
The Uchiha Massacre - 1

Chapter Soundtrack: "Solitude" by Ryuichi Sakamoto

Gaara narrowed his pale green eyes.

Haku was a very worthy opponent.

Not caring that his friends and possibly other villagers were watching him display the terrible power that struck fear into the hearts of the people of Suna, Gaara unleashed a very mild projectile of sand at the Water Country boy.

Haku made a sound that resembled a startled gasp before stumbling back towards the water fountain he had utilized during his bout with Naruto.

'Gaara's sand moves fast like my water!'

Haku waved his arms, raising a defensive wall of water to deflect his opponent's strike. He watched Gaara regroup, his sharp eyes studying his every move.

Every fleeting moment was a chance for Gaara to observe Haku and dissect his strategy. He wanted to turn his own method against him, and avoid that amazing water ability that had so easily throttled Naruto.

The sand pulled away lightly, and the wall of water that had been protecting the dark haired boy splashed uselessly down to the pavement.

It was a sign that he was weakening.

Jiraiya frowned to himself as he watched. Even though Haku had dispatched Naruto quickly the overzealous blonde had clearly tired him out.

Gaara had a fine opportunity to finish what Naruto had started.

Still, Haku had superb chakra control, and a few direct hits would be more than enough to overpower Gaara.

'But the farm boy's chakra is limited, that's for sure...' The sennin noted while watching him retreat to the fountain for cover.

Jiraiya had taken notice that Haku was panting heavily. He wouldn't be able to hold out very long if Gaara decided to get serious.

Apparently that was the case.

"Come on Haku! Whack him! You did it to me!" Naruto cheered his fatigued friend on.

Neji and Hinata looked on apprehensively, while Sakura seemed in awe of Gaara's unique power.

Haku took a deep breath and raised a hand slowly over his head. Gaara vigilantly observed as a stream of water raised itself from the small pool behind the dark haired boy and it lashed out at him suddenly; whip-like almost.

Automatically, Gaara's sand shield surrounded him, nullifying Haku's attack. The red head wasn't entirely expecting it either; his sand sometimes acted on its own accord.

Naruto fell quiet as he watched the next move, unsure of who would come out victorious.

With a soft grunt of effort, Haku raised a number of strands. Three, four, five...Gaara quickly lost count. He could feel a slight jolt as Haku summoned the reserves of his chakra. The red haired boy aimed for patience, understanding Haku was pressing his limits.

Multiple jets of water were fired at Gaara, only to be countered with his wisps of sand. Haku suddenly felt frustrated, this was very different from fighting Naruto.

Very different indeed.

'Just a bit more...' Haku thought to himself while pummeling Gaara's defenses.

The large amount of water he had used had lowered the surface of the fountain slightly, which in turn began to dampen Gaara's sand.

It was Gaara's turn to frown. Haku had again used that sharp wit of his.

His sand steadily became more slow and clumsy: heavy with the weight of the saturated grains.

Like that was going to stop him.

Haku did not stray from the fountain, intending to keep the battle in his preferred element. Gaara wouldn't have it.

Gaara let his sand soar in a wave towards Haku, but his slothful weapon had failed when speed was needed, and reached the fountain after Haku had aptly dodged.

'Well, well...the tables are about to turn, you little sand squirt...' Jiraiya thought, quite entertained.

Hinata and Sakura gasped as Gaara's sand shot forward relentlessly, delivering a swift, vicious blow.

Reaching into his chakra reserves again, Haku managed another water shield, more spherical; similar to what Gaara had defended himself with.

"He's been watching me too..." Gaara said softly to himself.

Haku was a true challenge and he had quickly earned Gaara's undying respect.

Neji had turned to the toad sennin, "Haku is straining himself."

Jiraiya nodded, "Yep, and it's actually a good example of what really goes on in the field."

He momentarily drew the children's attention away from the fight.

"You all want to be ninja right? So understand this: when you're on a mission or get ambushed, you won't always be in the best of health," The sage said matter-of-factly, "Your enemies will seek to wear you down until you are reduced to your last breath; that I can guarantee you."

Hinata gulped, "It is so d-dangerous...if you get s-sick or injured..."

Jiraiya shrugged, "Well, that's what medic-nin are for, and sheesh, it's not like every mission has life or death situations, princess."

The Hyuga girl lowered her eyes, "I know…"

"Don't listen to Ero-sennin, Hinata-chan! He's just trying to scare you!" Naruto stood by her and frowned at the sennin.

She lifted her head and smiled gratefully at the blonde boy.

"Whatever, just hush up and watch." The sage snapped, restoring the group's attention to the proper place.

'I wonder what Hokage-sama thinks about this match up...' Jiraiya thought.

Haku realized that he had to end the fight or Gaara would end it for him.

'I have to use the last of my chakra...there's no other way I can fight him...' He resolved while watching sand creep around the circumference of the fountain.

Haku dug deep within himself, scraping up the last of his chakra and forcing the water around him to obey. The strain was so immense; his companions could sense the surge of his chakra.

Even the dense blonde could feel it, so he made it known, "What was that? I feel strange all of the sudden."

"You're feeling Haku's chakra." Sakura answered simply, unable to withdraw her eyes from the sparring match.

"We all are." Neji confirmed.

Gaara watched as a vortex of the remainder of the water fountain's contents raised itself like a looming serpent into the air. He grinned to himself.

Now Haku was desperate.

The funnel motion Haku had developed Gaara mimicked with his sand and he launched his counterstrike to meet Haku's. Jiraiya was greatly entertained by how Haku proved valiant in his struggles and how the red head could be nearing victory.

Sand and water collided with a huge force, and the recoil was just as bad for the two combatants. Both boys were forced back a number of feet while deflecting the other's blow. It appeared to be a stalemate.

What Haku hadn't counted on was Gaara's improvisation.

Upon analyzing Haku's fight with Naruto, Gaara was certain that Haku had no proficiency in hand to hand combat. The red haired boy ducked away from the clashing beams of water and sand and ran at Haku. The onlookers were surprised by the full-out assault.

Haku was not at all prepared. He had been preoccupied with his water barrage. Without thinking he exhaled, freezing a puddle on the ground into ice. Gaara slipped on it, but caught himself, and carried on towards Haku.

Gaara's hand balled into a fist and connected solidly with Haku's chest.

Again, the dark haired boy made a startled sound, acknowledging he had been defeated.

Or that's how it looked at first.

"Whoa!" Naruto was in hysterics as Haku stumbled back and collapsed into the fountain, "Gaara just hit Haku!"

Sakura thrust her fist in the air triumphantly, "Yeah! I knew Gaara-kun would win!"

Neji and Hinata were too surprised to form an opinion about the outcome.

Jiraiya, however, had seen it coming from a mile away, 'Damn sand kid...'

Gaara stood on the lip of the fountain, looking down at Haku who struggled to regain his composure. His chakra was nearly depleted and he had no hope of contending physically with the larger, bolder Gaara.

'He out-smarted me...' Haku considered his friend's strategy, 'He knew that I can't fight without water.'

As painful as it was for him to admit, Gaara had found his weakness. But Haku decided to accept his loss with a smile.

Gaara wasn't smiling.

He hadn't hit Haku hard, but he wanted to.

It had frightened him how he had wanted to hurt Haku. The adrenalin coursing through his veins when he had moved in for his unwarranted punch still left him itching to fight; to attack.

But Haku was down and he didn't look like he could continue.

It was time to stop. He had won. Well done.

Gaara's eyes snapped wide open, 'No! Not you again!'

You wanted to use more chakra. You wanted to hurt him. It pleased me to watch.

'No! I won't hurt Haku! I can't hurt anyone anymore!'


Gaara abruptly screamed.

He fell back from the fountain, covering his ears as if he were listening to some terrifying sound that only he could hear. It instantly frightened his companions.

"Gaara-kun?" Sakura was alarmed at the sight.

Jiraiya felt his stomach leap into his throat, 'Has the Tanuki decided to resurface?'

They looked on in confusion as Gaara stumbled to the ground as if stricken. He was thrashing wildly and crying out like he was being attacked.

"Sand kid..." The sennin muttered while he hurried over to the flailing child.

"No! No!" Gaara was rolling around, raking his hands through his hair.

Don't push me away, it's useless.

'No! You're evil!'

I am not evil. I simply want what I want.

Haku wobbled to his feet and watched Gaara sob his eyes out on the sidewalk. He felt a little guilty for some reason, although he wasn't exactly sure why Gaara was in a panic in the first place. 'Gaara didn't hit me that hard...I'm alright.' He confirmed.

Jiraiya bent down to the red haired boy, "Hold still squirt, you'll be alright."

Gaara was inconsolable. His sand thrashed about as well, giving the sage a few painful blows to the face.

"No more fighting for a while, kid." Jiraiya grabbed hold of his arm, "This seal of yours isn't stable like the blonde squirt's is."

Haku ran over to Jiraiya who was busy performing a four-point sealing technique to restrain Gaara's weakened seal. Due to the boy's screaming Haku couldn't tell if it was Jiraiya who may have been hurting him.

"Gaara!" Naruto rushed to him with Sakura in tow, not understanding what had happened.

Neji made Hinata keep her distance and she protested.

"It isn't safe, Hinata-sama," He said gently, "We'll wait for things to calm down before we get closer."

Not as if he wasn't concerned for Gaara's well-being, but primarily he felt that it would be worse if he failed to insure the safety of his cousin. Gaara had already given Jiraiya a mouthful of sand at that point.

The sealing was done quickly and before Gaara had another moment to scream the exertion left him unconscious.

Haku, Naruto and Sakura had no idea what had taken place.

"What's wrong with Gaara-kun?" Sakura demanded.

Haku's voice shook, "Did I...hurt him?"

"No, it wasn't you Haku," Jiraiya assured him, lifting Gaara up, "I can't explain it right now-"

"You better explain it, Ero-sennin!" Naruto hollered in the old ninja's face, "Gaara was screaming like...I don't know! If you know something then tell us!"

Jiraiya sighed, "All I can tell you squirts is that the sand kid needs, er- 'medical' attention. You all wait here. I'm taking him to see the Hokage."

In a cloud of smoke, Jiraiya had disappeared with Gaara, leaving five very puzzled children behind. Neji and Hinata joined their companions.

"W-What happened t-to Gaara-kun?" The Hyuga heiress asked.

Naruto grimaced, "We don't know. Ero-sennin wouldn't tell us."

Haku was quiet, still believing that he had somehow caused Gaara's fit.

"Something was wrong with his chakra," Neji pointed out, "Didn't you feel it? It grew and he started to panic."

Sakura nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I noticed it too. I...I just hope he's okay..."

"Hokage-sama and Gama-sennin w-will look after him, Sakura-chan." Hinata said softly.

Naruto grinned, "Yeah, we've seen Gaara worse! This one time he fell out of this cloud-thingy and when Haku and I found him he looked horrible. I think he'll be okay though!"

Although it had only been about two hours since Naruto and his company prevented him from getting the Caged Bird seal, Neji decided that they had seen enough excitement for the day.

"I hope that Gaara-san feels better soon," Neji said honestly, "Hinata-sama and I should probably be going home now."

Hinata gave her cousin a bothered look, but then nodded to him.

"Thank you for all of your h-help," Hinata smiled, "I w-would like it if we could see each other again sometime s-soon."

Naruto gave her his foxy grin, "Sure thing Hinata-chan! How does tomorrow sound?"

She nodded, "That s-sounds perfect."

"Goodbye." Neji bade their friends farewell before leading his cousin along for her training.

Hinata smiled to herself as she thought, 'Neji-niisan didn't get the Caged Bird seal...and I can show father the jutsu Gama-sennin showed us! I hope Gaara-kun will be alright...'

It looked like it was going to be a good day.