
Nick's Stand

The king's hand was moving slowly over the sheets, drawing small lines and causing tiny creases along them. His eyes, even though closed were fluttering, and I knew I had to stay here, even if I wouldn't be the first person he would want to see when he wakes up. The one person he would want is the person that is the most dangerous person for him. For his heart and his love. And even though falling for her is written in some big destiny book to restore and keep every vampire king's humanity intact, I still found her a bit overrated.

I watched him with pity. She doesn't deserve his love, and she probably didn't know how to reciprocate it too.

I watched him grow that field, grow each flower one after the other, change the seeds and alternate between the options. She probably didn't even know that if she looked at that field aerially, it would be her name. She didn't really know much about him, just the hot smug guy who had somehow become friends with her.


"Yes, Sire? You are awake?" 

"Where is Samantha?"

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. 

"I believe she is in her room." I answered.

"Bring her to me."

I swallowed. 

"Sire, I am sorry, but you can't see anyone right now. Your life was threatened by your parents."

He shifted uncomfortably, and I rushed to his side to hold him up. He balanced on my hands, and he was warm. That meant he was still really sick. Cold was our natural state.

"My parents?" He asked, his voice weak.

"I believe so. The silver headrests were not sharp enough to have pierced through the body of a vampire king like yourself, sire. And, the push and pull that had happened at that entrance could have safely seen you outside, since you are vampire, not human. I believe they want to have their revenge against you. And.." I let my voice trail off and he looked at me.

"And what?" 

"And, I do hope you know, sure, that there are vampires like your parents who want you to lose the humanity you have. Naturally, Samantha and you will face alot of problems. I do hope she is willing to stick by your side through it, or, you could actually lose it."

He nodded. "But is she safe?"

"I made sure of that, your highness. She won't have any problems till you are well again. I will station my best, most trusted guards at her door, and as per your wish, she will not see them."

He smiled proudly. I live for that satisfaction.

"What can I do without you, Nick?"

"Everything, you're king."

He laughed. "But, what is a king without his most trusted Aide?".

"Still a king," I answered.

"You know what, Nick? I'll teach you your importance later. For now, please let me get dressed and meet my subjects. They do not need a king who is easily put down by some dead vampires' headrests now, do they?"

He stod up, towering over me easily. He was elegant like a king, and his sense of humor endeared him to me even more. Our city needed him the way he was, a bit of human and a lot of vampire. I just didn't like the woman who would keep that bit of human in him.