

In A Country: Deborah Quine is a Young, vibrant and smart attorney who believes in money and power. She believes that only money can make her happy as long as she can buy her Birkin bags and have enough saved in her account just in case, you know; life is unpredictable. Salvatore Castellano is a narcissistic and unforgiving Consigliere of “The Castellano family. A drug crime family passed down from generations and well known, respected and feared all over Europe and beyond. He strongly believes in “an eye for an eye” but he will never deal the first blow, you’ve got to give people solid reason to declare you innocent. He believed that love is for the weak and a waste of time; as all the women who tried to seduce him all met their sweet end. After his father’s murder, he decided to visit A Country for a month. A trip only him knows the reason for. In A country, a bunch crazy tenants must come together to defend their home “GURARA PLAZA” with the help of none other than the Consigliere of the Castellano family Will things go according to his plan? Read on to find out. Am pretty rough around the edges, so your humble opinion would be appreciated

MhizSassy_G · Fantasie
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9 Chs

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