
Expert Rank Scrivener

Draco added on another week, in which he made 50,000 sheets of Aether-imbued paper as well as an extra 5,000 liters of Aether-imbued ink. With these two combined, he continued to replicate the 246 Common spells over and over again. 

He had previously written down 7 sets of these spells, meaning he had 1,722 spellbooks in total. With these new materials, he could make 10 additional sets, with enough leftover sheets to create some of his Common skillbooks for Archery and Swordsmanship. 

This naturally took 17 days, meaning that in total, Draco had spent 44 days on the Scrivener Tradeskill, just about 1.5 months! In these new sets, he had made 2460 spellbooks, and coupled with the former amount, the total was now 4,182. 

He reckoned that this should be enough to give to the talented mages in the guild from the original 3,000. As for those who were recruited later, they needed to prove themselves to him.