
Too fast

Might be uncomfortable for some who don't like mers on the submissive side. Please do skip. As for those who like it please do send me gifts teehee.

Shen Li shivered, he knew what was coming but he still could not help but tremble. 

Whether it was out of excitement or fear, he was yet to find out. 

Yu Dong caught his light tremors and smiled before walking towards him as she stroked his lips with her fingers by running them over his lips. 

As her fingers skimmed over his lips, Shen Li felt his mouth tingle. He could not help but lean forward wanting more but was stopped by Yu Dong who pushed him away.

"Not yet, there is no need for you to be in so much hurry is it?" Her words caused Shen Li's eyes to dim slightly as he poked his tongue out and licked his lips.