
12| Something In The Rain-Part VI

He didn't say anything for a while. Just continued to walk side by side with me. And I decided not to break this silence. I didn't even know why he came after me.

"You still didn't tell me your reasons."

"I was going to. But I chose not to."


"If you're worried about your new PA, I have kept the loads of profiles of experienced professional PAs who have trained in better environment for this service, with Mrs Rothy. You can have those profiles from her anytime you want and read them thoroughly to decide who you want to be your next P-"

"I asked you a question, Scarlett." He demanded.

I ignored him and continued with my advise. "And you know a very interesting thing. They can fight too. I mean they can use their fists. I used to be very sorry when you'd require to hire the bodyguard for your safety-"

"You're not answering the question!" He snapped at me, his temper suddenly rising, but I ignored him again, hoping he would do the same.