
Guardian of the magic world

I broke a deal with a ROB. Now I have started over and save this world. I don't own Harry Potter or any of it characters. The MC and few other are mind. I tried and do One Chapter a week more if I have time.

Dragonreed · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs


Meanwhile, in another city, a clan was getting together for a meeting. They all had worried looks on their faces. It has been a long time since they had a meeting like this. Only the heads of the families would meet not the whole clan.

Connor MacLeod was sitting in the meeting room waiting for everyone to come. He was in deep thought about what would happen now. He knew what this meeting would mean to the clan. He just hoped that everyone would follow the clan laws.

It took about an hour for everyone to come to the meeting. It was a good thing it was late at night. Everyone now had their eyes turn to Connor waiting for him to speak.

(Connor) "Thank everyone for coming out on such short notice. The clan wards have been tripped at the old castle. That means a new king will be coming to our clan. After 2,000 years we can finally come out of hiding. Our children will be able to learn magic again and we will be able to die in battle. Does anyone want to go against the clan rule, speak now or forever hold your peace?"

Looking around the room no one said anything. Connor begins to tell them all they need to know. It was time for the clan to move out of hiding and face the world. Meanwhile at Dunscaith Castle Scáthach looks at the ritual circle in her realm. After thinking a bit, she decides to tell the young soul about what he is facing. If he wins then she will train him but if does not win she will kill him.

(Scáthach) "Hello, there boy. You've been given a chance of a lifetime. If you can kill or defeat the other being in your soul. I will train you if not I will kill you. You have fun and make it entertaining."

Harry POV

'I woke up in a large gray room with three other things with me. I don't know what they are but they feel dangerous. Then I hear the voice of a beautiful woman. Telling me that if I don't win the fight in my mind that she will kill me. I'm glad all of my old memories from my past life. I get myself ready for this fight.' Looking at the three of them and saying "Let's Dance" as I moved out of the way.'

'A spell hit where I was just at man Tom is trying to kill me. Remembering that I can make anything with my mind. I decided to make a few werewolves to keep Tom and the other guy busy. That should keep them off of me for a bit. I look at the egg and try to use my mind to talk with it. It did not respond to me so I made my favorite monster. Let's see how they deal with this. The ground started to shake as he made his appearance. It took a lot of me to make him but the looks on their face was worth it.' "Say hello to my little friend, the one and only King of Monster GODZILLA."


Scáthach looks at the battle going on in the child's mind with interest. She was glad he used his head in battle and not just brute force. The version of werewolves he used was different than she had seen before. Not to mention the giant monster known as Godzilla. She wanted to know where he got these ideas from but then the egg started to shine like a diamond.

Harry was feeling good about his win over the other two being when the egg started to shine. He feels a power full connection to it as if they were one soul. The name Saphira appeared in his mind. Before he could find out what was going on Godzilla had killed the other two beings and he blacked out.

The ritual finished and the wand and sword disappeared. The power they both had was now his along with Tom Riddle aka(Lord Voldemort), Michael Corvin Jr, and the Dragon Phoenix. Harry's body lay in the middle of the circle. Scáthach walked over to him, picked him up, and took to her castle.

Potter's Castle

Fleamont, Euphemia, and Arcturus had just finished talking about what they needed to do. They had made plans to get Harry first then get Sirius out of Azkaban. They would need a lot of allies for this to happen.

(Fleamont) "Tooby I need you to go check on Harry. He should be at the Dunscaith Castle ruins. Try and see if you can get in to deliver this letter to Lady Scáthach. Hopefully, you will be able to give the message and come back, if not then just serve Harry as his house-elf."

(Tooby) "Yes, master I will handle it soon as possible."

Tooby arrives at the castle ruins only to be placed in a ward. A group of men shows up around him with their weapons pointed at him.

(Connor) "What are you doing here elf? This is MacLeod lands so you better have a good reason for being here."

(Tooby) " I was sent here to see young master Harry and give a letter to Lady Scáthach Sir."

(Connor) "Who is sending the latter and why would you young master be here? As for you to see our Queen it be up to her to let you in her realm."

(Tooby) "My master Lord Fleamont Potter sent the letter. The young master was sold like a slave by his uncle and aunt. The two men brought him here to perform a ritual. A friend of the family interfered with it by awakening the old magic here. Allowing Lady Scáthach to come to this realm again. Why am I telling you all this Sir? When I only should be listening to my master orders?"

(Connor) "You are in the truth ward elf. Meaning that anything I ask you, your answer will be the truth. That's why you're telling me everything I want to know. Now go back to your master and tell me I want a meeting with him."

Tooby felt the wards keeping him in place had come down but he could now go any closer to the portal. He went back to the Potter's castle to tell his master the news. Fleamont, Euphemia, and Arcturus were still sitting in the meeting room when Tooby came back.

(Tooby) "Master we have a problem. The portal is being protected by the MacLeod clan. The head of the clan wants a meeting with you. I was unable to give the letter to Lady Scáthach or see young master Harry."

(Fleamont) "Well, I have to go and meet him then. Arcturus would you see if you can find some more allies in the dark and grey families. I will go and see what the head of the MacLeod clan wants. He could be a powerful ally and we need all we can get. Euphemia, can you go to Gringotts for me and get the will of your son and daughter. Tooby takes me to the head of the MacLeod clan."

It had been ten minutes since the elf left. Connor and his men were busy building up the castle. When the wards went off again this time there two being in the ward. An elf and an older gentleman standing there. Connor walked over to them and said. "A your Lord Fleamont Potter master of this elf?"

(Fleamont) "Yes, I am, are you the head of the MacLeod clan?"

(Connor) "Yes, I am. I am glad you came. We have a lot to talk about. This is not the place to do it in too many ears around. Come follow me to my ten so we can talk and elf you can go in now. I don't know if you will be able to come back though."

After Connor and Lord Potter walked off Tooby went into the portal. In a dark castle laying on a bed was young Harry Potter. He had been lying there for a few hours. When heard a pop and felt a hand shaking him. He opened his eyes to the house-elf looking back at him. Then all the memories of his past life, Tom's life and Michael's came rushing into his mind. He held his head and started to scream.

After ten minutes he finally stopped and was able to look around. There was a lot of information in his head but he did not have time for that now. There were two people in the room looking at him. A house-elf name Tooby and a beautiful woman.

(Scáthach) "I see that you are awake young man. What is your name and are you ready to train?"

(Harry) "My name is Harry Potter mama. Yes, I think so, mama. Can I ask your name?"

I hope you like to rewirte so far working on get more chapters out soon.

Dragonreedcreators' thoughts