
CH1 The Council Of New Beginnings

"I've seen a lot of shit in my short life but being taken out of my universe is a first.". A sphere of spectral white with a blue hue floats in the center(hopefully that important) of a great expanse. The orb hovers in front of a consortium of Supreme beings behind a grand podium

"Hello unfortunate soul, you have been chosen to bring equilibrium to this string of multiversal chords" a rumble that felt greater than a 6.9 earthquake. Across the empty starry ground came a fissure of white lightning. From the cracks images of earth came and went in scenes to fast for the naked eye.

"Woo" seeing the inconceivable amount of different worlds. It struck me that unlike most of the novels and fan-fics I read the beings in front of me said that I was here for a purpose. "Hey, what do you mean chosen"

The council looked deep into my eyes with an intense thousand yard stare. The pressure makes my metaphorical knees buckle under the pressure. It feels like this little orb that I am in is collapsing. Fortunately the tension released and I was back to "normal" then the presents in the center continued. 

"As I was saying your job is simply to exist in this next world we transport you to, rest a sure we will allow you one wish" 

"Can I ask a question at least?" 

"No, human you can not ask your question and any other words spoken will alleviate you of your wish if you do not speak of one now" said the being on the far left.

"Relax, let the human think first, maybe it will say something amusing." the one next to it said.

I ponder for a very short time thinking about what I should say. I mean they didn't really put any restrictions on what the wish could be. I could wish for them to give me their powers, no that wouldn't be good they could just smite me or something. Maybe I should ask for an ability because I don't know where I am going. Of all things this could be a dream. … … … `'`'`'`'`'`~12 mins later~`'`'`'`'`'`

"alright I have thought about it and I'm ready"

"Go then, continue "

"I want to be a god in my next life, and have a divinity over souls in addition to the ones i will have anyway"

The council grew silent for a long few seconds until the (I'm guessing) group leader or head of the council in the center started to glow white like spiritual flames around him and said "we have thought about your request, though outrages IT SHALL BE GRANTED" saying the last part while clenching his fist.

As soon as he finished it felt like my soul had been shattered into fragments tinier than a sand grain, then it melted together feeling denser and lighter at the same time, next a fissure like portal emerged from the ground again but this time it was sucking me in. The last thing I heard before I left through the portal was "good luck and have fun" from the right side of the podium.

welp first try can always edit later

for future readers good luck and have fun

B0BBUScreators' thoughts