
Chapter 2: Demon's Claw

Tigreal just finished his solemn promise to his once mentors that give meaning to his perseverance. "Your heroic and bravery acts will flow through my veins of memories eternally, I cannot just let your sacrifice goes to nothing. That's a promise" he said while his one hand holding the ground. Just like making a vow to the Highness with hands on sacred book.

"C'mon now my companions. We had a long way to our empire", he muttered as he was like talking to his sword and shield.

Just when he was to prepare to leave, he notice an odd-looking piece of claw made from hard object. Something just popped out of his mind as he realized what he was looking on. A speck of events during his one mission answered his question. That claw belongs to a demon he once encountered.

That sudden realization made him to a defense position inspecting everything in his surroundings. Looks like the favor was not in him since he can only see near his position. Aside from the dark environment and the cold breeze, there's nothing here. Tigreal lowers down his guard but not his sense.

"Seems like there was a situation here before I came". When he was just about to leave, a black strange with a dying creature texture and a ragged dark cloak covering his head creep in out the sudden. "Demon", Tigreal whispered and readied himself. "You're only one?" he asked with confusion. He knew a single demon facing him is just like facing their death.

The demon then starts to turn around him like a rotating wheel but its flying. Tigreal didn't take his eyes out of this demon. He was surprised when the demon rotating around him became two and it became three until they were six.

"You're cloning now, huh" he said and start assaulting them one by one. His sword pierced one of the demons and his other hand was occupied by his shield. He did not stop winding his sword as for demon to not touch his skin with their claws. The demons perished their death with the fate of Tigreal's sword.

"I know you're just not gonna attack me like that". He knew very deeply about all the kinds of demon.

But it was too late for him to chase the other demons who's running away from him, although they don't have the gifts of feet. It is the demon's strategy to keep him occupy for the other demons make their works done. Even though they are sacrificing their lives. Giving their lives easily doesn't makes sense, Tigreal thought, since they were just a demon.

He needs to leave now to warn his empire about the situation he just dealt with. it's just a matter of time for the demons to make casualty. And also the thing is, it is the same demons who ambushed him and lost his mentors.

He have only one thought, to go to see Alucard too.