
Halsey the great girl singer

About a girl named Halsey and she has a great voice and wanted to become a singer but she couldn’t Why? Read in my story

Samuel_Mercy_1759 · Fantasie
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Happy story

Once upon a time in a city called Lagos there is a girl called Halsey,She is a great singer and song writer but she can't become a real singer because of she is living with only her step mom and her dad is dead. Her step mom is the most wicked person ever she is also a witch that steals people destiny and she does that everyday, but Halsey doesn't know about that. One day while she was fetching water from the well in her compound she saw her friend and they talked as usual so she entered her room and saw her stepmom turned into a mosquito and she was afraid and shouted her stepmom saw her screaming and changed back into her real self, but Halsey was shocked and amazed so she ran out but her stepmom called her back and she came.

Then her step mom made her promise to keep the secret to her self if not she will be dead, Halsey listened and behaved like nothing happened when the neighbors came to check on her, she then told them what she saw her stepmom turned into so the neighbors were scared and told Halsey that she should no longer live with her stepmom, and her stepmom should move out of the house. And that all happened then Halsey started living with her best friend place, so she started going to school and she enjoyed going to school and she told her new mom that she wanted to become a singer so her new mom helped her to get some money to go to the studio and she was happy, she started her dream work that is being a singer and she was happy about it .

Then her stepmom saw her on the news about the most richest girl in Lagos but her step mom was jealous and angry with her then she schemed with her witches friends and they planned to collect her riches, so Halsey was passing by in her car when a pastor called her and told her to pray that someone is planning evil on her, so when she went home she prayed and fasted, when her stepmom wanted to take action on her scheme it didn't work she was so angry and she went to Halsey house to greet her and congratulate her and gave Halsey some biscuit not knowing that there is poison in the biscuit Halsey took it and left it in her kitchen when her stepmom left she wanted to eat the biscuit and saw some black stuff in the biscuit then she knew that her stepmom was the one planning evil at her, she was very angry then she went to her stepmom house then told her that she wanted to poison her then he stepmom then tried to kill her but her stepmom did not know that she came with some police to be her bodyguard so the policemen saved Halsey from her stepmom and her stepmom was sent to prison for attempted murder and Halsey and her friend lived happily ever after.

The end

It a great story it really is a great story

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