took charge and gave orders and they all quicly followed his orders.

Ivar was happy that Buck joined his outfit since he has leadership. But Ivar was about to shit in their plans. Ivar chose to make the NC soldiers a bit stronger and have a lot of grenades and other explosives.


The two squads spawned, both on oppiste sides of the buildings and quickly ran into the building while getting sniped at.

"Their in the building!!!" a Infiltrator yelled down to the stairs.

"Heavies prepare!!!" Buck yelled.

Ivar programmed the MAX units to have Sweeper HUD and they avoided the mines but shot at them so they can explode.

"Okay the MAX guys are down now its just the--" Buck said while getting shot at with shotguns.

*Doof Doof Doof*

Much to the poor Buck's surprise, the MAX units were alive and started unloading heavy shotgun shots hat them. The other infantry flanked to the other stairs that was now left alone because the heavies turned around to fight the MAX units. The NC infantry threw genades at them and the medics and turrets died first.


The Light assaults an infiltrators on the roof dicided to come down from the roof and was quickly met by shotguns that continued to shoot the fuck out of them. Needless to say they failed.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! For you to lose that hard to NC simulations!!! HAHAHA!!!" Ivar bursted out with laughter and accidently shot a few rounds at the ground as he gripped the trigger from laughing.

The recruits in front of Ivar didnt look happy at all and might be thinking of just quitting, but they cant since they can only quit after a year of joining the outfit.

"*Taking in a deep breath*...Okay. That was funny. Now let me tell you your mistakes. First of all, who da fuck guards the roof? Second, none of you stood your ground and fought. A Combat medic has to fight first and then be a medic, so why did all of you hide in the middle? Engineers, you all did a nice job with the defences but why didnt you place caltrops in the entrances of the building? A MAX cant get through a caltrop and is vunerable against light assaults with C4 on the roof. Infiltrators, you could have flanked and get behind the enemy and knive them or shoot them in the head. Heavies, try better." Ivar explained their mistakes and walked away.

"Tomorrow, we are heading to Amerish so remember what happened today, and if you forget tomorrow, then I dont need you in my outfit."

They all followed behind and moved to their rooms. In every room was the equipment that Ivar gave them in the simulation, including new HAVOC armour of each person.

"At least he treats as a lot better than other outfits would, even though he is an asshole" Alan said.

"He's like that probably because he wants us to live. Other outfits dont have training. He's kind in his own fucked up way." Buck said while stroking the big rifle in his hands.

"I think I'll call her Betsy~"

Buck was in bliss.

Okay also alot of explainations to paint the picture. Bare with it cuz the next chapter will get more juicy


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