
Guardian of the six gems

Kyra Darvyn, though born into a magical and paranormal world did not believe in magical beings, paranormal beings or magic itself. Chosen and forced by the gods in which she didn't believe in, she was sent -with the help of her sister, Kiara and her pet tiger- to retrieve two of the six gems (gifted to the empire by the gods) that were stolen by one of the King's in the Empire. But first they are to go on a journey to the Dark Forest. It is rumoured that those who go in never come out, even some of the people who escaped were driven into madness and it is home to many mysterious and dangerous creatures. It is said that even though one escapes from the dangerous creatures it is hard to locate your way out of the forest. Despite all the warnings and rumours about the Dark Forest, Kyra and the rest embark on the journey -mostly because they have no choice and can't keep running from fate. Coping with the loss of their mother will they survive through the Dark Forest? What will happen when they encounter the dangerous creatures? ... Kyra did not believe in many things and love was one of them. After her first heartbreak, when her ex-boyfriend impregnated a girl and planned to marry the girl behind her back, Kyra ceased to believe in love. From then onwards, she hated men and the idea of falling in love. Will Kyra be capable of loving again after her terrible heartbreak? And what will happen when she realizes she has feelings for a certain Vampire Prince she met in the Dark Forest? Will she put her belief aside and fall in love with the Vampire and keep denying her feelings for him? Read to find out what happens with Kyra Darvyn... Thank you for checking out my book and I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as enjoy writing it. Note: the prologue is not really important it just shows how Kyra met her tiger (Wynstar). The tiger has a specific purpose in her life. It was sent by the gods to Kyra against her future. She plays a significant role in Kyra's life

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31 Chs

Sob stories

Kyra decided to start by asking him about all the things she had been told about vampires in bedtime stories by her mother but right now she was disturbed by his unearthly beauty.

"How are you?" He smiled bringing her out of her thoughts.

"I'm fine, how are you doing?" She asked smiling back awkwardly.

"I've been very good" he replied

"I know you didn't call me for nothing" he smiled politely. "So what is it that you have deemed to discuss with me?" He asked still smiling.

"Ahh yes. I just have a few questions to ask you" she smiled back.

"Ok go on" he urged.

"It is about the bedtime stories my mother told I and my sister when we were kids. And most of the things she said contradict what happens here" she stated and he nodded.