
Guardian in Orario (up for adoption)

This has a similar setting as my first book. Izuku died and reincarnated as a baby. The world the baby was born in a very cruel and twisted. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what others could even dream of, he died. Now, on his third life, his cheat, the golden finger, came in late. In a world of monster, magic, and gods, he decided he will be at the top. I do not own Danmachi, I do not own anything but the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, everything I type is just things that come to my mind, so it will probably not be consistent or very good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who doesn’t really care about the lives and deaths of others, this isn’t the book for you, I hope you find a book or fanfic you like.

DaoistLvbLz6 · Andere
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22 Chs

Chapter 4

"Alright, follow me." He said to the peasants that were before him, they did as they were told and followed Author out of the village.

He took them out to the forest. Or, what was the forest a hour ago. Now it was a large flat land full of burnt trees and bushes. He would use the slash and burn tatic to create more room for cultivation of crops. He would also implement crop rotation, but right now, he only had wheat, and beans seeds with him.

He would have them plant the seeds. He had with him on the fields seeds, and some equipment, ones he 'borrowed' from a nearby baron.

They ploughed and planted the seeds. The peasants of Domana not only are good with fighting, but also farming and hunting, so for them who had strong bodies, they could easily work the fields.

Author was at the barrack, he used the ability of the barracks and summoned three more conscripts. They appeared in a ball of light that dimmed down after they left. They bowed before him.

"What are your orders, master?"

"Good, go out protect the farmers that are tending to the fields."

"Yes master." They said as they left the barracks and towards the fields.

He then felt a few dozen forces scouting around the edges of the forests, watching the farmers work the fields. Author could feel their strength, they were around the strength of an average human. But from what he could feel, is that their endurance was higher. Their stamina is much better than the average human. But they were still inferior to the conscripts of Domana.

Soon the monsters jumped out from the forests, charging at the humans. But they were not afraid of the monsters. The people of Doman were too used to them to be even slightly afraid.

They drew their swords and got ready for battle. The conscripts also got ready for battle. They held their spears towards the monsters and thrusted. The spear head stabbed into the chests of the monsters, killing them.

But there were more of them. The peasants on the fields used their swords and sickles, slashing the monsters. Killing them with ease. Although the monsters are considered powerful and dangerous. That is really only to the untrained and weak people that don't fight often.

The monsters charged forward. Trying to kill the peasants, but they were killed with ease. Soon they were all dealt with, they were kobolds. Slightly more powerful than goblins, but their numbers made killing them easy.

Author walked over to the fields. He knew what was happening, and he kinda wanted to level up the conscripts. So he allowed it to happen. However that wasn't enough experience for the conscripts to level up, not even for the peasants.

"Continue with the field work, I will harvest the magic stones." He ordered the peasants and conscripts. We went over to the corpse and started to dig their magic stones out, they were better than the goblins, but still not very good.

The bodies turned to ash. But he did not mind, for blood and ash are good fertilizers for the field. So he allowed the ash to blow into the fields.

He carried the magic stones and brought them to the storage room in the village. One he repaired with magic.

He was going to go back to the village and begin to expand his core when a conscript came up to him.

"Lord, a hundred refugees have appeared at the village gates. How should we respond?" The conscript asked.

"Allow them to enter the village." He said. He had just hunted two somewhat large deers, they could feed the village for the next two meals.

"Prepare to give them water and food, I am sure they are exhausted." He said, "Be sure to take good care of them, they are Domanans after all."

At this the conscripts seem more willing to do so, they were from the same kingdom after all.

[ Despite your desperate situation you have taken in the Domanans. ]

[ Acquired: Domanan Peasants x100 ]

The system notification showed, but that was not the end.

[ The people spread word of your great deed. ]

[ Gacha Pulls: + 1 Reputation: +10 ]

'What is the reputation for?' He asked, he already knows what a gacha pull is, he didn't know what the reputation would be used for.

[ Reputation: A currency that can be gained by winning battles and going great deeds. This currency can only be used by the host and trade with by the system. ]

At this, Author understood the use of the reputation, and he had a feeling he would get a lot more of it in the future.

They started to move to the gates of the city. There they saw around a hundred refugees out side, waiting to be let in. They were full of grime and had a stench to them. They wore dirty clothing that were even worse than the ones that came the other day.

"Welcome to Dovana, here you shall have shelter, water, and food." He said, the refugees cheered, some even started to cry. Domana is anything but peaceful. Lives were dying everyday, and they could do nothing about it but suffer. Now, they could live in more harmony.

"Make sure they take a shower and have some food, after that is done, give them some simple task as they get used to the place, everyone will need to pull their weight." He said to a conscript next to him.

He started leave, the refugees had a quick shower and started to eat their food. It would not be enough for the next day, but currently it would be enough for them.

"System, use the gacha pull." He had no hesitation, for he knew that currently he could use extra help.

Before him a large chest appeared, the chest shook a bit before it opened up, showing a card. One full of bread and other food.

[ You have acquired: Bread x100 ]

'This would be useful.' He thought, this could last his village around two days if they were trying to conserve food, and four meals if they weren't.

With this, he wouldn't need to worry too much about food for the next day.