
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasie
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66 Chs

17: The Final Battle.

The heroes have confronted Dark Spectre, this time, with no distractions. Now, the ultimate battle between good and evil begins.

"Looks like we were destined to fight each other." said Dark Spectre amusingly.

Blaze: "Yes, I've waited this day for so long. For almost ten years I have been dreaming of killing you."

Dark: "Then keep on dreaming, because it will never happen! Never!"

Mason: "That's what you think! I am here to change all that!"

Zelfire: "I've heard many horrible things about you!"

Dark: "Yes, and they're all true. I admit it. Guilty as charged. But the real question is, what are you going to do about it?"

Blaze: "I'll tell You what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna beat the daylights out of you!"

Dark: "You're pretty optimistic, Blaze. You still haven't learned anything in the past decade, haven't you? When will you imbeciles ever realize that I am Dark Spectre, lord of the universe, the strongest being that ever existed. What makes you think you can stop me? Two sayans and a human...this is a joke!"

Blaze grunted. "You're the only joke that's here!"

Mason: "You ordered your men to brainwash me...now I remember...very clearly."

Zelfire: "Dark Spectre...I can't believe it's actually him...imagine that! Me…fighting the strongest guy in the universe..."

Blaze: "Now's not the time for this non-sense!"

Dark: "You are right. We're wasting time."

"Then get off your chair you lazy bum!" Blaze yelled.

He destroyed Dark's flying chair, but Dark jumped out of the way just in time. Then Zelfire, without thinking ran at Dark and decided to take him alone. Dark saw him and spread his arm out. Suddenly, Zelfire stopped and choked.

Mason: "What's wrong?"

Zelfire tried to speak, but no words came out of his mouth, except for moans. It looked as if an invisible force was choking his neck and lifting him up. It was really Dark who was doing it, with his psychic abilities. Not long later Mason and Blaze realized that Dark was doing this with his mind. Dark stood still, with his arm in front of him, and he tightened his grib. Zelfire choked even more painfully than ever. He put his hand on his neck to try to stop the pain, but it didn't work. Zelfire continued to choke.

"Stop it! Stop this now!" Mason shouted.

Dark ignored him and continued to tighten his grip. Mason, not wanting Zelfire to suffer the same fate as Ren, charged at Dark and prepared to attack. Dark swings his arm and Zelfire crashed into the ground like a rock. Mason made a fist but when he touched Dark a shield formed around him and bounced him off.

Dark: "It's a shame. You can't even touch me."

Mason: "Zelfire! Are you alright?"

Zelfire: "Uhhh...I'm okay...don't worry about me."

Dark: "That's only one of my many abilities. Are you scared?"

Blaze: "Dark, bragging about beating a human...you are so pathetic."

Dark: "Would you like to say that again?"

Blaze punched him, then Mason followed. They hit each other, making sounds so loud that it echoed throughout the city.

POW! BAM! WHAM! Together, they hit him continuously, and slammed him to the ground.

Enough was enough, Dark thought to himself. He charged some dark energy in his hands and threw it at Mason. ZAP! It hit him and pushed him into a pile of garbage. Then he charged more dark energy and threw it at Blaze, but he missed. Blaze decided to fight fire with fire. He charged some energy of his own, and gave it to Dark. Mason joined in, too. Zelfire watched helplessly as they shoot energy waves at each other, like laser lights flashing and disappearing all over the place. Finally, Mason ran out of energy and was knocked out.

Blaze, realizing that he was now face to face with Dark, alone, just like it was ten years ago, decided to use the his secret weapon, that he has been saving just for this moment.

"What's the matter?" asked Dark pitifully.

Blaze: "Fool! Did you really think I'd come all this way here to fight you without backup? I have a special surprise for you. Consider it as a gift."

Dark: "Don't tell me it has something to do with a super sayan?"

Blaze: "Oh, so you knew. You must have heard about it from your fallen allies. Darn, you just ruined the surprise!"

"You are way too optimistic, Blaze. Do you really think that a super sayan can beat me, do you? I don't care what you've learned in the past decade, you will never be a match for me! Never!"

Blaze: "Stop denying yourself! Legend says that super sayans are an invincible race, one that can never be defeated!"

Dark: "It's only a legend, nothing more! Poor little Blaze, all this time believing that you can really defeat me! I know you better than any one else, and I know that you just can't stand having someone above you, someone superior to you. Let me tell you, every one has his place in this universe, and there is a God watching them, making sure that they do what they're supposed to. I'll make sure those who get out of their place will suffer the most."

Blaze: "Are you done with your touching speech yet? I'll show you what a sayan can really do!" He began charging energy and Dark watched him calmly. Blaze was giving everything he's got, trying to hold the enormous power with his body. Seconds later, Blaze's hair changed color - from black to a golden shine.

Margrit crawled weakly on the rubble. "M-Mason…" she called out in a weak voice. But she fell unconscious.

Dark observed the golden Blaze carefully. "So this is a super sayan. I've never actually seen one before, what a treat!"

They charged into each other.