

itsuki_kun1195 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Birth of a Guardian

After 12 years

On a fresh sunny day with mild winds blowing two boys were training in a grass field near a church. They were brothers.

The older one was named Kaen. His eyes were red like blood his hairs were short and red just like his eyes. He had marks of burns on his left hand.

The younger one was Frost. His eyes were blue as the sky his hairs were short and blue like water. He had a mole on his cheeks.

The wind was blowing swiftly through the grass. The air was so pure that it left an indication of good weather.

Frost was feeling tired of the training and so he said to his brother Kaen, "Hey brother, let's train our magic powers. I don't want to train my body anymore"

Kaen replies to Frost with a smile, "Listen to me. Our Father said that for becoming strong you need to keep your body in a good shape. So that, you can use your magic properly."

Frost agreed with what Kaen said to him, but the fact that something happened to them in the past, he became sad and the smile on his face went down!

Frost said with his sad face, "Why did father have to leave us like this!"

Kaen was left with no words, his smile went down and the sadness of something started making his face go down

They both were sad because their father left them alone in Harlin's place without saying anything and went away and never came back to take them home! But the story was a bit twisted!!

8 years ago

There was a war between the two kingdoms, Horland kingdom, and the diamond kingdom. During that war, Army Commander B was Razor, who was the father of the two brothers, Frost and Kaen, and was a great warrior of Horland and also was an imperial soldier. Razor was killed in the battle against the diamond kingdom, but Horland kingdom won the fierce battle.

Razor knew that the battle is going to be a big war so a month ago, he left his two kids in Gramhall village, which was the birthplace of Razor. He left Kaen and Frost at his brother's house, who was the protector and the chief of Gramhall village. He didn't want them to know about the situation so he asked Harlin and Amila to not say anything to them until they are ready to hear it.

In the present

The two brothers continued their practice.

Suddenly a boy with golden eyes and black hair came walking through the small grass. His name was Viole.

Viole asked them about their training and both the brothers replied that it was going all good

Viole said with a sad face, "I still can't figure out my magic attributes, why is this thing happening with me "

Kaen said while patting Viole's head, "Don't push yourself, if God takes away something from you he always returns its double. Be patient someday you will figure out the magic attribute power inside you and when it happens, you are going to be so strong that you can defeat the diamond kingdom!"

With this, the day ends and the next day starts!

On the next day, all the three boys woke up for the training as they wished to become a magic knight of the Horland kingdom. To do so, they need to take control of their magic attributes.

In doing so a person has to train their bodies to use the magic properly.

Frost and Kaen had already found their magic attributes BUT… it has been found that Viole has a magic power within him that he cannot cultivate.

So he always tries to increase his physical strength with Kaen and uses a sword gifted by Harlin, the protector and chief of Gramhall village.

Harlin takes care of Frost, Kaen, and Viole. Frost and Kaen are his brother's kids. And Harlin adopted Viole as his own child!

12 years ago! On that night!

It was midnight and everyone was sleeping. Suddenly they heard a knock at the door and when they opened the door, they saw a boy who was on their doorstep. They took him into the house.

Harlin opened the door and said, "Amila come here I got a baby lying on our doorsteps. He might have a cold because it's so windy and cool outside"

Amila got surprised and said "OH MY GOD! Who would have left such a small child in this cold weather? They don't even care about their own kid"

Amila took the baby inside the house and kept it on the bed.

Amila said while walking towards the wardrobe, "Wait, I will give him some medicines."

Just in a few minutes, he recovered his cold and fever. Harlin and Amila were surprised that he recovered so quickly.

Harlin went to cast a spell to see his recovery rate.

When Harlin cast the spell on the boy, his body started shining and there was a scar on his forehead, which appeared suddenly and it was shining with a yellow light.

In a split second, the yellow mark suddenly turned into purple and there was a huge wave created which pushed Harlin and his wife far away and they collided with the wall.

Harlin said with a surprising voice, "What is this happening! Are you okay Amilia!!?"

Amilia replied in a broken voice and said that she was fine

Amilia got up and said, "How did this happen, a child can't pose such an amount of magic. I am afraid that can he awaken his magic attribute!"

Harlin also got up and went towards the baby and said, "I don't think he will be able to live as the other kids do!"

Amilia took the baby out of the basket and got a piece of paper in the basket and something was written on it.

Amila then said, "Wait!! I found something!"

Harlin asked Amila, "What is it!!?"

Amilia opened the piece of paper and replied, "It's like a letter! Let me read it!"

{I am the child's mother! I am leaving him here! There are some people from the Diamond kingdom who are searching for him! Please take care of my child! It's a kind request!}

Harlin said, "What do you think should we should keep him with us! No one in the village would dare to keep a boy with such demonic power!"

Amilia had made up her mind

Amila replied, "We should keep him with us!"

Harlin asked again "Are you sure about the decision! "

Amilia replied, "We can't leave him like this we should take care of him!"

Harlin agreed and said, "But make sure that you don't tell him about his real parents!!"

In the present!

Kaen, Viole, and Frost went for the training on the grass field near the church of the village!

Frost got up and said, "Brother, let's have a duel!"

Kaen laughed at Frost and replied "Are you sure that you want to have it! The last time your magic got out of control!"

Frost got angry and said, "I am confident this time!"

Kaen agreed and said "okay, fine as you say! Just don't lose this time!"

Frost said with a strong and confident voice "Bring it on.."