
Chapter 1

Gwenevere walked along the snowy trail headed toward the grand gothic castle. She walked along with grace and she seemed to not care about the cold weather nipping at her skin. She arrives at the castle's entrance and uses the door knocker to announce her presence. The black doors swing open and she walks inside the castle. The black doors slam shut after she gets inside.

Four women walk into the grand foyer. One stands close to 10 feet tall, wearing a long white gown that reaches her feet, a black oversized hat, and black gloves. She's beautiful with chin length black hair, golden eyes and fair skin, and an hourglass figure.

The shorter three stand about 6 feet tall, all wearing black gowns with corsets over them and with black shawls covering their heads. All three women wear chokers with different colored pendants on them. The oldest of the three women appears to be standing slightly in front of the other two. She has shoulder length blonde hair and her choker has a red pendant. The next woman has shoulder length dark brown, almost black hair and her choker has a yellow pendant. The final woman has shoulder length red hair and her choker has a green pendant. All three women are beautiful with fair skin, golden eyes and hourglass figures. The tallest woman steps forward and introduces herself.

"I'm Alcina Dimitrescu, and these are my daughters Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. You must be Gwenevere." Alcina says, pointing to the three smaller women beside her.

"Yes, Lady Dimitrescu. I'm Gwenevere. I'm here to serve as a guard for you and your daughters." Gwenevere states, slightly bowing her head in respect to the colossal woman in front of her.

"I see. You are welcome to stay and guard us." Alcina states, with a bit of amusement. The Lady of the house is curious about the ancient woman.

The three daughters rush forward at a speed only Gwenevere can achieve and they latch onto Gwenevere in a group hug of sorts, squealing excitedly. The three step back and formally introduce themselves.

"I'm Bela." the blonde haired woman states, her golden eyes shining.

"I'm Daniela." the red haired woman says, twirling a strand of her red locks.

"And I'm Cassanda." the black haired woman states, crossing her arms and standing in between Bela and Daniela.

Alcina stands behind them, watching the encounter closely. She looks over the woman as she chats with her daughters. Gwenevere wears a knee length black dress with lace sleeves, and black platform boots. She's beautiful with long black hair, fair skin and her eyes have black sclera with bright electric blue irises, she has a pear shaped figure. She stands shorter than her daughters, reaching only their shoulders.

"If allowed, my Lady, could one of you give me a tour? I want to be able to know the whole layout of the castle to ensure an escape route if we need one." Gwenevere states, looking at the Dimitrescu women.

"Of course! That would be a good idea." Alcina states, starting to lead the way around the castle.

After touring the castle, the ancient woman is shown her room and settles in for the night. Gwenevere starts to patrol the castle, making sure no intruders get inside. As she walks about the castle, the Dimitrescu women silently watch her from afar.

"That woman isn't a regular human, Mother." Cassandra states, looking to her mother.

"No. She was turned into a monster 1,000 years ago.." Alcina states, looking down at her daughters.

The three women gasp quietly and look down at Gwenevere, watching as she carefully looks at everything she passes in her patrol. The three women look at each other and share a grin, deciding to scare the girl. They all three turned into a swarm of flies and flew around Gwenevere, eventually turning back into their human forms. Gwenevere flinched, startled by the sudden appearance of the three Dimitrescu women. She did a small curtsy, and stood back up again, looking down at the floor.

"Hello, my Ladies. How are you this evening?" Gwenevere asks.

The three women smile at one another and look down at the smaller woman.

"We are doing wonderful, how are you?" Bela questions.

"I'm alright. Is your mother enjoying the evening as well?"

The three women looked shocked to say the least.

"I have heightened hearing, my ladies. I heard the discussion you were having." Gwenevere explains.

"Our mother is doing swell this evening." Cassandra states.

"That's wonderful.." Gwenevere states. "If you'll excuse me, my ladies." Gwenevere says, turning and continuing to walk the castle walls.

The Dimitrescu women all look as Gwenevere walks away in shock. Alcina looked just as surprised, especially to hear that Gwenevere could hear their conversation. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela all went back to their mothers side. They all decided to turn in for the night.

The sun was slowly starting to rise, meaning it was time for Gwenevere to pull the curtains of the castle closed.