
Guardian: The Broken World

Zhao Yunlan was a well-known Guardian of the human realm who hunted down even the most dangerous ghost that plagued the broken world, but a casual encounter with a mysterious professor at Dragon City University changed more than the chaos in which humanity found itself for hundred of years, he also changed to his own destiny. This is an alternative universe story, more related to the novel than the drama, but I hope someone comes to like it. Sorry for the bad English, it's not my main language, my bad. I don't own Guardian the novel, because that belongs to the awesome Priest, nor the picture used as cover for this work, which I give the proper credit to his rightful owner. Happy reading.

Akai_Seirei · TV
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44 Chs

Sleeping Beauty, Shameless God


"Okay, this is it, we are home..." Zhao said, parking Shen's car in front of the building in which he have his apartment. It was a good place to live, with lovely gardens, a small park, lots of healthy trees and the best peaceful environment a human can enjoy.

The only thing that looked out of place was the multiple red and yellow talismans, placed all over the structure. Those, of course, were necessary to keep the ghosts for braking in, but as he was the Chief Guardian in Dragon City, the wards on the apartment complex were highly stronger than the common ones used in pretty much every building in the country.

"Shen Wei... wake up..." Zhao slightly shake the man sleeping on the passenger's seat. His head was facing his way, so he took a second to admire the Professors perfect features. He was by all means a handsome man, but what fascinate Zhao the most about Shen, was the feeling he was the one made for him, his other half, his long lost soul mate.

In the past he had a few relationships, but none of them had last for long. Deep inside, he felt that something was missing, even when he tried his best to shake that feeling aside. However, apparently, his best effort had never been good enough for those he had chosen to be with, and they had end up the relationship within months or a year or two.

Yet, somehow, meeting the sleeping beauty beside him, make him experience all kinds of feelings in such a short amount of time, from the tenderest ones, to those more intimate of which he needed to remain himself, he could not put them in motion just yet.

Suddenly Zhao half smiled. He could act as a gentlemen for a while, and more so taking in consideration that the Professor looked like a conservative one, coming from a long lost past. Damn it, this is going to be hard... Zhao thought as he shock Shen Wei for a second time, however, the Professor didn't respond to his touch, for which Zhao panic for a second fearing the man's heart had stopped beating again.

Fortunately, when putting his finger over his neck, he sighed in relief. His heart was beating normally, he was simply in deep sleep. Apparently, he was a heavy sleeper when tired, but at least, the pained expression was gone from his beautiful face and only a peaceful one remained. He wonder if he was having a good dream or that if someday, he would be the source of it.

"Hell... since when have I become a love sick bastard within just a few hours?" Zhao asked himself. Could it be he was spell bonded? Could ghosts even do that? No, if there was someone indecent enough to do such a thing, it would be him. Shen Wei would never dare to do so.

"Oh, well... this is going to be a bit difficult, my sleeping beauty, but you can't stay here forever. We had a lot to talk about." And so, with great difficulty, he carried his slender, yet heavy prince to his private palace.


The moment he heard from those fools members of the Order, that Zhao Yunlan had gone in search for Shen Wei he had a bad feeling. His Honor had always had a soft spot for the bastard and he knew that just been close to him was enough to cause him a world of pain. Thus, his first instinct was to grab Guo and open a portal inside His Honor's dorm, which he found it empty.

"He is not here..." Chu said.

"It's still a bit over ten in the morning... he should be giving lessons or in his office." Guo remained him, and so both men walked out of the dorms to join the lively atmosphere of the University campus. Chu only knew of the dorm's location, so he didn't have a clue of where to find his office or his classroom.

"Damn it! I can't sense his presence here." Chu impatiently stated. His worry increasing by the second.

"This place is heavely warded, so it's not surprising... should we ask for the Professor's whereabouts? He is kind of famous here, right?" Guo asked timidly. He feared that Chu will go on rampage the moment he saw the Guardian.

"Humans had the tendency to like him, yes. I'm the one who is not good with humans in general, as you already know." Guo smiled at this. Yes, he was well aware that the only human he willingly interacted with was him, which make him blush out of the blue.

"I can ask around for you. Is... Is that okay?" He asked and Chu sighed.

"Since when have I forbid you of doing anything?" Chu asked back, giving him a deeper look, making Guo's heart run even faster.

"Oh, never... I will go ask now..." He said, turning in a hurry, which only make him trip with his own feet and on his way to meet the ground face forward. He was halfway falling, when strong arms hold him in place. Guo's face flushed in embarrassment even more when feeling Chu's cold hands on him.

"Always so clumsy..." Chu whisper on his ear, making Guo swallow back his heart.

"Ah... thanks. It's okay now, you can let go of me..." He whisper with trembling voice.

"Should I?" He teased, but seen that the monk was about to faint, he simply smiled, pulling him safely back on his feet. "Go..." Chu urge him and watched as Guo tripped a few more times, miraculously managing not to fall again.

A few minutes later, Guo had found out that the Professor had been absent from work that day. He had some health problems earlier in the morning, for which he had ask for a sick leave. Apparently, he was going to be taken to a hospital for a medical check and have not being seen since then.

"Ahhhh, I just knew it! Zhao Yunlan, just you wait until I put my hands on you! You are a dead man!" Chu's rage escalate and after visiting a few hospital in search of Shen Wei without success, Guo could only pray they didn't find them anytime soon.


"So, nothing so far yet?" Zhao asked Zhu on the phone. He had wanted to know if his team had find at least something worth of further investing. He knew that the Ghost Slayer theme was probably a forbidden one, even if he try it with Shen, who was still fast asleep in the middle of his bed, in where he seems to belong.

"It will take us a while to actually find something interesting. Half the books in here mention the hero for one reason or another, so you will have to patiently wait. Oh, talking about patience... you should know that the Ghost Slayer envoy and his lover had come looking for you. The cat had rat you out, telling him you went looking for the Professor. I should warn you, he wasn't pleased to hear it." Zhao cursed under his breath when hearing it.

"Tell Da Qing to stay somewhere else tonight or I may be tempted to skin him alive like a fish and eat him!" Zhao impulsively yelled, making Shen stir under the heavy covers. At the other side of the phone, Zhu simply laughed.

"Sure. Will you be coming back, or are you already too busy trying to show your Professor how charming you can be?" Zhao sighed.

"Believe it or not, I have a legitimate reason to talk with the Professor. I may show up later, depending of what I can find from this end." He said and after a few more instructions, he hang up and resumed his position on his couch. He had been staring at Shen for more than an hour after he manage to bring him in.

He had dare to take off his tie, eyeglasses and shoes, so he could sleep more comfortably. That he had some dirty thoughts about undressing him completely, yes, it had crossed his mind. However, he restrained himself and had opted for doing some last minute cleaning, to keep himself busy for a while, but after doing the job he had decided to simply wait for his prince to wake, because nothing he had tried worked on him.

"Come on Xiao Wei... I already had a mad ghost looking for me, probably with deep desires to kill me." Zhao whisper while finally sitting by him in his bed. Maybe... just maybe, if he try wake him up like in the fairy tales, he will finally have a look at those dark eyes of him.

"Xiao Wei... we really need to talk now..." He persisted without success. "Fine! Don't blame me for trying this then..." Zhao inclined his body slowly, coming closer and closer, until his face was just inches from his. Right at that instant, Shen Wei's eyes open and in a fast move, Zhao was flip over the bed, with Shen over him, holding both his arms over his head.

"Zhao Yunlan, just what are you doing?" Shen asked, while looking at him with such intensity that make him swallow.

"Trying to wake you up, obviously. I tried to shake you, talk you and there was even one yell. So... there was only one way left or so the fairy tales suggest..." He shamelessly said, he was taken by surprise for a second, however, he honestly didn't mind Shen's way of waking, it was even better than his.

"You... ahhhhh, why do I bother?" Shen asked, getting off him and sitting at the border of the bed.

"Are you better now, then?" Zhao asked, also sitting in the middle of his bed.

"Yes, you could said that..." He said, standing up.

"Good, because we really need to talk. You see, there is an angry ghost looking for me without good intentions." He said, laying on his bed again, unlike Shen.

"Who?" Shen asked, ready to tear apart whoever wanted to harm him.

"Chu Shuzhi." Zhao said, watching his expression change from a deadly one to a softer one in seconds. He was sure now that he did know the Ghost Slayer envoy.

"Oh..." He smiled apologetically.

"So, can we please talk now? It's kind of urgent. You can understand, right?" Shen try to avoid looking at Zhao comfortably speaking from over his bed. How he had let him trap him like that was beyond him.

"Yes, but I prefer we talk somewhere else." Zhao laughed, he was so damn cute and shy at the same time, it was delightful.

"Why? Don't like what you see?" Shen face turned red in seconds, making Zhao laugh even more.

"You really are shameless. I will be waiting outside." He ran away, making Zhao even happier than before. This chase was really going to be fun, was the last thing he thought before resuming his Guardian role back. Before the more serious matters at hand could take away his only joy.

AN: Here it goes another one I really enjoyed writing.