
Guns 'N Dynamite

Jeff Compton was a tall, handsome man. He was born in 1806, in London, and he's been a thief ever since. One day, he and his friend Harold rob a bank. The first time Jeff Compton would ever have an unsuccesful robbery. They have to flee. At first, they don't know where to go, but then Harold has an idea. They use the newest invention to stay away from the coppers: the train.

CMAP_Rijvers · Geschichte
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Hi there, I'm super enjoying the process of writing this story, but I have some bad news.

A couple of not-so-good things have been happening in my family lately, which I prefer not to discuss on the internet, but these cause the reason that I don't have any spare time left to write.

Therefor, I won't be updating this novel for the coming time. I'm sure that things will get better and that I'll pick up on this novel again cause, as I said, I'm loving the writing process of it. But for now, there will be a little pause. And I didn't want to just leave the novel for some time without communicating it to you all.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll understand.