
Stuck for you 2


I felt it. The force trying to force us back in. The force trying to stop me from leaving. I closed my eyes to it, feeling Morgan's hands grip me tightly, then suddenly let go. He leaned in closer in that sort of bubble we found ourselves in, his breath tickling my ears. My hair stood, tingles erupting in my skin.

"I love you," He said, and suddenly, his grip on me loosened, then I felt his palms behind my back. I turned to him, watching his face, the struggle evident. I leaned in closer, needing his warmth. 

"I love you," he said again, then lightly kissed my forehead. Before I could say anything, He pushed me away, hard, and the bubble split, forcing him backwards. I fell on the ready hands of a man, and once I came to, I turned to him, my mouth agape.

I saw him violently land on the headrest, and roll over to one side, his face shielded from my sight.

The man holding me screamed, fear evident in his voice. He managed a glance at me, then handed me over to another vampire standing close, who looked just as scared.

"What's happening?" I asked, my breath hitching. My heart was in my throat as I watched them troop in through every available entrance, the door and the side of the wall they had broken through.

"Sire! Sire, wake up!" I heard them scream in turns. 

"Stop! You can't go in, Everything he sacrificed for you will be in vain." The vampire holding on to me said, tightening his grip.

"What do you mean sacrifice?" For some reason, that word just didn't sit well with me.

He simply shrugged, his face sad, then turned away, still making sure to hold me in place.

They started trooping out again, but Morgan was nowhere.

"Morgan?" I called. There was no answer. He would never refuse to answer me, even after everything I had told him.  

The man whose arms I had fallen into came into sight. He looked at me, then gave way, and I saw Morgan.

I couldn't stiffle the scream that rose in my throat. 


He was bluish, his veins popping out in blue black patches. They were carrying him on their shoulder, his hand dangling downwards. 

"Morgan!" I rushed to his idea, holding his hand. 

He coughed a little and turned to me, and a smile spread across his lips. 

"I'm so happy you don't feel trapped anymore. I'm so happy you can set yourself free." 

"We need to go." The man in front said, his voice impatient. "The king is in critical condition." 

I looked at him, then turned back to Morgan, who's eyes were now closed, his body even colder than the normally low temperature he carried around. 

"Please no.." The tears rolled down my cheeks in torrents, my heart breaking as the ones carrying him teleported away with him, the man who was holding me back still standing back with me.

"Shall we?" He said, and then the dizzying feeling washed over me.