
Guardian of the six gems

Kyra Darvyn, though born into a magical and paranormal world did not believe in magical beings, paranormal beings or magic itself. Chosen and forced by the gods in which she didn't believe in, she was sent -with the help of her sister, Kiara and her pet tiger- to retrieve two of the six gems (gifted to the empire by the gods) that were stolen by one of the King's in the Empire. But first they are to go on a journey to the Dark Forest. It is rumoured that those who go in never come out, even some of the people who escaped were driven into madness and it is home to many mysterious and dangerous creatures. It is said that even though one escapes from the dangerous creatures it is hard to locate your way out of the forest. Despite all the warnings and rumours about the Dark Forest, Kyra and the rest embark on the journey -mostly because they have no choice and can't keep running from fate. Coping with the loss of their mother will they survive through the Dark Forest? What will happen when they encounter the dangerous creatures? ... Kyra did not believe in many things and love was one of them. After her first heartbreak, when her ex-boyfriend impregnated a girl and planned to marry the girl behind her back, Kyra ceased to believe in love. From then onwards, she hated men and the idea of falling in love. Will Kyra be capable of loving again after her terrible heartbreak? And what will happen when she realizes she has feelings for a certain Vampire Prince she met in the Dark Forest? Will she put her belief aside and fall in love with the Vampire and keep denying her feelings for him? Read to find out what happens with Kyra Darvyn... Thank you for checking out my book and I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as enjoy writing it. Note: the prologue is not really important it just shows how Kyra met her tiger (Wynstar). The tiger has a specific purpose in her life. It was sent by the gods to Kyra against her future. She plays a significant role in Kyra's life

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31 Chs

I love Nature

Kyra's POV

The moment he left I started talking "the guy is an asshole"

The guy is a total asshole, just when I was considering to make him my friend. I was only trying to talk to him and he started barking.

"I don't think so" Wynstar said whistling.

What's she saying he nearly got us beheaded. He more than an asshole.

"You can whistle?" I asked wide eyed and tilted her head back in surprise.

"Of course I can but that's not the matter" Wynstar said.

"Ok what" I asked.

"That I don't think he is an asshole" Wynstar said and the rest of us looked at her like she wasn't ok.

Of course she isn't ok. Anyone who thinks Clayden isn't an asshole is definitely not ok.

He insulted me and honestly no one does that. Not to me.

"Of course he is an asshole for insulting me the other time" I said matter of factly.

"He definitely is" Kiara shrugged

"He is an asshole and more for almost getting us beheaded without thinking of a plan" Eros said making demonstrations with his hands like he his trying to explain to a bunch of dummies.

I wonder why he likes to make demonstrations. He's quite funny but I'll never admit that to his face to add to his already inflated ego.

"No I think he is a di*k head and a screwed up mother-f**king asshole" Wynstar said surprising everyone and we all burst out laughing.

I must say, Wynstar is one funny, snubbing and insulting tiger.

The first time she spoke she insulted Eros and the first time she spoke to Clayden she insulted him and now this.

Thank the gods. I was starting to think I have a mentally unstable tiger. Who the hell will think Clayden isn't as asshole if not worse.

"Gosh I thought you were supporting him" Kiara laughed out.


"I thought you were going to say he likes Kyra" Eros said laughing and immediately the words left his mouth the laughter seized and everyone turned to look at Eros confused.

The silence in the room was instant, it felt like Eros cracked a joke and no one else found it funny but him. Like a greedy comedian.

"What__ why you all looking at me like that did I say something wrong?" Eros asked with the most innocent look.

He looked like a confused little boy who didn't know he offended his mother.

"What you said. Why did you say that?" I asked keenly.

Clayden can't like me. And I definitely don't like him.

I'm sure.

"Oh, nothing. I think he likes you" Eros shrugged. He must be joking.


"And how do you know that?" I asked with sheer interest.

"Because I know. But maybe I'm wrong. But you both fit___ " Eros said.

"Ahhh! Nonsense. You know nothing, he wouldn't like me and neither do I" I laughed out like a maniac.

"Yes that's true, I think Clayden will have a girlfriend ready to be the queen and by the way Kyra doesn't fancy him, so" Kiara said matter of factly with a shrug.

I felt my chest tighten at what Kiara said he will have a girlfriend that he loves ready to be his queen. It was not my concern and I brushed it off.

It's not my business if the Vampire Prince has a girlfriend he loves so much.

In the end men will always be men.

And I don't fancy men so *shrug* at least for now

I should be happy but this doesn't feel like happiness. I feel a bit unhappy and disappointed but I don't know why.

"Ahh don't mind me I was only joking____ She must be a powerful lady, to become a Vampire Queen" Eros said and I guess that's true.

I guess I'm no match with her, even though I can fight and use swords.

"Yes Eros is right" I said with a hint of sadness in my voice. Why am I sad she'll be better than me___ that I don't know.

I hope the others don't sense the sadness in my voice. I don't want to answer any question, when I'm not sure what is causing me to be sad.

"Well, I'm just glad we still have our heads connected to our bodies" Kiara said with a dramatic sigh and everyone laughed including me.

"Cheers to 'going through the trial' and 'having our heads still connected to our bodies" Eros joked and raised his glass of wine and everyone of us joined him laughing, except for Wynstar of course she can't hold a glass.

We laughed for sometime and I almost forgot the slight pain in my chest.

"Excuse me___ I need some fresh air, later" I said and left the room before anyone could ask me 'where to?'

I need some time on my own.

I walked through the palace corridors. I reached the garden.

I love to see the flowers, green leaves and small shrubs.

I love nature.

I was walking past the little road path in the garden smelling the colourful flowers. There were some of the flowers I could recognize and some I couldn't but it was all beautiful both the known and the unknown.

There were roses, daisies, gardenias, carnations, tulips, sunflowers, ranunculus, gerbera daisies, peonies, dahilas, marigolds, alamandas, lavendas, jasmines, blue-bellsand many more I can't identify. The vampires have exceptional flowers I must say.

Mama taught us about flowers and many things about nature.

Mama taught us many things by herself. She taught us how to read, write, make perfumes, bathing and soothing oils, make different types of tea and some other basic skills. She also taught us about herbs -how to use them and to know the ones that can cure illnesses- . She said some of the herbs are magical, I didn't believe them but I'm starting to believe that magic is real. Though I haven't seen anyone perform magic but with what I've seen lately I believe in magic.

I was smiling and taking in the scenery. I was now plucking the leaves of a green plant, I felt like someone was watching and I turned to see Clayden smiling.

Why is he smiling?
