
Take Care Of Him

"That took some time." Risa wiped the sweat of her forehead as she stepped away from the bodies of the two supreme commanders.

"Did you manage to get every single important detail out of them?" Issac questioned. He had been patiently waiting for Risa to get done with her job.

The others had gone to take care of some meager things and only Jason and Issac had remained behind.

"I managed to learn almost everything that these two knew about Julian's plans. Also, the reason Galirius couldn't fight at full power was because he is stabilizing the amount of power he has now. He got a huge spike in followers due to converting so many innocents."

"This means that we still have the chance to defeat him if we try hard enough…" Issac muttered. "Jason, can you please call May now? I think its about time we figure out what happened with her mother."

Jason nodded and got up from his seat. He was about to go call May when the room in front of his eyes vanished.