
Shattered 2

I swallowed, and tried to bloblink thears away, but once that one drop escaped, its like all others had been on edge too, waiting for a leader. Now that they had one, they fell in torrents, filling my eyes first, then rollimg over to my cheeks. 

I watched her massage his chin as she kept moving away, as if ahe was still conscious of me even though Nick was there.

"Samantha..do you really see me as a monster now?" 

She looked up, then flinched and literally shivered. 

"What did I do?" I asked again, ny voice breaking. She didn't even notice how I was crying, or how much I was hurt. Nick stood up, his hand supporting his chin.

"Morgan, can please stop? You are scaring her again. You have already made her go through enough and witnessed enough violence for today."

I looked at her. Her eyes held fear, and I shook my head.

"Samantha, its me. Morgan." 

"Just go." She replied for the first time.  "You are scaring me."

"Samantha, you love me. It's me, Morgan. We've kissed more times than I can remember, and been there for each otber. I brought your father this morning, Samantha. What is wrong with you?" 

"You killed that woman." She said and shuddered. "You murdered her like an animal. You shed her blood everywhere, even my own hands."

My eyes widened. That idiot.

"Samantha.." I said extending my hand. She took three steps away from me and looked at me.

"Don't touch me."


"Your hands are stained with blood."

I blinded. "Blood, you say?"

"Yes. Of that woman. Your wife."

I looked at Nock, but he looked away, clearly unwilling to clear up her misunderstandings. What had happened to Nick in such a short time? Or had he always been like this?

 "She isn't my wife, and Nick knows that."

He turned to her, but kept quiet.

"And I didn't kill her. That wasn't even me!"

"I don't want to see you, or hear your lies. You said you didn't feed on people. But you fed on that woman to cover up your lies, just leave right now!"

I moved closer to her, trying to explain to her.

"Leave!" She screamed again. "Just go. I don't want to see you."

I stopped in my tracks, watching her. Her eyes were closed, her face turned away from me. She was holding Nick's shirt with both hands on both sides, and I swallowed. 

"Is it that easy for you, Samantha?" I asked, hanging on to whatever small hope I could hang on to.

"Yes," she answered, without even opening her eyes.

"Look at me. Please."  No answer.

"Samantha. Look at me." 

Slowly, she opened her eyes, and took even longer time settling them on me. Her eyes flashed when she did, as if she was looking at something extremely distasteful. 

"Tell me to leave again," I said, swallowing. She loves me. She wouldn't be able to. She wouldn't look in my eyes and call me a monster. I knew her.

"Leave, Morgan. I don't want to see you." She said, and I felt my heart shatter in a million pieces.