


First thing in the morning I got a call from Royce. It brightens my mood to see his name on the screen of my phone. "Good morning, baby, why so early?" I answered as I sat on my bed and rested my head on the headboard.

"I only want to check my baby following what happened last night. Did you get another call from the same man?" Royce asked in his husky morning voice.

"No calls from him anymore and I hope he won’t be calling again. I hate the sound of his rough voice. It sent chills in my body."

"Baby, don’t be scared, I got you. You and your family are guarded. I added security personnel so no one could ever harm you. And one more thing, I already asked someone to trace the number if there’s anything we could get which will lead to the investigation."

"Thanks for the security. Regarding the sim card. What if he already threw it?"

"Well, we can surely find another way to trace him. Anyway, we are certain he is one of the culprits, or he has been paid to do it."

"Same thoughts."

"Baby, don’t get out of the condo without a bodyguard. We never know what they’ll do next. We all need to be extra careful especially since we already have the best card in winning this case."

"Got it. Thank you, baby."

"Anything for you my love. By the way, we will be there before noon to talk about the case against the bad guys. Mom and dad also want to tackle the strategy they know on how to take down those bad people."

"Noted, baby. It's good timing, mom and I will cook lunch so that we can have lunch together after the discussion."

"I’d love to have lunch with my love and her family. I miss you so much, baby. Do you miss me too?" Royce said the latter like he was a baby.

"Baby, don’t be silly, we were together last night. We were apart for just a couple of hours."

"Nelly, that’s not what I meant. I miss those times when we were alone together, just the two of us talking, eating, and exploring things. Like the ones we had in the mall, the typical date. It was the most amazing experience with you."

"Yeah, I have to admit it was a liberating experience. I have never done it in my teenage years, mom and dad were quite strict. Watching a movie, eating in a fast-food restaurant, strolling around the mall and parks. I didn’t expect you could do it with me despite the hectic schedule that you have."

"I’d do it for you again, baby. It’s the simple things that matter, you know."

"Sure. Let’s do it again when everything turns out fine. For now, I think dating is not a good idea having bodyguards tailing us everywhere we go."

Royce chuckled. "I agree. But I can't wait to eat lunch with you later. It will be another date with our parents."

"I'll do my best in cooking. I'm nervous your parents might not like what we'll serve. It's just mom and me, we don't have chefs here."

"You don't need one. You and your mom's cooking will be enough. You both are good partners in the kitchen."

"Oh, baby, thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot. I love you."

"And I love you too. See you later!"

When the call was cut I curled into a ball hugging my phone, having butterflies in my stomach. Royce is the sweetest. He never fails to help me boost my self-confidence in everything I do.

Around 10 in the morning when Royce together with his mom and dad arrived. It was my mom who opened the door, and dad and I followed to welcome Royce and his parents. The warm welcome for each other was visible in each other’s faces. Everyone gives hugs and kisses on the cheeks of each other.

Probably it wasn't the first time they met since Ms. Lucy's parents have known my dad before. They are in the business circle so it would be impossible our parents haven't met even once.

"Nelly, can I use the powder room?" Ms. Lucy asked when I kissed her.

"Sure. Mom, please lead Royce and Mr. Min to the living room, Ms. Lucy and I will follow." I led Ms. Lucy to our powder when she tapped my shoulder.

"Nelly I need to tell you something, just the two of us."

"Yeah, I’m all ears."

Ms. Lucy glanced at the living room making sure no one was looking at us. "This is a big sacrifice for my son since I know he wasn't ready to reconcile with us but he didn't hesitate to do it for your good. Although he is doing this for you, Min and I took it as a step toward getting back our son's trust."

I saw hope in Ms. Lucy's eyes. There is nothing a mother wouldn't do for her child. She deserves to be given a second chance.

"Yeah, that's how I see it as well. Ms. Lucy, I'm sorry that it has to happen the way it is. Rest assured I will do what I can to help Royce enlighten regarding the family matters, especially with you and Mr. Park. Royce is a good man, he will eventually find forgiveness in his heart."

"I hope so. Thanks for your kind words, Nelly. I'll have to use the comfort room. You don't have to wait for me here, join them in the living room."


As I watched Ms. Lucy make her way to the powder room, my heart celebrated for her and Mr. Min that reconciling with Royce is in reach. I knew in my heart that Royce is a good man and still loves his parents. The pain may be clouding his love but it will be uncovered soon.

I looked at Royce across the living room chatting with mom. He was not just a handsome man in my eyes. He is a man with a good heart. I didn't know what I did to please God so he decided to bless me.

The fact that he had to forget his resentment toward his parents just to help my family was way beyond what I expected he could do for me. Royce kept his words. He never let me down.

We were sitting in the living room when our legal team arrived. So we started the discussion on what cases to file until Mr. Min and Ms. Lucy talked about the help they could offer.

"Lucy and I know how to suppress the Sunny corporation's culprits, especially the chairman. We need to make him ineffective to urge the board to elect another chairman."

"Min was right, Mr. and Mrs. Cruz we have it all figured out so you have nothing to worry about. We are confident we can take them down."

"We are happy to have you here Mr. Min and Ms. Lucy, this is a favor we wouldn't forget. My family is indebted to you both," Dad expressed.

"Mr. Cruz, we are family. Think of this as a friendly favor. My parents know you personally, I'm certain they'll be happy to help you as well. I'm doing this for them," Ms. Lucy said. She didn't mention giving Royce a favor. She obviously wants to keep it between us.

We ended our conversation around 2 pm. Mom dad and I together with our legal team headed to the court to file the cases against the culprits. By the time we were done, I realized I was like Marica. I couldn't wait to witness defeat on Lexxi, Arya, and Mia's faces. I didn't mean to take revenge but they have to learn their lessons.