
Book I Choose

1A3, my classroom, which has plenty of books. A book that everyone wants, a book with a wonderful cover, a book that looks well with other books, a book that is locked, a book that I just passed by and never took a glance at what was inside, a cute little book, a book that I just knew the title of, and lastly, an interesting simple book that had opened when I looked, so I began to read it. The title was "Cherry." It's not like other books; its introduction was transparent yet vague because I haven't read this kind of book before. It's a rainy day; I'm on my way outside our school, and this book gave me shelter so I wouldn't get soaked by the rain. I was waiting outside for a bus and kept flipping the pages, then suddenly the book disappeared. I know it's waiting for me to choose it again in room 1A3.