

She began to arch towards me as I tickled her thighs with my fingers, teased her with my tongue, and pushed myself up against her leg. I thrust inside of her, wanting to have as many climaxes with her as I could before the sun rose. Her hands were on my chest, and her legs were around my waist.

Nothing else existed in the universe at that precise instant save her warm, moist flesh and the melodic sound of her moans on my neck. I began to walk toward her as my instincts and wants took over. I wanted to tell her that what we had together was the most wonderful thing I had ever felt as soon as her hips touched mine and her back arched to push her breasts into me. Do you also experience it?

But I was speechless. I was left with nothing but my instincts, the taste of her on my tongue, and the sound of her laughing in my ears. I wanted to be everything to her: her friend, her partner in combat, and her lover. All of me might be on that bed.