
Guide to tame my villainous husbands

Sequel to Guide to raise my cutie husbands. Mo Qiang, an architect was chosen by the fairy of nature who brought her to the world of interstellar where she was punished to revive the nature that she has destroyed with her own hands while creating architecture that she thought was paving way for the future. Now, stuck with a nature-reviving system in a world full of poisonous gases and intergalactic stuff where she has to start from the very beginning and plant more forest and crops while creating a liveable world for the humans, Mo Qiang was suffering. But it sounds easy right? No! In her path she has three villainous husbands, all three of them want to kill her such that they will be able to marry her capable sister after kicking her away who was trashy and good for nothing. Mo Qiang has nothing against them, in fact, she is more than willing to divorce them after securing her life and raising her favourability in their hearts such that they will not kill her but —— Why are they coming for her now? Hello, you all wanted to marry her sister right? Excerpt: “ Here you go,” said Mo Qiang as she pushed the divorce agreement looking at her first husband who was gentle but poisonous like a snake. “ I have already signed the document of our divorce, you can take a look —-wait, why are you taking your clothes off?” The mer looked at her and smiled gently as he took off his glasses and said, “ Looks like my wife is not happy with me not giving birth to our child, don’t worry I will work hard tonight.” Mo Qiang: “…..” I do not want you to work hard! Take second! “ Take this and sign it,” said Mo Qiang, this time more fiercely as she looked at her second husband who was reading a script for his film. “ I am sure you want to divorce me right? I have already signed —-woah! What are you putting me on the bed for?” She asked while looking at the gorgeous face. Her second husband stared down at her and with a blank expression and voice as cold as water said, “ I have to practice a love-making scene, help me, dear wife.” Mo Qiang: “……” This movie that you are shooting is based on the Zerg apocalypse, don’t lie to me! With whom are you going to make love with? A Zerg? Take third! “ Huff, huff..this is the divorce agreement, sign it... I know that your company does not allow idols to date so here sign it,” she said to her third husband who was practising his dance moves. The mer who was dressed in a loose silk shirt and sweat dripping down his body took a look at the document that she was handing him and then hugged Mo Qiang. A second later she heard his sniffling voice while he peppered kisses on her neck, “ Wife you do not want me? Is that the new idol who attracted your attention, I knew it! I will take care of him!” “Put down that knife will you!” And why is the third prince of the imperial family who hated her to the bones coming after her with flowers? She already has her hands full! ….

fairytail72 · Fantasie
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911 Chs

Meeting the husbands——2

As soon as Mo Xifeng pressed the button of the intercom that was next to the door, a sweet and gentle voice came from the other side of the intercom, " Who?"

The voice was like a gentle trickle of water, serene and calm. Mo Qiang, however, did not feel the same, instead, she immediately raised her guard when she realised to whom this voice belonged, if she was not wrong then it belonged to the previous owner and now her first husband, Yin Fu. Unlike his name he was neither rich nor affluent, in fact, it could be said that he was more or less a commoner who married Mo Qiang because his family could not pay their debts.

She did not have much memory of his since the previous owner did not like spending time with her husbands who were like a constant reminder that she was no longer the daughter of the general of the imperial army and was a commoner who could not marry her favourite imperial prince and had to marry commoners.

Though she knew one thing and that was, the three husbands were really handsome.

"It's me," Mo Xifeng answered in the intercom which remained silent for a few minutes but then there was a thud followed by a scrambling noise as the door was pulled open and a mer with darker blonde hair which was parted in the middle, bangs hanged over his forehead loosely and his slightly longer hair was tied with a golden ribbon in a side ponytail.

His blue eyes were shimmering as he looked at Mo Xifeng and shyly greeted her, "Sister-in-law, what are you doing here?"

Mo Qiang looked at the mer in front of her, she could easily see that the man did have some rather sweet feelings for Mo Xifeng, especially with the way his eyes lit up when he looked at Mo Xifeng as if expecting something from her.

"Brother-in-law," Mo Xifeng however did not seem to have any feelings towards this dainty-looking flower-like mer. She calmly looked at the mer and then said, " Is third brother-in-law inside? Sister Qiang is here to apologise to him."

Only then did Yin Fu turn to look at Mo Qiang and his eyes that were shining like millions of stars suddenly turned gloomy when he looked at Mo Qiang, if Mo Qiang was not wrong, she even saw the guy flinch as he dropped his sweet smile and said in an explanatory voice, " I was just smiling at sister in law because I was greeting her and nothing else."

Mo Qiang who knew the feelings of her husbands would often beat them up for choosing her sister instead of her but the more she acted like that the more they inclined towards Mo Xifeng who was not only a mecha morph but also a good woman who never raised her hands on mers.

Just now he was too excited when he saw Mo Xifeng and completely ignored Mo Qiang, Yin Fu was worried that he was going to receive thirty to forty lashings again. The last time he smiled at Mo Xifeng, Mo Qiang had whipped him until he fainted because of the blood loss if not for his sister-in-law who came to rescue him from his wife, he was afraid that he would have died that day.

Yin Fu hated his wife, he wished she would die somewhere such that no one will come back and whip him bloody every third day of the week but his wife was like a scrooge, she would somehow survive every time she was in a life or death situation!

He was certain that because he smiled at Mo Xifeng, he was at least going to receive a slap or two but to his surprise, he heard his wife say, " Can you move? You are blocking my way."

When he raised his head, he was stunned to see that his wife was standing in front of him but she did not raise her hand to slap him nor did she spit at his face and called him a dog who wagged his tail every time he saw Mo Xifeng.

" Yes?" Yin Fu asked in a daze to which Mo Qiang rolled her eyes and raised her hand which caused the latter to flinch as he was expecting Mo Qiang to hit him but then to his surprise, she just waved her hand which was motioning him to move out of her way and looked at him with an annoyed look.

" You get out of my way, can you not see? I am a patient as well, I stayed on the streets all night, I need to apologise and go on my way," Mo Qiang was not going to act kindly to these mers, she knew that if she was to treat them well, they will only get more suspicious of her.

She had read the same in a book once, in the book, the villain suddenly gained his conscience and tried to help the female lead but instead, the female lead got suspicious of him and then poisoned him! Mo Qiang did not want to get poisoned!

She will think about treating them well later on but currently, she raised her head and looked at the top of Yin Fu head's

[ favourability: -370]

With this favourability, she might as well get poisoned by just breathing!

" Oh," Yin Fu stepped aside and Mo Qiang walked inside the room followed by Mo Xifeng. As soon as she walked inside the room, she saw three beds that were placed on the other side of the wall, they were half floating in the air with an old lava lamp burning at the side while two mers.

One with blue eyes and black hair that was slightly curly with a pair of glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose and the other one had cherry pink shoulder-length wavy hair with one violet eye and the other one was golden. His left leg was in a cast and he was eyeing Mo Qiang with a suspicious look in his eyes, Mo Qiang looked at the mer who was sitting on the third bed carefully and was surprised to find that he was actually holding a pair of scissors in his hand and seemed to be rather prepared to lunge at her.

Mo Qiang: "....." I just stepped into this room give me a minute, sweetie.