
Hacker:It's my World now

A genius hacker named Manoj kumar who is nicknamed 'Zero' has finally created a portal which helps him to travel through the multiverse easily Introducing Zero, the malevolent hacker who has crafted a device enabling him to traverse the multiverse and delve into the realm of anime. With a complete disregard for others, Zero seeks only to fulfill his own twisted desires and derive sadistic pleasure from his interactions with fictional characters. Unburdened by empathy or compassion, Zero embodies the epitome of evil and selfishness. He views the anime worlds he visits as mere playthings, manipulating the lives of the characters to suit his whims. He revels in their suffering, finding joy in their pain, and erases any character who dares to defy him or stand in his way. To Zero, they are nothing more than tools to be discarded when they no longer serve his purposes. Zero's principles serve as a twisted justification for his malevolence. The concept of enjoying the journey rather than the end result is twisted in his hands, as he takes pleasure in the chaos and destruction he causes along the way. His distorted sense of self prompts him to assert his dominance over the anime realms, crushing any semblance of resistance or autonomy among the characters he encounters. His ability to manipulate fate within these anime worlds allows Zero to orchestrate events that cater to his darkest desires. He engineers intricate scenarios that exploit the vulnerabilities of the characters, subjecting them to torment and anguish for his own sadistic amusement. The notion of being true to oneself takes on a sinister tone as Zero embraces his malevolent nature without remorse or regret. Zero's anime traveling device serves as a conduit for his depravity, providing him with endless opportunities to indulge in his wicked fantasies. As he traverses the multiverse, he leaves behind a trail of broken characters and shattered lives. With each journey, Zero descends further into darkness, relishing in the destruction he wreaks upon these fictional worlds. In the wake of Zero's actions, the line between reality and fiction blurs, leaving a trail of chaos and suffering in his wake. His lack of empathy and insatiable hunger for power make him a truly deranged and sinister figure. The anime worlds he visits become mere playgrounds for his sadistic games, where the characters' pain and suffering are his greatest source of entertainment. Manoj is big fan of anime and gaming so he decided to have fun in the world being invincible in the world.... He makes sure he will use his power upto his desires

latheef_shaik · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs


Zero POV

I have finally done it....

I have created a device which helps me to travel through multiverse

With this now I spend time with my favourite characters easily in reality....

I have added various events that will happen to me in the anime world that makes things very intresting.

I have made three principles to let myself enjoy myself more.

1.This is not about the end results it's a journey which I should enjoy slowly

2.Just be myself and delete the characters who go against me

3.To test my own skills with no cheats sometimes for kicks

With that I prepared myself....


Which world I should go first

I checked the internet first....

Let's see what I want is ....

Let's go to date a live....

Let's transport myself to Nia Honjo

With that I transported myself to Nia and rescued her from the DEM base....I have max stats in defense so I recived no damage...And also my stealth ability is maxed...

So I have evaded DEM.....Then I have created a house and took Nia with me...

3rd POV

Nia has woke up when Zero poured water on her...

"Where Am I?" Nia asked zero

Introducing Zero, the malevolent hacker who has crafted a device enabling him to traverse the multiverse and delve into the realm of anime. With a complete disregard for others, Zero seeks only to fulfill his own twisted desires and derive sadistic pleasure from his interactions with fictional characters.

Unburdened by empathy or compassion, Zero embodies the epitome of evil and selfishness. He views the anime worlds he visits as mere playthings, manipulating the lives of the characters to suit his whims. He revels in their suffering, finding joy in their pain, and erases any character who dares to defy him or stand in his way. To Zero, they are nothing more than tools to be discarded when they no longer serve his purposes.

Zero's principles serve as a twisted justification for his malevolence. The concept of enjoying the journey rather than the end result is twisted in his hands, as he takes pleasure in the chaos and destruction he causes along the way. His distorted sense of self prompts him to assert his dominance over the anime realms, crushing any semblance of resistance or autonomy among the characters he encounters.

His ability to manipulate fate within these anime worlds allows Zero to orchestrate events that cater to his darkest desires. He engineers intricate scenarios that exploit the vulnerabilities of the characters, subjecting them to torment and anguish for his own sadistic amusement. The notion of being true to oneself takes on a sinister tone as Zero embraces his malevolent nature without remorse or regret.

Zero's anime traveling device serves as a conduit for his depravity, providing him with endless opportunities to indulge in his wicked fantasies. As he traverses the multiverse, he leaves behind a trail of broken characters and shattered lives. With each journey, Zero descends further into darkness, relishing in the destruction he wreaks upon these fictional worlds.

In the wake of Zero's actions, the line between reality and fiction blurs, leaving a trail of chaos and suffering in his wake. His lack of empathy and insatiable hunger for power make him a truly deranged and sinister figure. The anime worlds he visits become mere playgrounds for his sadistic games, where the characters' pain and suffering are his greatest source of entertainment.

"I have rescued you from the DEM base and sealed your powers....And I want to make out with you....Right now " Zero announced...

In response....Nia laughed rather than disgusted.

"Sorry I am not intrested in 3d....I am only intrestrested in 2d characters...." Nia said.

"Don't worry I am 2d....And besides I have already set your affection level to 75 " Zero said.

"What happens if affection level is 100" Nia said.

"You become a yandere " Zero said.

"NANI " Nia responded

"Let's see your fetishs are dirty talk, insults, being submissive and..........male.....underwear....Seriously? " Zero said.

"H-How do you know all that st- " Nia is intruptted.

Zero moved towards Nia and upskirted her skirt revealing her black panties.....Causing her to blush with embrassment.

"Kyaah "Nia screamed lightly...To be frank it sounded like she liked it.

"To be frank, the lucky accidents never get old....And seeing a older girl's panties exictes me more than completing dark souls.....I have already made myself with full of events as a lucky protag" Zero said.

"You defeated Dark souls, From now on you are my husbando....Boy" Nia said.

"Are you Kratos....Long last relative " Zero asked.

"Well" Nia responded.

"Anyway I saw a girl other than my mom for the first time in my whole....And seeing your pantsu exicted me....So I will take you as my waifu " Zero said.

Zero pulled Nia towards him and smelled her from top to bottom.....A mature woman's scent filled his nostrills....He has put his pelvic region striaght to her vagina and rubbed his penis around her lower region

Zero cracked his arms and grabbed Nia's breasts and groped them to his heart's content...While rotating Nia's boobs up and down

*AAh~* *MMhhh* *MmhAAh*


They are very soft and comfortable to him.....he repeatdietly squeezed them as Nia's face becomes mixture of erotic and embrassment.

Nia tried to slap Zero away but Zero recieved no damage.

Zero stopped after he is satsified.

"So what I wanted to say is that....You have a hot body and I wanted to fuck you with or without consent....But since you have more affection level you would accept it but I would feel nothing so " Zero continued.

"How about you pretend to refuse and I forcefully strip you down and scream in terror....Last time I checked you have molestation kink " Zero said

"It's like you know everything about me...But you choose to do it the way that suits you better right ....Fine let's the roleplay begin" Nia said.

Zero approached Nia agressively and ripped all of her clothes forcefully and knocked her down in the ground.

He restricted her with both of his hands and removed her panties.....

"Let the defloweration start " Zero said...

Zero thrusted her penis through vagina and thrusted it 300 thruts/minute....Nia would be destroyed if Zero didn't edit NIA stats.

Zero put his mouth in Nia's breasts and begun sucking milk from her tits....

"Thanks for the breast-feeding and here....Have my baby.....Name the boy.....Kratos...He will become a painter who starts world war 3 someday " Zero said.

After several thrusts Zero finally cummed inside Nia...

Nia left panting and exhausted in the ground.

"I Will come again....When I feel sexually exicted....Be there to have sex with me " Zero told her.

"Please...Go e-easy on m-me " Nia said.

"Nah....Don't worry you don't die " Zero said as he teleported again to next location....

<On the rooftop of Tengu tower>

"Ara Ara~ how did you find me? And who are you? " Kurumi asked Zero..

"I am nothing, I have nothing but I want you panties " Zero asked..

"My my~ You are a naughty boy aren't you " Kurumi said as without hesistation as she pulled off her bra and panties....Revealing her vagina and nipples to Zero making him more sexually exicted as Zero drooled over body...

On the next minute kurumi attacked him with various attacks as Zero admired Kurumi's body curve, Thick Ass and Thighs and boobs....

Kurumi's attacks didn't deal any damage to Zero....Finally Zero decided.

"I think I have energy left for you " Zero said.

"You are talking a-about f-fightning right " Kurumi asked terrifed that her attacks dealt no damaged....

Zero smiled creepily for a while as he lunged at Kurumi

Zero spent a long evening enlightning himself tasting the body of a woman....

[Achievement unlocked: Zero contribution, Full enjoyment]

The purpose of book is just events that make the readers appeling....

This book is like a drug....Which has only enjoyment

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts