
Meeting The Young Apprentice


Time seems to have stop for a second once the Ghost Slayer was gone, as the ones he had left behind were too shocked to move a muscle, let alone say anything. It was the first time they had seen the Ghost Slayer both in person and in action and the impression was simply too great.

"Well, I will be leaving now, I will contact you later..." Chu said, just to break the uncomfortable silence. He wasn't good at dealing with humans in general, with the only exception of Guo, the only son of the head monk in the hidden temple serving the underworld, in which His Honor rested when it was time.

"No, wait... why the hurry, we just met and such an amazing legend had introduce you to us. He even ask me to accept your help." Zhao hurriedly said, recovering from his momentary lack of speech.

"I will assist you when in need, but I will warn you now. His Honor is a private man, none of you will ask a single personal question about him, because I will not bother to answer any of them, no matter who you are..." Zhao was sure, that last part was directed at him, which only make him more curious.

"That's fine with me..." Well, it was not like he was the only one the Ghost Slayer had introduce to them. Someone else was coming to join the Order and perhaps, he will have his way with the new guy. As his Chief, he could always try to coerce him. Humans sometimes were fragile like that and oh, he had so many devious ways to make him talk.

"Then, I will be going." Chu said not waiting for the common courtesy and just like the Ghost Slayer, he vanish in a cloud of smoke.

"That... that was awesome... the Ghost Slayer..." Lin finally said a bit exited. He had never seen such mastery with ghost fire. Many who had tried, had end up burning themselves and he easily controlled such a ferocity to a point not a single spot in the grass was burned.

"Yeah... he is something else alright." Zhu said, while looking at the huge amount of ashes gathered in the front yard. She was actually glad they didn't have to get involve in that fight, because there was no way they could handle that many Hell hounds at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah, he is a big gun. Now, can we leave? I need my nap and I doubt this place will be attacked again, because right now this place is the safest in the whole country, thanks to the lovesick idiot." Da Qing added.

"Professor Shen..." Zhao suddenly was conscious of the man that had gone to have some rest. He had forgot about him for a moment, too impressed with another rare gem. Still, his Professor was his favorite. Yunlan walked a few steps, but the cat sat in the floor in front of him, giving him an annoyed look.

"Don't go looking for him, in the moment the Ghost Slayer showed up, the mist released by him should had put to sleep all normal humans inside this building. He must be sleeping like a baby by now, not even aware of the danger outside. You can always harass him tomorrow." It was in moments like this that Zhao was annoyed the most with the old cat. Sometimes he simply acted like his dad.

"Fine, you all can have your beauty rest now, but I expect you tomorrow in the office, not later than nine. We had a lot do." Zhao finally said, taking the cat in his arms. "You however, will be denied of your hot milk and the premium dried fish for a week." Zhao added with an evil grin.

"What? How dare you... I'm the oldest member of the Order, the great and mighty..."

"Yeah, yeah. You are old, alright. Let's go home." He said, ignoring his protest all the way to their apartment.

-Shen Wei-

He knew it was inevitable, as he had been forced once again to use his energy to protect the one he had love in secret for centuries. Fighting the hounds was troublesome, but fighting them with contained rage, was something else entirely. Deep emotions were the triggers of his curse. Every time he was too close to Yunlan, when his heart couldn't help but beat faster as well as when he felt anger, intense pain will consume him. That had been one of the reasons he had stayed away from Kunlun's reincarnations, only obtaining comfort in watching him from a distant.

How was he going to handle having Yunlan chasing after him, without letting his pain known? He had become a master of hiding his emotions and to some point, he was already accustom to live with the pain who was only mild most of the time, but all that had been before finding out that this Zhao was something else. He had already make it clear that he had no intention of staying away from him. Of course, he was overjoyed that this reincarnation was different from all the others, but it was also bit harder to avoid.

He had loved Kunlun pretty much since he was a child, when he first met him, when the god had descended from the celestial realm to find his stolen fire. He had even followed him ever since, but the Kunlun of back then was too high up for him to hold. Although Kunlun did love him back, he was by all means forbidden to him, not because he was a man, but because he was a god. Zhao Yunlan, however, was a human, free to do as he pleased and he found him even more tempting, which represented his current problem.

Overwhelmed by intense pain, Shen Wei transported himself to the only place he could seek help. His portal open right in the middle of a dark room in which a young man sleep. Guo Changcheng and all his reincarnations had been there to help him. Chu called him a Saint and although he respected the young man wishes to not be called that, he too believed that the purity of his heart, was something beyond humanity.

"Young monk..." Shen whisper coming closer to his bed. He knew that the man was easily scared, but even if he tried his best to conceal his dark energy, it was a matter of time for the youngster to wake up in fright. Actually, Guo moved in his bed, assaulted by the sudden cold of his presence and just like he feared, the apprentice monk wake up, jumping in his bed to glue himself to the wall next to it.

"Please don't kill me..." Guo whisper while trembling, not really looking at him and despite his pain, Shen sighed.

"It's me Guo... I need your assistance." The slander man, stop shuddering when recognizing the voice of the Ghost Slayer.

"Your Honor..." He attempted to vow in a hurry, but the sudden action only make him fall form his small bed. Shen sighed once again. This kind of things happen too often lately.

A few minutes later, both of them sat in the middle of the underground temple surrounded by four pilars and poor illuminated with torches. The place was old, very old, yet the ones in charge of it had taken a good care of it. Shen had discarded his dark cloak for his human ones and was shirtless in front of the young priest, who was drawing the necessary symbols to contain his curse over his white skin. When the symbols seems to be craved with orange light, Guo closed his eyes to begging his healing session.

"Your pain has increased tenfold, what did you do?" Guo asked as he delicately infuse Shen Wei with his own energy, putting his right palm in the middle of his back.

"I met Zhao Yunlan in person and fight a horde of Hell hounds right after..." The guy behind him coughed.

"Wa... what?" Shen slightly smiled.

"It goes without saying I was quite angry. Ye Zun set me up." He calmly added, feeling his pain subside.

"Did he escape from his prison?" Gou asked shyly.

"No. The seal is still holding, at least for now, but he is still the King of hell as far as I know. His influence is still strong."

"That's... that's bad..."

"In a way yes. I dont know why he is acting now, but I will have to be more active this time around for which I took the liberty to introduce your name to Yunlan. I will ask for your forgiveness as well as that of your father later, but it's time for you to become a Guardian. You know your name is already written in their book. My apologies." Shen added.

"Oh... no... don't apologize... Your Honor, this temple exist to serve you. I will do as you wish." Shen smiled, sensing the apprentice monk nervous hands over his cold back.

"No need to be afraid, Zhao may be a bit... different, but he will treat you well or so I hope. Besides, you won't be going alone. Chu will be joining you and keep you safe from all possible harm..." At the mention of Shuzhi's name, Shen felt Guo's energy flared out of control, which disturbed his own dark energy he was trying to appease in return, making him moan in pain. Guo retracted his hand immediately and vowed in remorse.

"I'm sorry... So... sorry..." Seriously, Shen welcome the day those two accept what was obvious. Their mutual respect and attraction for one another. At first, Chu had keep an eye on them while they worked to decrease the pain, but giving the fact that Guo will always lose control of his inner energy when Chu was around, he had been forced to forbid Chu from coming in with them.

"It's okay... we can start again." This was going to be a long session now, Shen told himself inwardly, resigning to his fate.

AN: This Guo may be a little different, but I feel like he can be more. He is someone who can become the soul wick for the lantern, so I give him a more profound role. There is a reason for why he can easy Shen's pain, as the Ghost Slayer still had some secrets untold about his and Ye Zun's birth. Also, I intent to end this story with a happily ever after, so don't worry about it.