
chapter 14

Tai and Emilia made camp since nightfall came up on them they were 6 hours ahead of Sias group and should make it by midday tomorrow to the water fall. They finished putting together camp as Tai was starting the campfire, Emilia was putting a bathroom together using Earth magic and water spells.

They made a fresh salad for dinner and sat down against a log Tai paced by the campfire reading about the Elf race then they both took a bath and went to lay down early.

Morning came as both groups pack up camp to make their way onward to their destination, Emilia couldn't help to feel a large distance between her and Tai, but doesn't know if it's her doing it since her father was the one who hurt them or was it her putting the distance between them because of that.

" baby what's wrong you haven't been talking that much" Tai said as she makes a pouting face making Emilia chuckle.

" I'm sorry babe I just cant stop my mind from going a thousand different places" Emilia said as she reaches out her hand for Tai to hold.

Tai brings her horse to a stop and dismounts walking over to Emilia then ties the reigns to Emilias saddle as she climbs up behind her wrapping hr arms around Emilias waist, then kisses her neck as she lays hr head on her shoulder.

They continue riding that way until they reach the waterfall, Tai couldn't help but worry for her loved ones and not knowing what those things are is getting her worked up by the moment.