

Nympha's body was lying on the ground. She was awakened by a wreaking havoc in her surroundings. She was catching her breath. Her vision was blurry.

Nympha: "Where is…" *pant* "…that…" *pant* "…creature?" She managed to get up.

Her body is having a breakdown. As she looks from a far, she spots something.

Nympha: (Who are they? Back-ups?)

Two figures stood in front of the wicked dark creature.

Nympha raised her hand to call out to them. It seems her voice had left her. Her body and mind is in pain.

Nympha: *deep sigh* (…not again…)

She passed out.


After some time, the scarlet haired woman made her approach.

"What do we have here?" She found the escort lying on the ground, unconscious.

*sigh* "Look at the trouble these two kids have caused?" She grabbed Nympha's shoulder. "Well, guess it can't be helped." She's now carrying two bodies both in her arms.

The scarlet haired woman noticed Nympha slowly opened her eyes.

"Hang in there, we're going to get out of here."

Nympha: "…Ray…where is he?" She murmured.

"Oh, you mean, this kid?"

Nympha looked at Ray's unconscious body.

Nympha: "Good thing, he's safe." She looked at their savior. "…scarlet…hair…" She closed her eyes.

"...and she passed out…" The scarlet haired woman smiled. "I better get you kids to the infirmary."


All of the Infirmary Halls in the city are occupied. An unexpected disaster was brought to the city. The medical teams have come to the rescue to cure all the casualties. Since the destruction of the dimensional portals, this phenomenon took a huge blow to the people. The underground city of Ambeist was brought to chaos.

Two days passed. The city and it's people returned to normal.

=Guild of the Shield of Faction - Infirmary Hall=

Nympha opened her eyes.

Nympha: (This…ceiling…) She recognized the place.

She saw a nursemaid beside her.

Nympha: "Excuse me."

The nursemaid immediately handed her a glass of water. She then took a sip.

Nursemaid: "Based from your parlor, it seems you're okay now. I'm going to call the head receptionist."

Nympha: "Hmm…okay."

The nursemaid went out of the room.

Nympha placed the half-filled glass of water on top the near table and examined herself. She got bruises all over her body. Her mind still fuzzy.

*Thug!* The door suddenly opened.

"Well, it seems you're the second person to wake up." The head receptionist made her way to the room.

Nympha: "Second?"

Ms. Kara: "Yes." She sat at the corner of the bed.

Nympha: (!!!) "…The light!…Ray…and the dark creature?" She remembered it now. Everything started to sink in.

Miss Kara patted her shoulder. "Calm down."

Nympha took a long deep breath.

Nympha: "The pillar of light appeared."

Ms. Kara: "Yes. Everyone saw it."

Nympha: "How about the dark creature?"

Ms. Kara: "There was no dark creature when we found you."

Nympha: "Huh? But---" She try to recall details of the event.

Ms. Kara: "Look. Aren't I suppose to ask you what happened? Not the other way around."

Nympha: "Hmm. Ray and I visited the 3rd District. He was there to train. Then we went to the abandon building to spar." She made a brief recollection.

Ms. Kara: "To spar? With the kid?"

Nympha: "Ye---yes."

Ms. Kara: "And then?"

Nympha: "Then a pillar of light appeared."

Ms. Kara: "When did it appear?"

Nympha: "I---I don't know. I don't remember." She looked confused.

Ms. Kara: "It must be because of the event that your memory is still jumbled." *sigh* (I forgot I'm talking to a kid.) She stood up.

Nympha: "Miss Kara?"

Ms. Kara: "I won't ask anymore. You need to recover first."

Nympha: "Where's Ray? Is he alright?"

Ms. Kara: "He's alive and kicking. If you wanted to visit the kid, he's in room 203."

Nympha: "I see." She was delighted by the news.

Ms. Kara: "He's maybe waiting for you."

Nympha: "Waiting?"

Ms. Kara: "Didn't I tell you that you we're the second person to wake up?"

Nympha: "Yes?"

Ms. Kara: "Ray was the first person to regain consciousness among all the casualties."

Nympha: "How long was I sleep, Miss Kara?"

Ms. Kara: "Almost 2 days since we found you."

Nympha: "2 days!!!"

Ms. Kara: "Yes. So better rest because I still have a lot of questions for you."

Nympha: *gulp* "Ye---yes ma'am."

The head receptionist left the room. Nympha stared once again at the ceiling. She can't recall some of the events that happened. She has a feeling that she forgot something more important. After so much pondering, she decided to get out of the bed.

Nympha: (Might as well see Ray.)

She gets off her feet and dashed out from the room.


Walking along the hallway, Nympha noticed a lot of people were on beds. Nursemaids, doctors and even several attendants and members of the guild were there to assist the situation.

Nympha: *sigh* (The situation is worse than I thought.)

She stopped around the corner.

Nympha: "Room 203. This must be it."

*Knock! *Knock!

The door remained close.

Nympha: (That's odd. Don't tell me he returns to sleep?) She slowly opened the door.

On the bed lies Ray, comfortably dozing off.

Nympha: "Just as I thought."

She glanced on the couch. A little girl was sleeping soundly.

Nympha: (Who is this young lady?) She approached her. "!!!" (Wait!! She's the little girl I saw with Ray.)


The door burst open.

"Kukuku…guess we got ourselves a visitor." The scarlet haired woman went inside the room.

Nympha: "I feel like we have met before."

S.H. Woman: "Really?" (Good thing she's all healed.)

Nympha: "Yes. But---I…" She's looking for the right words to say.

S.H. Woman: (Kukuku…Aesir tribe is truly fascinating.) "But?"

Nympha: "I'm sorry ma'am. Forget what I said." She lowered her head. (Maybe, I just mistaken her for another person.)

S.H. Woman: "Kukuku…it's okay. So, who are you?"

Nympha: "Hmm. I'm Nympha."

S.H. Woman: "I see. What brings you here, Nympha?"

Nympha: "I'm here for Ray."

S.H. Woman: "Oh so you know Ray." A smile form into her lips.

Nympha: "Un. I'm her esco---friend. Yes, I'm his friend."

S.H. Woman: "A friend, I see." She went to the couch where the little girl is sleeping and swiftly carried her.

Nympha: "???"

S.H. Woman: "We should be going now."

Nympha: "Wait! Who are you?"

S.H. Woman: "Kukuku. Since you're worthy, I will tell you."

Nympha: (Worthy?)

S.H. Woman: "I'm Vienna."

Nympha directed her gaze to the little girl.

S.H. Woman: "Kukuku. This girl's name is A.I, if you're curious."

Nympha: "I see."

S.H. Woman: "It's nice to meet you. Bye, bye."

Nympha: *nodded*

They went out of the room.

Nympha: (…Vienna…A.I…I better remember their names.)


"Sister Nympha?" He rubbed his droopy eyes.

Nympha: "Ray? There was a person a while ago."

Ray: *yawn* "Person? You mean the nursemaid?"

Nympha: "No. Beside from the little girl that was here. A beautiful lady appeared."

He was puzzled with her question.

Ray: "I might know the little girl. But not the beautiful lady." (Is sister Nympha's condition that worst?)

Nympha: "Okay?"

Ray: "And besides there's only Miss Kara who is a lady. Other than her, I only met some nursemaids. Oh, and some doctors. Who are ladies too. They are beautiful." He made a wide smile.

Nympha scratched her head.

Ray: "You okay, sis?" (Hope she's okay.)

Nympha: (Well, never mind.) "I'm more than okay." She raised her hand and flexed her muscle.

Both of them laughed.


=Guild of the Shield Faction - Private Meeting Hall=

The head receptionist headed to the private meeting hall upon leaving Nympha's room.

"You're late Kara. We've been waiting". A deep voice spoke.

Inside the room were four other persons. The room is hidden and well-guarded. Only a person with high authority can gain access to the place.

The room has five corners. Dark crystals hang on every side. A virtual map of the whole world was placed on an obsidian pentagon rock in the very center of the room. A round table was located in the middle.

Ms. Kara: "My apology, Guild Master Esley. I was caught up with some things."

GM Esley: "Speak."

Ms. Kara: "Nympha regained her consciousness. She was the person we found closest to where the pillar of light appeared."

GM Esley: "And?"

Ms. Kara: "I interrogated her a bit but it seems quite strange that her memory is a mess."

The guild master touched his chin.

GM Esley: "I see. It is crucial that we need to discuss this in the meeting."

Ms. Kara: "Very well then."

GM Esley: "Let the meeting commence!"



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