
happy life in doulou dalu

yuehan is an orphan boy talented in wood carving. How will he survive in the world of doulou dalu 1. all the girls in doulou dalu is great but no harem someone can continue this if they want(I doubt anyone would)

bennett_keller · Andere
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21 Chs

academy life

yuehan is awakened from someone landing on his bed. he looks around dorm seven curiously about the ruckus. he notices one knocked out kid that looks like a punching back and two other kids jumping around the room while fighting each other. a boy with dark blue hair with matching eyes and a girl with a loud voice with brown hair and pink eyes.

"Whoever won is the boss," the person who crashed into yuhans bed says aloud for the people in the dorm can hear. my name is Xiao Wu, the wu from Tioa wu, from now on call me boss wu" the boss of dorm seven says loudly."Yes, boss wu," dorm seven said in unison. with all of dorm 7 here, they chose their sleeping arrangements as well as introducing all of dorm seven.



this is how Xiao Wu introduced herself in the manhau



the next day, the dorm is awakened by Xiao Wu kicking the beds after Tang San combed her hair.

today, the class was assigned a single class about the basics of cultivation and the types of spirits. during the class, we had to introduce ourselves and our spirit soul. when tang san brought out his river grass, the room was erupted in giggles but became quite when they heard that he is already level ten while most of the class is level 2 to 5 with the highest being Xiao wu level 10 soft bone rabbit, Wang sheng level 9 battle tiger and yuehan level 7 pocketwatch.

after class ends, they are allowed to roam the campus freely for the next couple of days to get used to campus life. the team of four decided to head to the cafeteria first. "Does the cafeteria have any carrots? any fresh ones?" Xiao wu asks in anticipation. "they aren't any on the first floor, I don't know about the seco---i what to go to the second floor." Xiao, wu interrupts Wang Shang in excitement.

"Oh, loser scholarship students, today's lunch will be on the generous me," said a blond senior from the second floor. "I'm the boss of dorm 7, and you can't bully my underlying," says Xiao wu while throwing a kick at the senior. " Was there such a cute Loli mixed in with the losers?" The senior says with a smile on his face, while another senior with black hair blocks the kick for him, and blocks tang san next blow with his now summon pole spirit before his eyesight is blocked by tang san martial soul and Xiao wu goes for another kick right between the legs


"No fighting in the cafeteria," a skinny middle-aged man with white hair and grey bored eyes interrupts the fight. and points to tang san to come with him.

"Wang Sheng, is the food on the first floor good?". Yuehan asks, still in a daze from the earlier fight. "yea the food with most attrition is brought here from the surrounding area I hear that it for our growth but how does broccoli help our growth except empty our stomach, I say hear they have chocolate ship cookies up on the second floor" wang disappointment. "Hey, stop drooling. You're making at least five other people throw up their lunch," Yuehan says while picking up some chicken for his lunch.

"My bad," Wang says while rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. "Hurry up, let's find a seat," Xiao yu says while picking up only vegetables and fruits on her own plate. after finding a seat, "Why do you think Tang san was taken?" Xiao Wu ask curiously. " he was probably lectured by Master, "Think nothing of it he normally takes new students to ask questions, " Wang replies. Yuehan gets worried for tang san after hearing this. " Do you think he's a pedo? I hear that people do weird thing when they grow up. " Xiao Wu abruptly gets up and starts running in the direction she saw tang san leave from, and the two other boys follow.

ten minutes have passed, and both the boys have their back facing a door on the ground, gasping for air. "Have you found them yet?" Xiao yu asks in a worried tone. "No, we have found nothing," Wang says, using all the oxygen he just gathered back. "Then what you doing sitting around?" Xiao wu says in a bossy yet worried tone. 'She's a demon in disguise,' both the boys think while trying to get up using the closed door as a support when it was flung open, leaving the to boys to fall back to the ground.


I finished talking to master about getting my first spirit ring and how I needed to be ready in two days' time. When I opened the door to hear two loud clunks, alerting me to put up my arm to defend. I look down to notice two exhausted potatoes, pale and white, as can be except for the excessive dirt and sweat on them. I let my guard down too early, though, since I was tackled to the ground the next second from Xiao wu

3rd person pov

Xiao wu tackled Tang san before he realized what was happening, leaving they two in a rather vague position on the ground. Now, all four are on the ground, as well as a comb that broke when Xiaowu fell. "Are you OK? if you were gone, who would brush my hair in the morning? " says Xiao wu while she has her head in Tang San shirt without noticing the broken comb beside them.

Yuehan notices the broken comb and decides to grab it before Xiao notices the broken comb.