
9.) 18th... 2nd part

"Lord Rome who's that girl?"

"That's lady Chasity" Rome answered with a smile. "Surely there's something special about that girl" Lexus teasing Rome.

Lexus was with Rome since they were kids and he's the only one Rome trust.

A blonde tall guy with blue eyes... gorgeous looks could really be deceiving because Lexus is like a living weapon he is well trained for wars.

"Lexus!" Atasha opened the door looking for Lexus. "Darling why are you here? what do you want?" Lexus approaching Atasha. She's a warrior too next to Lexus rank and Lexus is pursuing her since they were teens but she is so focus on her training that no one can melt her heart to be in love.

"I've heard that Lord Devaughn is having a problem of entering this world because of Lady Lorraine's spell, did you know something about that?"

"Really? hmmm... interesting! that Lord of Northon...when did that happen?" Lexus asked Atasha.

" I think after they broke the engagement" -Atasha

"and why did he do that?" -Rome

"Lord Rome, its because of her mother's letter her last will...that Vaughn should be the one who will choose her bride...but I've heard that the Lord of Northon has already found a girl and she's so young , only 17 when she introduced her to Northon." -Lexus said.

"sounds really interesting! Vaughn is very choosy when it comes to girls so who's the girl?" -Rome asking Lexus

"Well my Lord I've heard that she's from this world.." -Lexus

"Find that girl for me I want to know her"

"yes my Lord" - Atasha and Lexus left.

"Thank you guys for being here with me today I love u guys!" - Chase, feeling better after sleeping for an hour.

"Lets not waste our time... lets go and party!" - Rhyme

so they all went to the main hall dancing and drinking again. Chase feels great dancing freely with her friends. After a few minutes a slow song played with a familiar voice ... Nel... singing her favorite song walking to her direction, giving her an extra mic so they can sing in duet. Nel has a very unique and soothing voice.

All the people turn to them and watch them singing...Chase feel so honored like a princess serenade by a prince.

Then Rhyme get the 18 pieces of roses and gave it to Chase. All their friends give them applause along with other people there. What a birthday!

Chase was so happy its already 11 in the evening and her birthday was about to end... but deep in her heart she was so happy she felt so special with her friends...her true friends by her side.

11:45 pm Chase is on her bed now reminiscing everything that happened today... then fell asleep...

In her dreams...

Chase saw Vaughn with a gift and a flower a bluish velvet rose so beautiful that seems so perfect and of course the one who's holding it was perfect too...Vaughn was so gorgeous and handsome He's like a prince, no, actually he's like a king a strong one, that other guys will easily get intimidated by his looks and aura.

"Chase my love Happy birthday!"

then kissed her on her cheek...Vaughn's smell was so good and strong and the intimate kiss that he gave was so arousing for chase...its like an addictive pleasure... his voice, his breath.

Then vaughn whisper to her ear "You're beautiful, so beautiful my love..."