
Chapter 15 You are the man all the women across the world admire


Mi Shen sneezed again, covering her mouth with her hand. Tired of lying on her stomach, she put down her pen, wriggled into her sleeping bag, and comfortably squinted her eyes, "This mountain air is really chilly. It's warmer inside the sleeping bag."

Mao Beibei nudged her with an elbow, "Tell me, what did you and Jin Rumo do in the woods this afternoon?"

"Go away~~" Mi Shen unceremoniously squeezed her to the side, "Comrade Mao Beibei, ah! We didn't do anything. My relationship with Senior Rumo is pure."

"Yeah right, with your prince charming right in front of you, you expect me to believe you didn't make a move?"

"Go away~~ Don't lump me in with your 'corrupt ways'." Mi Shen closed her eyes, wanting to lie down quietly for a while.

But Mao Beibei pestered her again, "Mi Xiaoshen, never mind Jin Rumo, tell me about your guardian Li Fengchang?"

"Li Fengchang?" Mi Shen opened her eyes, "What's there to say about Li Fengchang?"

"Nonsense, Li Fengchang is a man that all the women from the four corners of the world admire... Just tell me, what do you guys usually do at home? How do you get along?"

Mi Shen squinted at her, "Are you also one of those women from the four corners of the world?"

"Yeah, yeah," Beibei tugged at her arm, employing all her coaxing skills, "Who could resist Li Fengchang? He's so handsome, and he's so wealthy and classy too. Mi the Great, please satisfy my little heart's curiosity for gossip, will you? Please..."

"Alright." Mi Shen thought for a moment, then said, "At home normally... we just eat. Then I do my homework and he works. Sometimes he helps me with problems, and if I'm wildly off, I might get a spanking."

"What? Li Fengchang actually spanks you?"

"Yeah. But after making a few mistakes, I never gave him the chance again." On this aspect, Mi Shen was quite proud of herself.

But truthfully, her top grades today couldn't be separated from Li Fengchang's hard training.

Beibei nodded, greatly in agreement, "Li Fengchang doesn't look like a man with a good temper..."

"Quite the contrary!" Mi Shen interrupted Beibei's speculation, "Actually, to outsiders, Fengchang seems cold and unfeeling, but I know he's very good to me. He's just not skilled at expressing himself, nor does he like to express his innermost feelings. In fact, Li Fengchang, once past the cold exterior, does have a tender side..."

He would sit by her bedside when she was ill, make her delicious food for a patient, tuck her in when she woke up in the night, and every year on her birthday, she would receive a mysterious gift from him...

He had taken care of her for twelve years.

Twelve years, that's no brief span of time...

In fact, Fengchang was indeed very warm.

Mi Shen thought about it, and a faint smile unconsciously formed on her lips.

It wasn't until she caught Beibei's profound expression that she withdrew her smile, "Why are you staring at me like that? It's awkward."

"Shenshen, have you noticed something?"


"Whenever you talk about your guardian Li Fengchang, you become spirited, your eyes sparkle, like you're injected with chicken blood."

Mi Shen: "Σ(°△°|||)︴..."


As the night grew deeper and the last tent's light was extinguished, everything became silent.

Beibei had fallen into dreamland, with even breaths coming from beside her. It was quiet all around, Mi Shen had her eyes closed, but her mind grew clearer and clearer...

Li Fengchang's face appeared in her mind, cold but with warm eyes.

Mi Shen opened her eyes to the darkness, suddenly wondering.

I wonder if Li Fengchang has fallen asleep at this moment?