

"Are these kids going to be our reinforcements?"

"Yes, sir." 

"Weren't we one of the army's elite corps?" We also have a reputation for being ruthless when it comes to the russia right? You and me also appeared on TV after defending the last base."

Hearing his superior words Luke reflected an helpless expression on his face. 

"That's why we got at least these many kids other battalion only received 20 or so kids." 

The kids they were talking about aren't particularly kids, all of them were above 15 however, what can these people do in a bloody battle field. 

"This is fucked up." 

Without replying to his superior, Luke surveyed underprepared, underage soldiers cowering. 

A deep sigh came from within as he watched them try their hardest to avoid a eye contact.

They were most likely forced conscripted from the surrounding rural area. 

Luke was curious as to how many of them had volunteered to be here.

Irritated, Luke spat at the ground and snatched the cigarette from his commander which was just lighted up. 


If it was normal battalion there would have been great uproar for the actions made by him.

The man before Luke was his Captian, and Luke was sergeant, however the both will not considered themselves as superior-subordinate relationship. 

"Sigh...Didn't you promised your girlfriend on last vacation, regarding abandoning this 'bad habit' of yours." 

"Are you talking about the cigarette?" 

"What else is there...your life? Hahaha...Hear me well, your life is deemed to be begone haha..." 


While Luke stood with his mouth sealed, his superior, Mark grabbed the cigarette and puffed it even deeper than him. 

"Don't worry, Luke. I ain't going to let you go to hell before me!"

'Probably...you are the only man who will be able speak like that in this whole world...' 

Hearing both of their conversation a cold woman emerged into the room, the lady was quick to grab the cigar. 

"Don't be stingy on your last moments!" 

"Hey, who is stingy? Don't disrespect your captain just because you are going to die." 

"Captain~ Don't worry! If I were to die after you I will be sure punch your face at least one time..." 


"I think they enemy will soon launch an attack, as a famous battalion, we at least should take half of thier troops with us!" 

"Hahah...Unlike you, see how is my disciple thinking!" 

"You should to mention yourself, not me!" 

The woman flaunted her toned body while shouting at her captain. 

"Can you both stopped being lovely dovey at least in our last day together!" 

The woman turned and locked him in her arms and rubbed Luke's head, "Agioo~ You can't be jealous of your father Luke, want to have a hug from your beautiful mother." 

"Stop embarrassing yourself old woman!" 

If we compare her to the words uttered by Luke they will definitely be in contrast, this woman looked like she is in her mid 30's however, her actual age is 47.

"You brat! Who are you calling old woman!" 

Luke's pulled his short beard which he was growing for a weeks now, "You are only looking like my father with these beard of yours!" 

"You will not stop your nagging even at this time, huh." 

Then, the woman tossed him and acted pitifully while clinging to the arm of the chair. 

"You don't have bit affection towards you mom! Sob...sob..." 

Mark, his father rushed by her said and cleared the fake tears on her face, "You brat! Don't make my girl cry..." 

"You weird couple..." 

Luke muttered as he took out another cigarette and lit it up, then puffed. 

When the great leader of the North suddenly passed away, their army began to mobilise south. 

When the Russians suddenly United again, their army began to mobilise east. 

It was a pre-emptive strike against England, yet the China jumped ship as if there had been a pre-war agreement.

They merely defended their embassy, allowing a few politicians and billionaires to enter and be escorted into America while murdering the remaining refugees.

England's president proclaimed a surrender right away and was deported to America.

Ironically, the war made a clear distinction between traitors and patriots.

Some of the few politicians and generals of the army refused to sign the capitulation papers and constituted a provisional government.

They appeared to put up some opposition, even scoring a few victories early in the battle.

However, the constant bombardment from various frontlines caused them to retreat indefinitely, and the remaining politicians were split on whether or not to surrender. 

Refugees hoping to flee the war clogged ports and airports, while ambassadors' desperate pleas for assistance remained unnoticed by other countries.

England never had the capability to combat China and unified Russia. 

While the dearth of manpower might be compensated for by volunteers and conscription, replacing officers who died in battle was impossible. 

The army had no direction, no goals, and no tactics, like a headless chicken. 

There was not a single building standing on the Expo Plaza, and the ground outside was covered with holes from artillery bombardment.

"Rechhhh. Urech."

When Luke witnessed the recruit vomiting while tasked with gathering the body of a soldier hit immediately by an artillery round, he was on the verge of joining him. 

As the heroic and patriotic commanders perished in droves, it was left to the selfish and cowardly officers. 

Luke replaced his field of vision from the piles of dead body to his weird parents. 

"Dad, how much ammo do we have?"

His father banged the table and said in serious tone, "Luke be bit more manly! We are going to start use bayonets after one battle!" 

"So, we basically have very few amount of ammo. What about grenades?" 

"Each squad has about 3 of them," His mother answered his question, as she stood and sat in the chair. 

"Anti-tank weapons?"

"We threw that heavy baggage a long time ago."

It was a foregone conclusion that they would lose. The Russians will make a drive with armoured vehicles in the front, troops in the back, and air support, and they will only be armed with rifles to battle them. 

It was Tennoheika Banzai all over again, with the Kamikaze spirit of WWII. 

Just when he was about to lit up another cigar, "BOOOOM..." Less than that of nano seconds a bright white light breezed Luke. 

However, the next instant his body went of like a wind along with the bright lights. 


On 12/4/2025 second nuclear bomb was successfully descended on Richmondshire, England.