
(2)Chapter 45: The scheming has been unconscious in the jar

Before he died, he felt dissatisfied, so he used the photo-recording sound Gu and photographed it on the stone wall, forming a shadow wall.

The pictures on the screen wall continue to cycle, showing the world the most realistic scene at that time.

Based on the principle of maximizing profits, Fang Yuan has long wanted to sell this screen wall. He was sure that the other two families on Qingmao Mountain: Baijiazhai and Xiongjiazhai would be very interested in this screen wall.

But it would be inappropriate for him to sell this screen wall personally. His cultivation is still too weak. If he takes Yingbi to other villages, he will most likely be silenced.

Even if the transaction is successful, return safely. There is no airtight wall in the world. Once the news leaks to the top brass of the Gu Yue clan, he will be expelled from the family at the very least.

According to Fang Yuan's plan, he still needs to use the Gu Yue clan.

Therefore, the safest way is to sell it to a merchant in the caravan. These merchants are all outsiders, and it is the most ideal choice not to participate in the power struggle in Qingmao Mountain.

In one day, this caravan will set off, leaving Guyue Village and heading to Xiongjiazhai, and then Baijiazhai.

By selling to them, Fang Yuan can minimize the risk in the transaction, which is the safest and most secure method.


"One more glass of wine!"

"Wine, where's the wine?"

"Bring it to me quickly. Are you afraid that I can't pay for it, sir?"

Jia Jinsheng slapped the mushroom table vigorously and roared.

"Master Jia, your wine!" The waiter quickly brought the wine over.

Jia Jinsheng immediately grabbed the bamboo wine glass, raised his neck, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Good wine!" He laughed, his voice was bleak and hoarse.

With a bang, he put the wine glass on the table and shouted again: "Give me another glass, no, as much as you want!"

Naturally, the waiter in the wine shop did not dare to offend him, so he had no choice but to comply.

Fortunately, the wine shop was already overcrowded. Not only were people sitting in a circle on the mushroom tables and stools. Even the surrounding aisles were crowded. Jia Jinsheng was drunk and yelling, but he didn't stand out in this crowded tent.

Jia Jinsheng drank one drink after another, hoping to drown his sorrows. He turned his back to everyone, no one noticed him drinking, and shed two lines of clear tears.

Who can know his suffering, who can know his sorrow?

Where there is pity there must be hateful people, and vice versa.

Everyone has their own story behind them.

Among the brothers, he is the youngest, the most handsome, and the most similar to his father, so he is favored by his father. But God's trick made him only have a mediocre talent.

From a young age, he has lived under the oppression and squeeze of several older brothers. He was unwilling to give in. He wanted to resist, but due to his qualifications, he couldn't.

My father felt that the end was approaching and wanted to divide the family property. Let a group of brothers lead one caravan each. They promised to divide the property according to their respective achievements.

Jia Jinsheng wants to rely on his own way to obtain family property and recognition from the family. But he didn't expect that he would once again become a stepping stone for his brother Jia Fu.

The moment Jia Fu appeared, he knew he had fallen into the trap again. This thing is a conspiracy from beginning to end. But what can he do? Ever since he entered this caravan, he has been firmly suppressed by Jia Fu. The huge gap between the fourth turn and the first turn made him unable to fight.