
Hades' Angel

Evelyn died from the hands of her cheater-fiancée. Meeting Jevelyn within the realm, she offered an insane request; to make her brothers the dukes' head and the kings aide. As the two conversed and Evelyn agreed; she now became the youngest daughter of a Duke family. Evelyn had only one goal; make her brothers successful and happy and being happy for herself as well. Forget about a trashy father. Beat up the cheating-and-thick-skin fiancée and her backstabber bestfriend; She will only focus on herself and her loved ones.

itsjust_skye004 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

The intruder 2

Jevelyn shivered as she turned around to attack the intruder. But instead he caught both of her hands as the sword fell on the grass with a heavy thud. Immediately appearing behind her without casting a magic made Jevelyn even more sure that he was a dangerous being and could not be left alone.

"Little feral cat, I was just lost while teleporting from my nightly walk. Although, there was an error but it became a beautiful error as I get to meet a beautiful girl."

"Let me go!"

"If I will, will you attack me? You know, my chest still hurts."


Jevelyn grinded her teeth and struggled to get away from him. The man just chuckled beside her ears which tickled her; it was her soft spot.

"Now, now, I will not harass you or do anything that will make you uncomfortable--"

"What you're doing now is making me uncomfortable!"

"I know, I know, but I had to think for my survival, right? So for me to live, I have to prevent you from moving and... hmm... your scent is so addicting... herbs mixed with a citrus scent...."

Jevelyn could feel him sniffing her bare neck. Blood rushes up to her face, covering her ears and neck as well as she stomped hard on his foot and exerted effort to free herself.

"Ow! Woman, your young but you do have some strength!"

"You f*cking pedophile! Jerk! Hooligan!"

"A what? Pedo? Hooligan?"

The man watched her with a smirk on his lips and interest in his eyes. Jevelyn poured out all of the curses she had in her and swore to kill this man, wherever he is. It made it even worse as she saw him smiling down at her, she glared at him with all of her might as if it was the only way for her to deliver her hatred to this jerk even though he was the most handsome man she had even seen in her whole entire life, that includes her previous lives.

"If your feisty right now, will you even be more feisty when you grow up?"

Jevelyn's face became more red as anger was about to explode from her. The man chuckled before dipping his head, cutting off whatever Jevelyn was about to say.


Jevelyn's eyes were wide open as the pair of ruby eyes stared at her and a pair of lips closed her mouth.

The two stood in silence as the moon slowly hid behind the clouds, as if it was covering its eyes for seeing something so intimate that the moon could not bare to look.

"Now, that's even more better. I'm sorry that I had to do that but I can't manage to be caught or else my adviser would nag at me by the time I came back."

"Well, good for him! I don't care if he nags at you till death, that's even more better!"

The man look down at her and chuckled at her aggrieved, annoyance, and frustration all mixed within her purple eyes. He glance at her silver hair as it flowed gently against his shoulder and arm as if stroking his skin very lightly. Her scent overpowering his sense of smell and her brilliant purple eyes with a tint of blue made it hard for him to forget such scene.

She was a beauty and when she grows up, she would surely be something that men would love to covet. Having a glimpse of the future, it made his heart thump and a feeling of unsettlement caused his eyes to shift slightly. He doesn't like the feeling of another man looking at her nor the little girl in his arms being nestled on another man's arms.


"Young Miss!"

A couple of muffled voices sounded out not from them. Jevelyn sigh in relief as the man stared at her with a smile. She frowned as she thought that he had been smiling since they made eye contact earlier.

"Its a pity that I won't be able to shower myself in your scent."

"You're really a--"

Jevelyn paused as he kissed softly her left eye. His nose nestled on her crown as his adam's apple, that was still forming, bobbed up and down as his hoarse chuckled covered her ears.

"We will meet again, my little feral cat."

Just as quickly as he came, he disappeared without a trace.

"My lady!"

Jevelyn turned and saw Masie running towards her with Lisa and Leena towed behind.

"I am so glad you're well! Please, don't disappear like that! My heart couldn't any more surprises."

Jevelyn felt guilty for disappearing without a sound. She nodded her head before apologizing to her nanny and maids.

"Young Miss, were you practicing with swords?"

Jevelyn immediately remembered the abandoned sword on the grass floor. She turned her head and saw that the metal was clean and no source of blood was found. As if the battle from earlier did not happen.

"....yes, I wanted to protect myself from danger if my brothers is not around."

"My lady..."

"Its fine, Masie. I wanted to do something and protect my brothers and you as well as Lisa and Leena. It's the least I can do."

"Young Miss, we will follow you until death!"

"Hahaha, you don't have to! I also wanted you girls to look for your happiness. That is my greatest wish."

"Young Miss..."

"Alright! Shall we head inside and have a cup of hot chocolate with white fluffer on top of it? My lady, it's very windy and cold outside, please do not catch a cold or young Master Kragen and young master Alwynn will be sad of your condition."

"Hmm, I will."

Lisa and Leena grabbed her stuff while she bend down to grab the sword. Something glistened on her wrist as the moonlight hits the accessory. It was connected by a thin black metal as a figure star was around it. In the middle was a crescent moon colored in red, like his eyes.

Jevelyn lifted her left wrist and observed the sudden appearance of the bracelet. The moonlights made the bracelet twinkle softly as the crescent moon became a mixture of red and purple. She was about to look closely when Masie called her. She decided to inspect the bracelet as soon as she arrived in her room for close-up inspection.

For now, she had to accompany her maids and nanny.