
Guardian of the magic world

I broke a deal with a ROB. Now I have started over and save this world. I don't own Harry Potter or any of it characters. The MC and few other are mind. I tried and do One Chapter a week more if I have time.

Dragonreed · Bücher und Literatur
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11 Chs


Guardian Castle/Dunscaith Castle

Connor MacLeod was thinking about the party last night. He was able to get a good look at Harry Potter. Was surprised him was the fact that his goddess was walking with him. He and the rest of his clan immediately immediately kneeled down. Only for her to tell him to get up. After talking with her during the party. We felt honor that he'd be able to fight at her side. Looking at the 20 kids that are going to Hogwarts. He happy they have so many to be able to go.

"Alright kids, listen up while you and hogwarts you answer to Harry Potter. Don't make things difficult for him remember to spread out and make more allies. We have A-war coming we just don't know when it's gonna start off. Are there any questions?" No one said anything, so he let them go. Connor hope that everything would that everything would work out as planned.

Harry Potter POV

'Man this has been a crazy today. I thought last night was crazy. Going to Gringotts was supposed to be a quick one. Now I have a few lordships to claim and want I didn't even know about. I mean how will people react knowing that I am Magical heir Grindelwald. I can see Albus Dumbledore face now. Trying to tell the world that I am a dark wizard because of this. A good thing my grandfather knows the truth and it's working on helping me fix this. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again. I wonder who all came back in time with me and Luna. It was hard at 1st knowing that I have that I have 2 sets of memories. One for myself 10 years in the future another uh I'm unknown person.'


Pansy Parkinson was not happy with the way things are going. For 5 years Her father has been trying to get Lucius Malfoy. To sign a Marriage contract with his son Draco malfoy. Unfortunately for her that didn't happen. Over the last 5 years with the help of goblins oblins and some members of the MacLeod clan. New technology haven't introduced into the Wizarding world. There's a device that shows just how closely related you are said someone else. That and the fact that all of the married pure bloods are upset. When news came out that because of their close blood relation. Cause the birth defects and not being able to have children.

She goes now sitting in the room win a room with other girls. Waiting to meet Harry Potter for the first time. Sing Daphne Greengrass, Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood, and three other girls she did not know. Finding out that you are going to be a concubine Harry Potter. Was not what she had in mind at all. 1st she's not his wife 2nd she has to share him. Things were much simpler when it was just Draco.

Harry Potter was having a good 3 months. Things were moving along nicely everyone was getting ready for hogwarts. He was getting to know the girls that he is going to marry very well. There were a few rough patches but everything's getting better now. What surprised him was the fact that the weasley twins were girls. In this time line he also wondered if anything else had changed. It's already bad enough that he had memories from 10 years in the future and memories of another soul from another world. He wondered who would be the 1st to attack. Hopefully you'll be after he finishes hogwarts.

Hogwarts September 1

Albus Dumbledore was happy. Today he find gets young Harry Potter back under his control. I been five years since is uncle sold him and his Grandfather took him in. He just hope that the boy could still be brought over to his way of thinking.The train pulled into Hogsmeade station and as everyone got off the train they were told their luggage would be transported up to Hogwarts for them. The large group of new friends went over to where Hagrid was calling, "Firs' year's, Firs' year's o'er 'ere."

"Now e'ryone no more 'an four to a boat." said Hagrid. Coming around a rock cliff the first years got to see their first view of Hogwarts and even though he already seen it Harry thought it was beautiful.Once off the boats they headed up the stairs to the front doors of the castle. Hagrid knocked and a stern looking Witch opened the door.

"My name is Professor Minerva McGonagall. Welcome to Hogwarts. As soon as we are through these doors you will be sorted into your House. The House are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Here at Hogwarts your House is your family and if you have any problems see one of the prefects or your Head of House. Now please follow me." said Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall lead them through the Entrance Hall and into the Great Hall and down through the aisle between the two middle tables in front of all the other students.

Harry did not pay attention to the the Sorting Hat. He was sorted into Gryffindor like before. One thing he did notice was there was no Professor Quirinus Quirrel. That made him look to see who was the Defense of the Dark Arts teacher. When suddenly he felt a portal open. Immediately he was given the information about who open the portal. The Dark Elves had use time travel and destruction of another world to get to him. What they sacrificed was an older half brother from another time line. No one he only had 1 shot at this. Harry immediately sent sent Phoenix tears through the portal to save his brother. Harry also sent him to another time line to live. Hopefully he'll live a full life without any problems.

Professor Albus Dumbledore was just getting ready for his speech. When Hogwarts wards warned him of incoming danger. Then he felt it something was attacking the school. "Students stay seated where you are. All faculty and those who have age follow me."

Looking out that's a ward line. They see tall elven looking people attacking the wards of the school. Dumbledore waste no time in attacking back. He wanted to capture some of them to find out who they worked for. After the 1st 5 of them fail fail they retreated away. Dumbledore had then tired up and sent a notice to the Aurors Office.

Guardian Castle/Dunscaith Castle

Lord Potter was sitting around with the our Lord's. When one of Harry's House elf popped in. "Master Harry want you to know that a portal has opened. We are that war please let everyone know." The house elf wait for a response for Lord Potter. "Go get everyone else that is not here for an emergency meeting." Tooby popped away to do what was asked of him.

Lady Scáthach was training MacLeod clan for battle. When Tooby popped in and gave her the news. "Alright lads it's time for war. Head to library and look at all information on dark elves. Capture them if we can kill them if we can't." Then she head for the meeting room for talk about what need to be done.


Madam Bones was not happy. There was a very large Basilisk patrolling around Hogwarts. What made it so bad is the fact the Chamber of secrets. Was open for all to see. The snake 🐍 had helped in defending Hogwarts. There a hold can of worms that had just been open from that fact alone. Not to mention the fact of an attack by a non human sentients. She had already to the house elf Tooby that she couldn't make the meeting. She let him know that all Lord's and Ladies would have to be at the Ministry of Magic. For an emergency meeting and trail for the Dark Elves.

Ministry of Magic

The minister of magic Cornelius Fudge was in a pickle. He was now sitting in a emergency meeting. Trying to figure out what to do. With the Dark Elves they just tried. They where not from this world and this was just a scout party. Before he think about more the doors to the court room was blasted open. In came ten Dark Elves they quickly me short work of the Aurors and got the offer elves and left.

The fact that just walk in and took the prisoners from them. Like it was nothing scared them to no end. Cornelius hope that everything was over. He was not a war time Minister and he knew he wold not be in office long. If these Dark Elves continues to attack. Walking back to his Office he noticed a important letter sitting on his desk.


Harry had talked with all his friends and allies. They know thing were about to get interesting. He also talked with other people to see if the would ve good allies.