
HADIYA; Behind Her Veil

Many times Hadiya wonders why such a hard fate has been placed upon her. She cries. She gets beaten. No one wants to associate themselves with her. Everyone calls her ugly despite not seeing her face, she is called evil. And thus making her feel inferior. Being around and in a family that hates and maltreat her so much was not new to her, because Hadiya has been in this for as long as she could remember. Each day she wishes that she should be found dead or she should disappear into the thin air but who was she kidding, she was no goddess. She has to bear her fate. * * * A silent, hidden, inferior, and timid Hadiya soon attracts the village's most loved and a wanted man, the second prince of the great Ama village, who was wanted by all the mature girls in their village as their husband or just to take a look at them, mothers and fathers weren't left out, they wanted him for their daughters cause it was glaring he would succeed the King. But then his encounter with the mysteriously veiled girl left him curious. Hadiya was no longer hidden, inferior but she was dragged to the public which had wolves, and tigresses staring dangerously at her and waiting to tear her into shreds, even her unknown fate which should have been forever hidden, surfaces, thus evoke ensues. Enjoy!

EstherFavoured · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter Four.

Prince Anozie lay on his bed, his mind kept going back to the strange girl he saw at the river.

Who is she???

Why does she wear a veil???

Why is she crying???

Why does she have so much pain in her voice and heart... He could feel the pain and agony from where he was standing.

Despite the pain and agony she still prayed on the river and asked for blessings for all the villagers.

Who on earth speaks and talks to a river???

These thoughts kept his mind occupied...

She also had a sweet voice... He thought and smiled, he wished to know her. He stood up, went into his bathroom, and began to prepare for the day.



Chief Uchenna washed his hands into a bowl that his wife, Ifeoma gave to him, he dried his hands with a towel and smiled at the woman put the plates on top of each other.

"Don't you think this is the best time to avenge yourself??" His wife asked, he looked at her.

"What do you mean???" He asked.

"My husband, don't tell me you have forgotten so soon, what the king did to you, he and Cheif Amandi, the King's best friend, and adviser," She said, he frowned.

"How can I forget??" He asked "The king instead of giving me my rightful share of the money, he gave me part and gifted the reminding to Amandi, everything goes to that fool, he even got promoted and favoured highly, if at all he didn't want to favour others, what about me??, Chief Uchenna... Now that stupid Amandi doesn't respect me... He turns down my every suggestion and the king also supports him" He lamented.

"No need for lamentations my husband, 'cause we have a big opportunity now," Ifeoma said, he looked at her.

"Big opportunity???" He asked.

"Our daughter," She said, he stared at her in confusion "Let our daughter marry the prince and not any prince, Prince Anozie, the King's favourite among all, with that you can get to rule indirectly," She said, his face was a blank expression first but then it broke into a very big smile.

"My wife," He said as he smiled at her "I'm grateful to the gods that I married you, so brilliant... I will indirectly rule the kingdom and I will show the people their places" He said, she nodded.

"Yes my husband," She said.

"But," He said "The gods have not chosen the next king, cause Anozie might be the King's favourite but not the gods' choice," He said worriedly.

"Hmm mm," She thought "True, but Anozie from all indications fits to be the next king," She said.

"True, and also whosoever the heart of the king picks then the gods must pick 'cause the gods and the king are mostly times always on the same boat." He said nodding his head.

"Yes my husband." She said and smiled.

"Talk to your daughter, I will also talk to her." He said, she nodded, took the plates, stood up, and went into the house.

Queen Olaedo, let's see who will laugh last. She thought as she dropped the plates in the sink, she gave a one-sided smile..... Let's see.

The queen thinks she can disgrace her and go away with it... Well, a big no, 'cause she is coming at the queen... Who was she before the king married her? was she not a mere girl before now... So because she has gotten power now, she can oppress her... Well, no way..... Ifeoma thought.



Queen Olaedo stood in her room, a glass of wine in her hand, she sipped it and walked towards the window, she pushed the curtains aside and looked down, her room was upstairs.

She frowned as she saw Anozie, Kwento, and Ifedimma playing football as children. Not all the children gave her a problem but the children of Nkechi, even after her death..... The thought of Nkechi being dead made her smile.

But even after her death, she still lived in everyone's heart, even the villagers loved her so much, they mourned for the late queen for so many days... She sighed.

"The king is getting old and he has been joking about stepping aside and choosing a new king" She soliloquize as she moved away from the window, she dropped her glass of wine on the table.

"But could the king choose Ikenna his first son or Debare?" She mumbled.

She needs to act fast... She needs to plan ahead but first, she is getting her son married to a girl they could manipulate. She walked towards a table grabbed the keys and climbed down the stairs, she got outside and the ball being played passed her a few inches, the princes and princesses looked back at her in fear.

"Oh! Big mommy, we are sorry" Kwento apologize immediately as they all walked toward her to where she was standing.

"Mother... We are sorry" Ifedimma and Anozie apologize.

Who the hell is their mother?!.... She yelled mentally with anger, she wished Ifedimma and Anozie will just die and be buried.

She forced a smile.

"Should the princes and princesses of Ama be out this early playing football when there are things you could help your father with?" The queen said trying to suppress the rising anger in her.

"But big mommy both Debare and Ikenna are with the king and with the three of us, it's gonna be a crowd," Kwento said innocently smiling at the first queen, who resist the urge to slap him across his face.

"Fine" She forced herself to say and walked away from them, she entered her car after shouting at the poor old gateman, who almost fell off when he rushed to open the gate.

"Why is she so mean to domestic workers???" Kwento asked no one in particular, Anozie sighed and looked at Kwento, the young man was so innocent and pure-hearted.

When they were younger and lived in the palace, Kwento played, talked, and laughed with everyone and didn't abhor ill feelings about anyone, he was still one of his siblings he loved to relate with... Anozie thought... But won't his mother corrupt him too?

"Catch!" Ifedimma yelled happily as she threw the ball at her brother, who was dragged out of his thoughts when she screamed.




The king sat down behind his desk, books, documents, laptops, and phones were on the table, he was attending to the works of the day. His big companies were handled by his sons but he always sits back and checked the welfare of the companies.

He took his glasses and wore them, fixing his graze on one of the laptops, and started to check what he wanted. A few minutes later, a knock was heard.

"Yes," He answered.

"My lord" Someone called.

"Come in," He said, one of the royal guards who stood by his door came in, he looked back at the guard.

"Yes???" He asked the guard bowed.

"Chief Amandi is here to see you, my lord," The guard said still with his head bowed.

"Oh, let him in," The king said, the guard turned, walked out of the door, leaving it a-jar, soon the door opened to reveal a man who should be of the King's age, came in with his walking stick which the king knew was just part of Amandi's dressing not old old age.

"Greetings your majesty, may your reign supersedes that of your fathers, may the crown sit well on your head, may the gods order your steps and be with you... The great son of his father... Igwe [Your Majesty]!!!!" Amandi said as he sang the King's praises with his head bowed.

"Ise (So will it be)" The king said with a smile as he shook his head, he stood up, went to the door, closed it, and went back to his seat "You can cut the formalities Amandi," The king said, Amandi raised his head and smiled as he sat down on the sofa.

"No matter how we have been in the past and now, one must not forget the fact that you are a king and the head of all" Amandi said smiling.

The king smiled... He and Amandi have been friends since when he was much younger, Amandi was so good and respectful and since then have been friends and everyone knew it. The man was made up of good qualities and characters that it was hard for anyone to have any unpleasant thing to say about him... The king thought and smiled.

"Yes, I know," The king said with a smile, he knew his best friend will never change from respecting and honouring him, even when he was just a prince he never disrespected him once.

"My King what brought me here is that I had a dream about the palace" Amandi said as the king listened with rapt attention "I dreamt that the palace was in chaos and that a thick darkness was over the palace," He said, and sighed.

"Hmmm," The king sighed.

"My king you should be careful with your household, I don't want anything evil to happen to you and your family" Amandi said with deep concern.

Amandi knew quite well that the palace won't be so peaceful since all the children and also their mothers were present.

"I will take caution, my friend," The king said nodding.

"That will be great my lord," He said.

"Don't you think is time we choose a crown prince??" The king asked.

"I think so too my King and we both know who it will be, the priest had prophesied it immediately he was born and it was said that nothing will change the fact that he should become king," Amandi said.

"Yeah I know and he has grown into a responsible young man and a man who would be able to handle responsibilities, I think the arrangements should be made soon enough"

No... Amandi thought... That will be a terrible idea cause there were evil people everywhere and this will surely arise envy, and jealousy and may lead to something ugly.

"Aman..??" The king called looking at his friend who was lost in thought, Amandi looked at the king and gave a small smile.

"I'm sorry my lord," He said the king nodded, Amandi, sighed as he saw the look the king gave in "My lord I don't think that will be a good idea, only, you, I, and the mother of the future king knows about the prophecy and the decision of the gods, my king why don't we wait for the priest to come back from his journey and announce himself," Amandi said.

"Hmmm... But the priest has been gone for many years after he gave the prophecy from the gods" The king replied.

"I know my lord but he said he will come back... I know it has been many years now but I believe that he will come back soon just let's wait and put on patience, Ndidiamaka (Patience is good) and you also know that without the priest there won't be a crowning" Amandi explained, the king nodded.

"Thanks, we will wait," The king said and smiled, he saw sense and wisdom in what his friend had said "Thanks for the advice," He said and smiled, Amandi bowed his head, the king loved.

"Always my lord" Amandi said raising his head.

"How are your wife and your children??" The king asked as he stood up and walked to the door with Amandi behind him, they both walked out of the room.

"They are fine my lord, my two sons and their family are in the city while only Erinma is the one here with us"

"That my stubborn little princess," The king said and they both laughed.

"I'm sure if she was here she did complain that she isn't little anymore" Amandi answered, the men laughed again.

"That's how they do," The king said "Make sure you bring her to the palace once in a while," He said, Amandi, nodded, they both sat down on the dining table which was already set.

Each time Amandi came visiting every living thing in the palace knew that there will be laughter in the mouth of the king and there would be a feast for the both of them.

The third queen, Adaego who was about to pass the dining saw the two men, she frowned... She didn't like the king's best friend, the man is so sensitive, cautious and so careful, and righteous that it was hard and even impossible to bring anything unclean to him or even to get his attention to do something he considered bad. He was also very wise, he was freer and more open to the second late queen, Nkechi.

She turned and walked away... Where was that her adamant son??? She asked as she walked towards her room... She wants her son, Kwento to become king, she wished Ugonna was a male and Kwento was a female.... She hissed. She doesn't know why her son was so adamant and free with the other children... She sighed, she needs to talk to him.



Obiageli and Olamma were walking down the road with phones in their hands taking different pictures of themselves, in front of them, coming were two beautiful girls but the one on the left was more beautiful.

"Hmmmmmmm, Beauty!" One of the girls hailed the other beautiful one who stopped and shakes her waist which made her beads shake on her waist.

The twins stopped and hissed. Ifenkili the daughter of Chief Uchenna and her friend Nnenna laughed sarcastically.

"When the daughters of nobles and high-class men are showing interest in the princes, some low-life idiots are peeping through the window also wanting the princes' attention, imagine! Biko [sorry?] who does that!" Ifenkili said with a sly smile.

"See who is talking," Obiageli said and turned to her twin sister who looked around.

"Obia, see who???" Olamma asked "I didn't see anyone at all, all I know is that I can hear some bleating, are there animals here?" She asked looking at her sister, who laughed, they both looked at the girls and eyed them.

"You can't see her 'cause her beauty is so ravishing that it has blindfolded the both of you and has also caused ear blockage for both of you," Nnenna said, she and Ifenkili did a high five and laughed.

"Tell them let them know," Ifenkili said showing off herself and turning around.

"Let's watch and see 'cause you will be bowing down to me soon," Obiageli said earning a nod from her twin sister.

"Nnenna please let's leave here 'cause I am getting sick from talking to these fools," Ifenkili said and spat.

"Was about to say the same thing, let's leave" Nnenna said, she and Ifenkili cast a last and dangerous look at both the twins who also eyed the girls.

"Fool!" Olamma said with anger as both girls walked away with them giving extra effort in swaying their hips.

"Mad dogs," Obiageli said and spat, the girls continued walking and laughing.


Prince Anozie was seated with a board on his legs which were cross-legged, there was a big drawing sheet on it, he was halfway through with the drawing. He loved arts, loved drawing, and give life to his drawings.

His materials were placed on a cloth which was spread on the floor beside him, he was on the other side of the river, he bent his head and he began to draw again, few minutes into his drawing, he looked up and saw the guards that followed him to the river, they were talking.

His father had insisted he went with two palace guards, he had given in but not after telling them to dress in other clothes and not carry any weapon. He was also dressed in a shirt and trousers. He doesn't like the idea of people following him with weapons. He bent his head and began drawing, soon he heard the breaking of dried leaves which signaled someone was coming, he lifted his head and saw the veiled girl coming with kegs, pots, and bowls.

Was it only her that wanted to fetch the water into all of those??? He questioned himself as he watched her.