
Privateering 1

「Dungeon Creator – Legendary Tradeskill 

Effect: Learn how to draft and establish dungeons of all types and sizes.」 

「Skill Fusion – Legendary Tradeskill 

Effect: Learn how to take two different skills and combine them to produce something unique.」 

Simple descriptions, but their utility was so great for a player that it made Draco shiver with delight. Words could not describe the amount of self-patience he had had to muster all this while to not dive into these two Tradeskills, instead focusing on leveling up the ones he already had. 

As such, he had spent 6 months inside the Unique Quest on Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Magical Engineering, and Scrivener. He had reached the Grandmaster Rank in the first two and the Expert Rank in the latter two. 

Now, it was time to focus on the three Tradeskills he had purposefully neglected so far, Privateering, Dungeon Creation, and Skill Fusion.