

Zhou Di didn't know where Yang Chen was carrying him to, only realizing that they went up to the third floor, an area primarily filled with bedrooms. When he sat down a soft and comfortable large bed topped with a bamboo mat, providing a pleasantly cool sensation, he couldn't help bu inquire:

"Where are we? Why did you carry me here? I want to go back to my room."

Yang Chen explained:

"This is my personal bedroom. You are sick and need someone to take care of you. If you go back to your room, I won't be able to stay there for a long time. You'll be lying there alone. That is quite pitiful and it pains me to think of you alone."

Zhou Di shot him a disdainful look and said indignantly:

"Liar! I don't need your sympathy. What I need is just not to bother me."

Yang Chen retrieved a set of pajamas and handed them to him, saying:

"Not to bother you? My baby, please tell me who began to flirt with me. Tit for tat. Come on, change into pajamas first. It might be a bit big on you."

As he attempted to help Zhou Di in undressing, the latter refused, saying:

"Don't touch me and go out. I didn't flirt with you. Flatter yourself!"

"Alright, don't be so melodramatic. My baby, you're sick now. " Yang Chen looked at Zhou Di's refusal and quickly added, "okay, okay, you can change on your own."

Seemingly forgetting his earlier demand for Yang Chen to go out, Zhou Di slowly took off his clothes, wincing from the pain all over his body due to his injuries caused by making love with Yang Chen. Observing the bite marks and bruises on Zhou Di's body, Yang Chen couldn't help but smile and asked: 

"Did you apply the ointment that Zaihua gave you for your buttocks?"

Seeing Zhou Di shake his head, Yang Chen went to the bathroom and returned with a small porcelain bottle after a while, saying:

Seeing Zhou Di shake his head, he disappeared into the bathroom and came back with a small porcelain bottle, saying:

"I think it was probably the first time for you to sex yesterday. Even though I tried to control myself, I might have unintentionally caused some discomfort. Your fever might be a sign of infection. If you still have a fever again after making love with me next time, I will call the doctor to examine you properly. Now, let me apply some ointment for you."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Di initially wanted to protest but felt too uncomfortable all over. He could only hatefully say:

"Next time? Forget it, I won't let you make love with me again."

When Yang Chen tried to pull down his changed pajamas, Zhou Di resisted:

"Don't touch me. I don't need you and I will do it myself."

Yang Chen coaxed him:

"Okay, stop fussing. Let me apply this for you because I can see where it is red and swollen. Can you see it yourself? Come on! Once it's done, take some medicine and go to bed for good sleeping. If you're still not feeling well, I'll have to call the doctor. And, if you want to settle the score with me, you'll need to recover first. In your current state, I'm the only one who can take advantage of bullying you. It's not worth it. Be obedient, okay?"

Zhou Di did indeed want to have a good sleep so he reluctantly let Yang Chen apply the ointment and take some medicine. His last consciousness was of Yang Chen covering him with a thin blanket.

When Zhou Di woke up again, he found Yang Chen sitting by the bedside, reading a book. He asked drowsily:

"Shouldn't you be with your guests?"

Yang Chen replied:

"You are awake. They don't need me around and they're more comfortable and relaxed without me. Although our relationship is very good, I'm still their Young Marshal." After his words, he picked up the phone on the bedside table and ordered, "Bring the lunch for Zhou Di and me."

After they finished lunch, Zhou Di wanted to return to his room, but Yang Chen pulled him back onto the bed, saying:

"You just recovered from the fever and need more rest. It is the same whether you stay in your room or here. Be good!"

Zhou Di rolled his eyes at Yang Chen and said:

"Are you coaxing a child? Let me go back and pack. I will leave here tomorrow."

Yang Chen explained:

"Are you really angry? I wasn't lying to you. I initially wanted to take care of you by myself this morning. After I had jogged and trained with these officers, there were unexpected matters what I had to handle, talking with my father on phone, signing many documents and so on. So I sent Zaihua to check whether your fever had gone down and take good care of you. I didn't expect him to give you money." 

Zhou Di said weakly:

"Can I still trust your words? You told me that you wouldn't tell anyone that you are a gay but Adjutant Yang knows this. You claimed that it was your first time to consider finding a male partner, yet Adjustant Yang told me that he treated me like other boys and handled this according to the usual methods. You...you're lying to me."

Yang Chen sighed and said:

"No, I didn't lie to you. I told you the truth. I never told anyone that I was a gay. However, don't forget that Zaihua, who is almost the same age as me, has been my playmate since childhood and now he is my adjutant. Yes, I had never told him about my sexual orientation but he could sense some of my abnormal behavior. He didn't aske me about this. It wasn't until one evening when I was drunk at a dinner with some guests. My wine was drugged secretly and, of course, a woman was also sent to my room. At that time I indeed felt uncomfortable and wanted someone to alleviate my sexual needs. However, I was not interested in the woman. Zaihua discreetly found a handsome young man to come to my room, covering his eyes. It was then when I realized Zaihua knew my secret. You can imagine how awful I felt, being spied on and having others enjoy the spectacle without my knowledge. The shame, the anger and even the feeling of betrayal overwhelmed me. I was so ashamed and angry that I lashed out at him. He ended up bedridden for half a month. I was scolded by my parents but Zaihua never told anyone why I hit him."

Zhou Di said quietly:

"But it was not his fault."

Yang Chen smiled sadly and continued to say:

"Of course, I know it was not his fault. On the contrary, I could feel that he was trying to protect me. Yet, I still hit him hardly and fiercely. After that, we didn't talk about it further, but he occasionally brought young men to come to me and I accepted them. He just told me that these young men were clean and they didn't know who I was. I know he never caused any trouble for me. Sometimes, due to various pressures, I need to use this method to relieve these stresses."

Zhou Di said without emotion:

"So I am just one of these young men."

Yang Chen explained:

"No, you're different. I don't know why I am attracted on you but I told you that you sparked in me the desire to find a male partner forever, not just for physical intimacy but someone I can spend my life with, a confidant, a true life companion."

Zhou Di slowly lay down on the bed, looking at Yang Chen, saying:

"I have never expected that I have such a great charm to you. Please tell me what I caught your attention?"

"The first time I saw you, it was your eyes that drew me in. They were bright, with a hint of innocence. Coupled with your baby face, it gave the impression of simplicity and childish pure. But when I looked at you, you lowered your eyes and avoided my gaze. Your evasion made me lose interest because there are many young soldiers like you in the army, innocent and simple but timid in front of superiors. Another reason is that I never had the inclination to find a boyfriend. As you know, I have spent most of my time with my soldiers. I've always considered them as my brothers. However, I've noticed that you are different from them. During our discussion about the porcelain, you interjected. Although it was soft-spoken, you directly challenged me. It was then that I realized you weren't as timid as you appeared. You were straightforward, which appealed to me. When you moved in, I noticed how hardworking your were, sometimes even forgetting to have your dinner. I instructed Uncle Yang to take care of you. Soon I found out again that you were quite bold, especially in speaking out your opinions. You weren't constrained by my status. Although stubborn, you weren't narrow-minded. You even had a mischievous side, which I liked. Later, I discovered you were peeping at me, not just once but every day. So I thought you might like me. Honestly, I don't usually pursue other men but you made me want to get closer to you and understand you." Pausing, he leaned closer to Zhou Di, looking at him with eager eyes as he softly asked, "Is it okay for me...for us?"

Zhou Di hesitated for a moment before weakly saying:

"I don't know. I... I am a bit scared. How to do if our relationship is discovered? My grandparents are getting old and their wish is for me to marry and have children to continue our family line. You are also troublesome. Not to mention the family, if our relationship is in public, the gossip in society alone could ruin you. At that time you would be buried by accusations, invectives and suspicions in society. These are all things to consider."

Upon hearing Zhou Di's words, Yang Chen immediately became excited. He kissed lightly him on the forehead and said:

"Let's keep it in secret. Take it step by step, okay?"

"In secret? Please think more about it. You are still the Young Marshal. Just Adjutant Yang who is the first person to know about our relationship. Please tell me how you keep it secretly."

Yang Chen jokingly replied:

"Let's kill him and bury him. Don't worry. Even if he knows about our relationship, he won't tell others. He is very discreet, trust me! Be with me and follow me always, okay?"

Shaking his head, Zhou Di said:

"No, I don't want to follow you. Following you would only bring trouble to you and embarrassment to me. Do you understand?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Chen suddenly realized something but then said:

"You're right. But if you don't follow me, what should we do if we miss each other?"

Zhou Di whispered:

"As long as we are together in our hearts."

Yang Chen looked at Zhou Di in astonishment, gently kissed his lips then gazed at him affectionately. He kissed him again, a sincere and deep kiss this time.