
The tour 1

I pulled away from him, eyeing him. "How do you know I'm not?" 

He shrugged. "No nerd looks this good. You look so good, almost delicious."

"Delicious, huh?" I said, my eyes thinning. I guess he realized I was about to get pissed off, because he shook his head. 

"No. You look good, let's go." 

He held my right hand, and I let him drag me along. 

I never knew my room was up on an almost infinite flight of stairs, till he walked down with me. The place was foggy, but not as dark as I'd expected it to be. When we finally got down, we were in a large, beautifully decorated hall. It was in mostly dark colours like my room, but here, the designs were better, and maybe because of the large space, it looked better.

"It's beautiful," I said.

He nodded. "I made a bit of adjustments here and there to suit you."

I only answered it with a nod, and we continued to walk.

We soon reached the massive double doors, and he stopped, then smirked down at me.


He cocked his head slightly towards the door. "Try pushing it."


He let go of my hand and stepped away. "Try. Girl power." His voice was laced heavily with humor and I knew he just wanted to make fun of me.

I rolled up imaginary sleeves, then pushed it hard. It was like I had just tried to push the entire villa. No movement at all. I turned to him, and his lips were sucked into his mouth, his cheeks inflated. 

"Try again." He managed to say, amidst all the laughter that he was trying to control. 

"You're doing this on purpose." My eyes narrowed to slits. 

"Yes, of course. Try again."

I turned to the door, determined to make a difference this time. I moved backwards a bit, then ran forward with all my strength, my hands thrust out towards the door. I could hear Morgan's faint laughter, and I closed my eyes as I neared the door.

I didn't feel the door, just empty space, and I struggled hard to balance myself. The force I had come forward with was too strong, and I had been too fast, so I leaned forward dangerously, my eyes shutting tighter as I felt myself nearing the floor.

Then everything stopped. A strong hand was wrapped around me from behind, and Morgan was still laughing. I was probably a clown to him now. 

I felt myself being gently pulled backwards, and I only let go of my grip on his arm when I could feel myself balance on my own two feet. He turned me to him, then gently flicked my nose.

"Open your eyes." He said, and when I did, his smiling face was in front of mine, and he shook his head. "Now turn back around."

"Stop ordering me around," I finally had the nerve to say. He rolled his eyes and turned me around on his own. Before me was a field of flowers, stretching down as long and as far as I could see. My breath hitched in my throat as I pulled myself out of his grip and walked to it, running my hand on the petals of the sunflower closest to my hand.

I heard Morgan come behind me, and I felt my ponytail come loose. My hair fell across my shoulders, falling in waves. 

"Flowers are most beautiful when you run through them while your hair flies with the wind.."