
Guardian of the six gems

Kyra Darvyn, though born into a magical and paranormal world did not believe in magical beings, paranormal beings or magic itself. Chosen and forced by the gods in which she didn't believe in, she was sent -with the help of her sister, Kiara and her pet tiger- to retrieve two of the six gems (gifted to the empire by the gods) that were stolen by one of the King's in the Empire. But first they are to go on a journey to the Dark Forest. It is rumoured that those who go in never come out, even some of the people who escaped were driven into madness and it is home to many mysterious and dangerous creatures. It is said that even though one escapes from the dangerous creatures it is hard to locate your way out of the forest. Despite all the warnings and rumours about the Dark Forest, Kyra and the rest embark on the journey -mostly because they have no choice and can't keep running from fate. Coping with the loss of their mother will they survive through the Dark Forest? What will happen when they encounter the dangerous creatures? ... Kyra did not believe in many things and love was one of them. After her first heartbreak, when her ex-boyfriend impregnated a girl and planned to marry the girl behind her back, Kyra ceased to believe in love. From then onwards, she hated men and the idea of falling in love. Will Kyra be capable of loving again after her terrible heartbreak? And what will happen when she realizes she has feelings for a certain Vampire Prince she met in the Dark Forest? Will she put her belief aside and fall in love with the Vampire and keep denying her feelings for him? Read to find out what happens with Kyra Darvyn... Thank you for checking out my book and I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as enjoy writing it. Note: the prologue is not really important it just shows how Kyra met her tiger (Wynstar). The tiger has a specific purpose in her life. It was sent by the gods to Kyra against her future. She plays a significant role in Kyra's life

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31 Chs


Kyra, Kiara and Wynstar are now on their way home.

"What's on your mind?" Kyra ask Kiara who is in deep thoughts.

"Ummm nothing" Kiara says blinking rapidly.

"What are you thinking about KIARA?" Kyra asks her despite her answer as she knows Kiara is lying.

Kiara heaves a sigh and says "It's just about Farrack he-"

"Don't tell me you like him" Kyra says with eyes so wide like they would fall out of their sockets the next second.

"You didn't even let me finish" Kiara mentally face palmed "He heard my thoughts and it was embarrassing" She says as she turns red in embarrassment.

"What did he hear you think about?" Kyra asks Kiara as their house is now in full view.

"I only said in my head 'something about this gorgeous man's smirk creeps the hell out of me' and he replied in my head 'oh oh so you think I'm gorgeous and friendly reminder I am no man I'm a god' and there was humor in his voice, I was so embarrassed" Kiara says as she blushed harder in embarrassment.

The path to the forest is lonely so there aren't people as it's still early in the morning and the forest doesn't have people it either. It's just them trying to talk as the brisk and swift wind is hitting their faces while riding.

"But do you like him?" Kyra asks Kiara

"Maybe" Kiara says timidly almost in a whisper and Kiara just sighs. "He's like a walking god" Kiara says

"He's a god Kiara" Kyra says and Kiara says "Thanks for the reminder .........and is it a bad thing"

"I don't know" Kyra says as they come to halt in front of their cottage and Kiara heaves a sigh saying "finally"

"gods! What if Farrack can hear what we are saying right now" Kiara panics as she gets down from her horse.

They get down from their horses and tie them to the two pillars in front of the cottage and Kyra says "I don't know if he can hear us right now but I think he will overlook it".

"I hope so" Kiara says the opposite of what's in her mind. She doesn't actually want him to overlook the fact that she perhaps likes him.

"Go and bring two buckets so that I can fill them with water for the horses to drink" Kyra tells Kiara.

"Ok" Kiara says and walks into the cottage. Soon she arrives with two small wooden buckets and Kyra fills them up with water and places them in front of the horses to drink.

"Where is Wynstar?" Kyra asks Kiara

"She is inside" Kiara says and Kyra nods at her.

"She must be tired because she is fast asleep" Kiara says and Kyra nods again.

"What are you thinking about?" Kiara asks her sister as she noticed she was absent-minded.

"Just thinking about the first thing we should do tomorrow after we've rested properly, I think we should go to the priests first before we begin our journey maybe even the King" Kyra tells Kiara inquiring her opinion but Kiara just shrugs and gives her a look that says ' you are in charge! it's up to you not me' and Kyra just sighs.

They go inside the cottage and sleep till the gods know when.


In the Kingdom of Dynastrus

Zarek, the current King of Dynastrus is in a meeting with his high officials -Dukes, Barons, etc- discussing about the upcoming war they have ignited.

"So we are just going to prepare and wait till they attack, why not we make a move?" The head duke, Dagen asks.

"Yes" King Zarek says with an evil smirk playing on his lips.

"WHY?" One of the dukes asks with utter disbelief raising his voice.

"Be careful, and learn to mind your mouth, Kendris" The King says with the same smirk playing on his lips.

The Duke gulps "I'm sorry your Highness" he says bowing his head slightly.

"We are going to prepare our army... I have heard from my sources in Azatherus that a mere human was chosen by the gods with the Imperial army to come against us and from how things are right now we have the upper hand as we have the dark practitioner witches by our side as I have gained their alliance, I also have the two most important gems and the most important dragons too and with the help of the gems I am gradually producing an army with supernatural powers so there is nothing to worry about we just do our things, prepare and wait till they decide they are ready to uphold the war and we attack and win ,SIMPLE!" The King tells his high officials what probably seems like the longest statement he has ever said and they nod in agreement finally understanding why their King has been at ease all this while winning the war is at their disposal.

They finalized some things about the meeting and King dismissed them from the large double-doored meeting room and they all left the meeting grinning like children that their mama just treats. King Zarek is now left with his thoughts.

'The Emperor, Caldrus thinks he will win this battle against me, the Great war Lord. I am supposed to rule this Empire, no one fits the status but me' King Zarek thinks proudly while beating his chest with his hands.

'He doesn't know what he is coming up against, I have prepared years for this war and I know I will win this war and give the heads of the Imperial family to the vultures of the air to feed on' he thinks in his head with his signature smirk playing on his lips.


Kyra, Kiara and Wynstar slept the whole day and even slept into the evening of the next day.

Kiara wakes up first yawning and rubbing her eyes. She sits up on her bed and checks the clock on the wall and sees it is 4 o'clock and she knows they've slept the whole of yesterday and part of today because she woke up in the night to ease herself.

"KYRA, KYRA WAKE UP" Kiara screams as she taps her sister who is rolling left to right on the mattress and Wynstar growls irritated at Kiara for disturbing her sleep but Kiara could care less.

"What is it?" Kyra asks with a deep frown and annoyed that Kiara is disturbing her sleep, she sits up on the bed while rubbing her eyes from sleep.

"It's already 4 o'clock in the evening and this is the day we are to begin the journey to the 'Dark Forest' " Kiara says agitated and Kyra opens her eyes in shock looking at the clock on the wall.

"Oh my gods ...we will have to begin the journey tomorrow then" Kyra says and face palms, getting out of the bed.

"Let's eat and go hunting with Wynstar, I think she's really hungry now" Kiara says after sometime.

They eat and take Wynstar to go for a hunt. Wynstar devoured a big sized deer and Kyra and Kiara take home a smaller one. They also picked some wild fruits on their way to their cottage. Wynstar is bubbling with so much energy now due to the large meal she just devoured.

They go home, cook the meat, take the juice from the wild berries they got from the forest and eat and drink. It has been so long since the trio have enjoyed themselves with treats like this.