
Half Success

Yang ming could only be stunned to see the pure white fie fie. Her face is typical oriental beauty with slightly blonde hair. Huh, he could only sigh inwardly. Although Sherley is not very beautiful but Yang ming is made infatuated. He can only be good friends. Pauling is good at math. Complex problems can be solved. Yang Ming wants to ask her out on a date, but doesn't dare say it. Henny the sweet black hair, seems to like Yang ming. But Yang ming is still holding back, somehow. Lisa cute girl is very kind to Yang ming. Yang Ming is 2 years older than Lisa. Mei Mei likes to tease Yang Ming, but he suspects that Mei Mei is just using him to get close to Qiu Yang.

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20 Chs

A sad programmer.

After Qiu Yang's departure, Mei Mei started trying to forget Him. Yang ming is still often with Mei Mei, but she is only as a friend.

Time has passed, Yang Ming is now in his 5th semester. Yang Ming is taking night classes because he wants to work. He applied for a job as a programmer at a large company. After tests and interviews, Yang Ming was successfully accepted to work as a programmer. Since working, Yang Ming rarely sees Mei Mei anymore.

In the office where Ming works, there is a difference in salary between employees who graduated from overseas schools and those who graduated from within the country. Yang Ming doesn't mind this because he's still in college. in the office there are many new friends. all are computer savvy. there is a lady named cen cen, she is yang ming's superior. there are also some other friends like andy, fanny, savitri, andrew, mey hwa and the chief is Mr.chan.

Fanny is very attractive and beautiful. From the start, Ming is attracted to her. Moreover, Fanny often teases Yang Ming. but ming doesn't really pay much attention, because fanny seems to just want to play with ming. she says that she already has a boy friend. what ? already have a boyfriend, but likes to tease Yang Ming ?. huh, what kind of girl is this ? Savitri isn't that pretty, but it looks like Mr. Chan likes Savitri. mey hwa a small, beautiful, smart girl and she also has a boyfriend. She often smiles at Yang Ming. Yang Ming is a bit disappointed, because all the attractive and beautiful girls already have a boy friend, only Cen Cen doesn't have a boyfriend. yang ming feels left out. there is another girl named yan mey, secretary to mr.chan. yan mey says he already has a boy friend too, but still often teases yang ming too. I Wonder why all the girls already have a boyfriend, but still like to tease Yang Ming? He is upset and sad at heart.