
GTA V: A Legacy of Crime

A fan of GTA V never imagined that his life would change in the most surreal way possible: after an accident, he wakes up in the body of Vincent De Santa, the eldest son of Michael De Santa, right in the world of Los Santos. Armed with all the knowledge of the game and a second chance in his hands, Vincent decides that he won’t just be another piece in the chaos of this city. Will Vincent be able to use his knowledge of the game to dominate Los Santos, or will he discover that life in this world is much more dangerous than he ever imagined?

Lipopy · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Claiming Territory

The morning after the confrontation with Franco hung over Los Santos like a new dawn full of possibilities. Vincent found himself in the dimly lit warehouse he had acquired with the money from the heist, surveying his surroundings. The cold, worn brick walls rose around him like silent witnesses to his transformation. He felt a sense of purpose, a determination to seize the opportunity before him.

His team was gathered around an improvised table covered in blueprints and maps. Jared leaned against a crate, arms crossed, his muscular frame filling the space with a dominant presence. Liam, seated at the head of the table, had a sharp glint in his eyes, already plotting their next move. Maya stood near the entrance, her eyes scanning the environment, while Nina manipulated a laptop, typing as she prepared to gather intel.

"What's our plan now, boss?" Jared asked, his deep voice resonating in the warehouse's emptiness.

Vincent took a deep breath, recalling the weight he had felt before confronting Franco. "We need to consolidate our power. Franco's territory is ripe for the taking, but we have to make sure everyone knows it."

Liam nodded, his mind already whirring with strategies. "We can divide the territory into zones. I'll handle negotiations with the local businesses. We need their support to avoid problems down the line."

"That sounds good," Vincent replied, feeling a surge of confidence as his team began to shape a plan. "Maya, can you assess the situation in Franco's territory? We need to know what's left of his operation and who the potential rivals are."

Maya, with her penetrating gaze, nodded. "I'll get on it. Don't worry; I'll be as silent as a shadow."

Nina looked up from her laptop, excitement gleaming in her voice. "I can hack any security system Franco may have left behind. If there's anything useful, I'll find it."

"Perfect," Vincent said, taking note of how each member of his team seemed more determined than ever. "Jared, we need you to maintain a physical presence. Show the locals that we're here to stay and that we won't tolerate anyone crossing our borders."

Jared smiled, his enthusiasm palpable. "I'll make sure they feel intimidated."

With their roles assigned, the team set to work. Vincent sat at an improvised table, mentally reviewing what needed to be done. Establishing control was just the first step; now they had to assert their dominance.

After a few hours of strategizing and planning, Maya returned with valuable information. She had infiltrated some of Franco's old territories, taking notes on the operation and its weak points. "The drug distribution is still active. A couple of smaller gangs are trying to make a name for themselves in the territory. But they haven't taken full control yet," she reported.

"And what about the distribution points?" Liam asked, always calculating.

"There are three main routes. We could pay one of them a little 'visit.' Show them we're the new power in the area," Maya suggested with a sly smile.

Vincent nodded; the idea resonated well. "Let's plan something. But first, we need to make a demonstration of force. If we show that they have nothing to seek here, they'll think twice before trying anything."

"We can do a 'visit' to those distribution points," Jared suggested, his voice thick with excitement.

Vincent ran a hand through his hair, feeling a wave of confidence. "Let's do it smart. We don't want to attract too much attention. We need it to look like an accident, not a declaration of war."

The day of the operation arrived, and the atmosphere crackled with tension. The team gathered in the warehouse, ready for action. Vincent donned a black hoodie and gloves, the attire of a predator ready to strike.

"Does everyone know their roles?" Vincent asked, looking each team member in the eye.

"Yeah," Jared responded, barely able to contain his excitement. "Let's do this."

Maya, quiet and focused, nodded, while Liam adjusted his gear. Nina had her laptop ready, fingers poised to unleash her skills.

As they made their way toward the distribution point, Vincent's mind raced with possibilities. This was his moment to show the city that they were a force to be reckoned with. The lights of Los Santos flickered outside the car windows, illuminating the path to their destination.

Upon arrival, they parked a few blocks away and approached the building on foot. The air was thick with anticipation, and Vincent felt adrenaline coursing through his veins. He turned to his team, a fire igniting in his chest. "Remember, we're here to send a message. Stay alert."

Maya led the way, her steps silent as she glided through the shadows. They reached the back entrance of the building, where a lone guard stood watch. Jared stepped forward, his imposing figure casting a shadow in the dark.

"Let me handle this," he whispered, a hint of mischief in his voice.

Without waiting for a response, Jared approached the guard with a casual confidence. "Hey, buddy, you're on break, right?" he asked, his tone relaxed.

The guard, surprised, raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

Before he could react, Jared launched a swift punch, incapacitating the guard with a precise maneuver. The man crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"Nice work," Vincent whispered, impressed by Jared's quick action. They entered the building, while Nina worked her magic on the security systems, and the others kept watch.

Inside, the atmosphere was tense. The air was thick with the smell of chemicals, and a low hum of machinery echoed through the hallways. Maya led the way, her instincts guiding them through the maze of boxes and barrels.

"Here it is," Maya said, pointing to a room filled with supplies. "Let's make it quick."

Nina began typing frantically on her laptop, her eyes darting across the screen as she hacked into the security cameras. "I'm disabling the alarms. We'll have a little window before anyone realizes we're here."

Vincent nodded, adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Let's make it count. Start destroying their supplies."

As they worked quickly and efficiently, Jared smashed crates with a crowbar, sending their contents crashing to the floor. "This is going to send a clear message!" he shouted, relishing the chaos.

Suddenly, Vincent felt his heart sink as he heard footsteps approaching. "Guys, we need to wrap this up now!" he urged, his voice filled with urgency.

Maya looked toward the door, her expression tense. "We can't get caught here. Let's move!"

Nina finished her hacking and announced, "I've looped the security footage. They won't know we were here."

Vincent felt a surge of relief. "Good. Now let's get out of here before someone figures it out."

They dashed back toward the exit, but as they reached the door, a group of rival gang members burst in, armed and ready for action. "Well, well, what do we have here?" one of them taunted, eyeing Vincent and his team.

Vincent felt adrenaline spike once again. "Back off!" he shouted, pushing his team behind him. "This is our territory now!"

The rival gang members laughed, thinking they had the upper hand. But Vincent could see the fear hidden behind their bravado. "You're in the wrong place at the wrong time," he warned, his voice low and threatening.

The tension in the air was palpable, and the rivals hesitated. "You think you can just waltz in here and take over?" one of them challenged.

"Actually, that's exactly what we're doing," Vincent replied, feeling a surge of confidence.

Without warning, the rival gang members opened fire, the echoes of gunshots reverberating through the building. Vincent dove for cover behind a barrel, his heart pounding as bullets whizzed past him.

"Regroup!" Jared shouted, searching for cover as he moved. Vincent nodded, quickly organizing his team.

Maya slipped behind a machine, pulling out her own weapon. "I'm ready!" she exclaimed, her voice tense but determined.

Nina, also armed, aimed her weapon at the door. "We need to get out of here before more show up."

The situation turned chaotic, with gunfire and shouts ringing in the air. Vincent knew they couldn't retreat; they had to fight. "Let's move forward! Don't stop!" he ordered, taking a deep breath and peeking out from behind the barrel.

With a leap, Vincent moved forward, shooting with precision at one of the rival gang members, who fell to the ground. Jared followed suit, shoving another rival against the wall and disarming him with a swift maneuver.

"This isn't over!" one of the rival gang members shouted before Vincent shot him down.

With each shot, each movement, Vincent felt they were gaining ground. The sound of gunfire was deafening, but inside him, there was a calm that allowed him to focus.

"Cover me!" Maya shouted, tossing a grenade that exploded among the rival group, causing chaos and confusion.

"Perfect!" Jared yelled, taking his chance to push forward and tackle another enemy. "We're winning!"

The battle raged on, both sides fighting fiercely. But Vincent and his team were determined to emerge victorious.

Eventually, the rival gang members began to retreat, unable to withstand the pressure. Vincent breathed heavily, looking at his team.

"That's what we are. Not just a crew, but a family," he said, his voice resonating with pride.

"And now what?" Jared asked, surveying the aftermath.

"Now we take this territory," Vincent replied, feeling his determination strengthen. "We'll make it known to everyone that we're the new force in Los Santos. There will be no place for anyone who stands in our way."

The group returned to the warehouse, exhausted but exhilarated. The air was charged with triumph as they shared stories of the night. "That was incredible," Jared exclaimed, laughing as he recalled the shootout.

Vincent felt a deep sense of pride for his team. "We did it. Together, we're invincible."

As the night wore on, they celebrated their victory with laughter and camaraderie. But inside, Vincent knew this was just the beginning. The city was full of challenges, but with his team by his side, he was ready to face whatever came next.