


I woke up early the next day to cook breakfast for me and Royce as I knew he would wake up with a hangover. In the hallway, the phone I"m holding vibrated. It was mom. The thought of my dad speaking again was at the forefront of my head. Mom told me last night that dad"s speech has improved.

I answered the call immediately, excited to finally talk to dad again.

"Hello! Good morning, mom."

"Good morning, Nelly. Did I wake you up?"

"No, mom, I"m about to make breakfast. How"s dad? Can I talk to him?"

"Yeah, he"s here with me. Your dad is so excited to talk to you."

A silence followed on the other line before a manly voice was heard. It was my dad. The wordings aren"t so clear enough like the way he speaks before but I could understand what he was trying to say unlike when he didn"t undergo therapy.