
ouch my leg

Walking up is such an hassle each day , with my hair sticking out of my bun,to my face stained with drool,or my morning breath.

"holy shit what time is it where is my alarm, fuck this" I jumped up from bed forgetting about the bottles of alcohol I had consumed while crying about my resignation low-key my boss hates me, sadly I end up falling face flat after I jumped off the bed "ouch my leg wtf who left those here" I walk grumpily to my PC to check if any of my job application has been accepted to anywhere while scrolling I realized no body wanted me as a staff till I saw a suspicious ad that looking for full time maid to care and Carter to a young master who needs more human interaction on a normal day I wouldn't tap interested , I wish I did not tap it fortunately it's was a hidden virus I got sent an email and a phone number,I decided to call on a first ring a lady picked and sounded so excited while listening to me explain that I want to be a full time maid even thou I had no experience in that field , she asked "you sound perfect,can you resume today ?and you will get paid by the end of the month I will send the address to you, would you be comfortable moving in this week?a vehicle would be provided to assist you with moving in whenever you want to" it's remaining 2 weeks for the month to finish and this lady is willing to pay me double my paycheck at my former job for two weeks of working dammn .

I dressed up in a white shirt and a flared trouser that hid my ramen addiction belly and my scandals in my head I looked professionally ish but in reality my big butt popped out more,the shirt wasn't helping with struggling to not burst open I hoped for a uniform at this new job ,had some ramen and lots of veggies to help me feel better and a huge pink waterbottle that hid my coffee and kept it hot , packed a sandwich and headed off to the address sent me ,informed my friends and family incase I get trafficked, hop into the Uber and off to the job🥰.